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A specification and Javascript library for building online tools you can truly call your own.
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  • Feature: Added generateShareAddress utility to generate valid, safe share addresses.
  • Feature: Updated filesystem sync so that deleted (not just modified) files can be overwritten using the overwriteFilesAtOwnedPaths option.


  • Feature: Added ‘overwriteFilesAtOwnedPaths’ option to SyncFsOptions. This will forcibly overwrite any files at paths owned by other identities with ones from the replica.


  • Added a pulled property to syncer statuses.
  • Fixed an issue where SyncCoordinators would pull twice as much as they needed to.


  • Breaking: Syncing has been updated so that peers inform each other when they are caught up. v7 - v8 peers will not be able to sync with each other.
  • Patch: Addressed an issue affecting synchronisation with HTTP peers.
  • Feature: Peer.syncUntilCaughtUp. Syncs with targets until both sides of the synchronisation have nothing left to pull from each other.
  • Patch: SyncCoordinator will now request 10 docs at a time instead of everything a peer has.
  • Feature: Peer.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of Peer’s sync operations’ statuses.
  • Feature: Syncer.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of syncer’s connections’ sync statuses.
  • Feature: SyncCoordinator.syncStatuses. Subscribable map of coordinator’s shares’ sync statuses, with number of ingested docs and ‘caught up’ status of each syncing session.
  • Patch: Common shares between peers are re-established whenever a Peer’s set of replicas chages.
  • Patch: Improved the heuristic syncReplicaAndFsDir uses to determine whether a file has changed or not, fixing issues where files at owned paths which had not been changed would cause the function to throw.


  • Patch: Made syncReplicaAndFsDir ignore .DS_Store files.
  • Patch: Improve how syncReplicaAndFsDir determines the latest version of a document, fixing an issue with ‘zombie’ files which would return after deletion.


  • Feature: Added a new export, syncReplicaAndFsDir, which bidirectionally syncs the contents of a replica and filesystem directory.
  • Patch: Replica drivers will now validate share addresses which have been passed to them.
  • Patch: ReplicaDriverSqlite (Deno and Node) now initialise their maxLocalIndex correctly, fixing issues where new documents could not be created.
  • Patch: ReplicaDriverSqlite (Deno) now no longer fails when using the create mode.
  • Patch: SyncCoordinator now requests all document history from other peers.