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import { ITransport, SuperbusMap, TransportHttpClient, TransportLocal, TransportWebsocketClient,} from "../../deps.ts";
import { ShareAddress } from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { IReplica } from "../replica/replica-types.ts";import { IPeer, PeerId } from "./peer-types.ts";import { Syncer } from "../syncer/syncer.ts";import { SyncerBag } from "../syncer/_syncer-bag.ts";
import { randomId } from "../util/misc.ts";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";import { SyncSessionStatus } from "../syncer/syncer-types.ts";const logger = new Logger("peer", "orangeRed");
const J = JSON.stringify;
/** Holds many shares' replicas and manages their synchronisation with other peers. Recommended as the point of contact between your application and Earthstar shares. */export class Peer implements IPeer { peerId: PeerId;
/** A subscribable map of the replicas stored in this peer. */ replicaMap: SuperbusMap<ShareAddress, IReplica> = new SuperbusMap();
/** A subscribable map of each of this Peer's sync operations' statuses */ syncerStatuses: SuperbusMap<string, Record<ShareAddress, SyncSessionStatus>> = new SuperbusMap();
constructor() { logger.debug("constructor");
this.peerId = "peer:" + randomId(); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // getters
hasShare(share: ShareAddress): boolean { return this.replicaMap.has(share); } shares(): ShareAddress[] { const keys = [...this.replicaMap.keys()]; keys.sort(); return keys; } replicas(): IReplica[] { const keys = [...this.replicaMap.keys()]; keys.sort(); return => this.replicaMap.get(key) as IReplica); } size(): number { return this.replicaMap.size; } getReplica(ws: ShareAddress): IReplica | undefined { return this.replicaMap.get(ws); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // setters
async addReplica(replica: IReplica): Promise<void> { logger.debug(`addReplica(${J(replica.share)})`); if (this.replicaMap.has(replica.share)) { logger.debug(`already had a replica with that share`); throw new Error( `Peer.addReplica: already has a replica with share ${ J(replica.share) }. Don't add another one.`, ); } await this.replicaMap.set(replica.share, replica); logger.debug(` ...addReplica: done`); } async removeReplicaByShare(share: ShareAddress): Promise<void> { logger.debug(`removeReplicaByShare(${J(share)})`); await this.replicaMap.delete(share); } async removeReplica(replica: IReplica): Promise<void> { const existingReplica = this.replicaMap.get(replica.share); if (replica === existingReplica) { logger.debug(`removeReplica(${J(replica.share)})`); await this.removeReplicaByShare(replica.share); } else { logger.debug( `removeReplica(${ J(replica.share) }) -- same share but it's a different instance now; ignoring`, ); } }
//---------------------------------------------- // Syncing stuff
// A few variables to store syncers for re-use. private httpSyncer: Syncer<TransportHttpClient<SyncerBag>> | null = null; private websocketSyncer: Syncer<TransportWebsocketClient<SyncerBag>> | null = null; private localSyncer: Syncer<TransportLocal<SyncerBag>> | null = null; private targetLocalSyncers: Map<string, Syncer<TransportLocal<SyncerBag>>> = new Map();
private subscribeSyncerStatuses<TransportType extends ITransport<SyncerBag>>( syncer: Syncer<TransportType>, ) { syncer.syncStatuses.bus.on("*", async () => { for (const [connectionDesc, statuses] of syncer.syncStatuses.entries()) { await this.syncerStatuses.set(connectionDesc, statuses); } });
syncer.syncStatuses.bus.on("deleted", (_channel, data) => { this.syncerStatuses.delete(data.key); }); }
private addOrGetWebsocketSyncer(): Syncer< TransportWebsocketClient<SyncerBag> > { if (!this.websocketSyncer) { this.websocketSyncer = new Syncer(this, (methods) => { return new TransportWebsocketClient({ deviceId: this.peerId, methods, }); });
this.subscribeSyncerStatuses(this.websocketSyncer); }
return this.websocketSyncer; }
private addOrGetHttpSyncer(): Syncer<TransportHttpClient<SyncerBag>> { if (!this.httpSyncer) { this.httpSyncer = new Syncer(this, (methods) => { return new TransportHttpClient({ deviceId: this.peerId, methods, }); });
