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Storage for private, distributed, offline-first applications.
import { Crypto } from "../../crypto/crypto.ts";import { DocAttachment } from "../../util/doc-types.ts";import { ReplicaIsClosedError, ValidationError } from "../../util/errors.ts";import { streamToBytes } from "../../util/streams.ts";import { IReplicaAttachmentDriver } from "../replica-types.ts";
/** An attachment driver which persists attachments in memory. * Works everywhere. */export class AttachmentDriverMemory implements IReplicaAttachmentDriver { private stagingMap = new Map<string, Blob>(); private attachmentMap = new Map<string, Blob>(); private closed = false;
private getKey(formatName: string, attachmentHash: string) { return `${formatName}___${attachmentHash}`; }
getAttachment( formatName: string, attachmentHash: string, ): Promise<DocAttachment | undefined> { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const key = this.getKey(formatName, attachmentHash); const attachment = this.attachmentMap.get(key);
if (!attachment) { return Promise.resolve(undefined); }
return Promise.resolve({ bytes: async () => new Uint8Array(await attachment.arrayBuffer()), stream: () => Promise.resolve( // Need to do this for Node's sake. as unknown as ReadableStream<Uint8Array>, ), }); }
async stage( formatName: string, attachment: ReadableStream<Uint8Array> | Uint8Array, ) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const bytes = attachment instanceof Uint8Array ? attachment : await streamToBytes(attachment);
const hash = await Crypto.sha256base32(bytes);
const newAttachment = new Blob([bytes]);
const key = this.getKey(formatName, hash);
this.stagingMap.set(key, newAttachment);
return Promise.resolve({ hash, size: bytes.byteLength, commit: () => { this.attachmentMap.set(key, newAttachment); this.stagingMap.delete(key);
return Promise.resolve(); }, reject: () => { this.stagingMap.delete(key);
return Promise.resolve(); }, }); }
erase(formatName: string, attachmentHash: string) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const key = this.getKey(formatName, attachmentHash); if (this.attachmentMap.has(key)) { this.attachmentMap.delete(key); return Promise.resolve(true as true); }
return Promise.resolve( new ValidationError("No attachment with that signature found."), ); }
wipe() { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); this.attachmentMap.clear(); return Promise.resolve(); }
async filter( hashes: Record<string, Set<string>>, ): Promise<{ format: string; hash: string }[]> { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); const erasedAttachments = [];
for (const key of this.attachmentMap.keys()) { const [format, hash] = key.split("___");
const hashesToKeep = hashes[format];
if (hashesToKeep && !hashesToKeep.has(hash)) { const result = await this.erase(format, hash);
if (result) { erasedAttachments.push({ format, hash }); } } }
return erasedAttachments; }
clearStaging() { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); this.stagingMap.clear(); return Promise.resolve(); }
isClosed(): boolean { return this.closed; }
async close(erase: boolean) { if (this.closed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError();
if (erase) { await this.wipe(); }
this.closed = true;
return; }}