this.subscribeSyncerStatuses(this.httpSyncer); }
return this.httpSyncer; }
private addOrGetLocalSyncer(): Syncer<TransportLocal<SyncerBag>> { if (!this.localSyncer) { this.localSyncer = new Syncer(this, (methods) => { return new TransportLocal({ deviceId: this.peerId, methods, description: `Local:${this.peerId}}`, }); });
this.subscribeSyncerStatuses(this.localSyncer); }
return this.localSyncer; }
/** * Begin synchronising with a remote or local peer. * @param target - A HTTP URL, Websocket URL, or an instance of `Peer`. * @returns A function which stops the synchronisation when called. */ sync(target: IPeer | string) { try { // Check if it's a URL of some kind. const url = new URL(target as string);
// Check if it's a websocket syncer if (url.protocol.startsWith("ws")) { const websocketSyncer = this.addOrGetWebsocketSyncer(); const connection = websocketSyncer.transport.addConnection( url.toString(), );
return () => { connection.close(); }; }
// Set up a HttpSyncer const httpSyncer = this.addOrGetHttpSyncer(); const connection = httpSyncer.transport.addConnection(url.toString());
return () => { connection.close(); }; } catch { // Not a URL, so it must be a peer. const localSyncer = this.addOrGetLocalSyncer();
// Make sure a peer can't sync with itself — seems bad. if (this === target) { return () => {}; }
// Check if there's already a sync operation with this Peer const maybeExistingSyncer = this.targetLocalSyncers.get( (target as Peer).peerId, ); if (maybeExistingSyncer) { return () => { maybeExistingSyncer.close(); }; }
// Otherwise create a new syncer and add it to a private set of target syncers const otherSyncer = new Syncer(target as Peer, (methods) => { return new TransportLocal({ deviceId: (target as Peer).peerId, methods, description: (target as Peer).peerId, }); }); this.targetLocalSyncers.set((target as Peer).peerId, otherSyncer); localSyncer.transport.addConnection( otherSyncer.transport, );
return () => { // Remove the target syncer and close it — this will also close the connection from our Peer's side. this.targetLocalSyncers.delete((target as Peer).peerId); otherSyncer.close(); }; } }
/** Stop all synchronisations. */ stopSyncing() { if (this.httpSyncer) { this.httpSyncer.close(); this.httpSyncer = null; }
if (this.websocketSyncer) { this.websocketSyncer.close(); this.websocketSyncer = null; }
if (this.localSyncer) { this.targetLocalSyncers.forEach((targetSyncer) => { targetSyncer.close(); }); this.targetLocalSyncers.clear(); this.localSyncer.close(); this.localSyncer = null; } }
/** Sync with many peers until there is nothing left to pull, and then stops. * @param targets - An array made up of HTTP URLs, Websocket URLs, or `Peer` instances. * @returns A report of all the peers which were synced with. */ async syncUntilCaughtUp(targets: (IPeer | string)[]) { let unsubscribeFromBus: (() => void) | null = null;
const stopSyncers = [];
for (const target of targets) { stopSyncers.push(this.sync(target)); }
const report = await new Promise< Record<string, Record<ShareAddress, SyncSessionStatus>> >( (resolve) => { // Every time the syncer statuses change... unsubscribeFromBus = this.syncerStatuses.bus.on("*", () => { // This is an iterable of record of shares to sync statuses for each. const statuses = this.syncerStatuses.values();
// Make a list of all sync ops' 'isCaughtUp' property. const caughtUps = [];
for (const status of statuses) { for (const shareAddress in status) { caughtUps.push(status[shareAddress].isCaughtUp); caughtUps.push(status[shareAddress].partnerIsCaughtUp); } }
// If all of them are caught up, report. if (caughtUps.every((isCaughtUp) => isCaughtUp)) { const report: Record< string, Record<ShareAddress, SyncSessionStatus> > = {};
// Need to turn the SuperbusMap into a plain object. for ( const [peerDescription, statuses] of this.syncerStatuses.entries() ) { report[peerDescription] = statuses; }
resolve(report); } }); }, );
stopSyncers.forEach((stop) => stop());
if (unsubscribeFromBus !== null) { (unsubscribeFromBus as () => void)(); }
return Promise.resolve(report); }}