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// @deno-types="./indexeddb-types.deno.d.ts"
import { Doc, ShareAddress } from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { ReplicaIsClosedError } from "../util/errors.ts";import { ReplicaDriverMemory } from "./replica-driver-memory.ts";import { Query } from "../query/query-types.ts";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";
const logger = new Logger("replica driver indexeddb", "gold");
const DOC_STORE = "documents";const DOCUMENTS_ID = "allDocs";const CONFIG_STORE = "config";
/** A replica driver which persists to IndexedDB in the browser. Maximum storage capacity varies, but is generally upwards of one gigabyte. * Works in browsers. */export class ReplicaDriverIndexedDB extends ReplicaDriverMemory { _db: IDBDatabase | null = null;
/** * @param share - The address of the share the replica belongs to. */ constructor(share: ShareAddress) { super(share); logger.debug("constructor");
this.docByPathAndAuthor = new Map(); this.docsByPathNewestFirst = new Map(); }
getIndexedDb(): Promise<IDBDatabase> { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (this._db) { return resolve(this._db); }
// dnt-shim-ignore if (!(window as any).indexedDB) { return reject(); }
// dnt-shim-ignore const request = ((window as any).indexedDB as IDBFactory).open( `earthstar:share:${this.share}`, 1, );
request.onerror = () => { logger.error(`Could not open IndexedDB for ${this.share}`); logger.error(request.error); return reject(request.error); };
request.onupgradeneeded = function () { const db = request.result;
// we're going to store everything in one row. db.createObjectStore(DOC_STORE, { keyPath: "id" }); db.createObjectStore(CONFIG_STORE, { keyPath: "key" }); };
request.onsuccess = () => { this._db = request.result;
const transaction = request.result.transaction( [DOC_STORE], "readonly", );
const store = transaction.objectStore(DOC_STORE); const retrieval = store.get(DOCUMENTS_ID);
retrieval.onsuccess = () => { if (!retrieval.result || !retrieval.result["docs"]) { return resolve(request.result); }
const docs = retrieval.result["docs"];
this.docByPathAndAuthor = new Map( Object.entries(docs.byPathAndAuthor), ); this.docsByPathNewestFirst = new Map( Object.entries(docs.byPathNewestFirst), );
const localIndexes = Array.from(this.docByPathAndAuthor.values()).map( (doc) => doc._localIndex as number, ); this._maxLocalIndex = Math.max(...localIndexes);
return resolve(request.result); };
retrieval.onerror = () => { logger.debug( `StorageIndexedDB constructing: No existing DB for ${this.share}`, ); reject(); }; }; }); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
// isClosed(): inherited async close(erase: boolean): Promise<void> { logger.debug("close"); if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } if (erase) { logger.debug("...close: and erase"); this._configKv = {}; this._maxLocalIndex = -1; this.docsByPathNewestFirst.clear(); this.docByPathAndAuthor.clear();
logger.debug("...close: erasing indexeddb");
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
for (let key of await this.listConfigKeys()) { await this.deleteConfig(key); }
const deletion = db .transaction(DOC_STORE, "readwrite") .objectStore(DOC_STORE) .delete(DOCUMENTS_ID);
deletion.onsuccess = () => { logger.debug("...close: erasing is done"); }; } this._isClosed = true; logger.debug("...close is done."); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // CONFIG
async getConfig(key: string): Promise<string | undefined> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const retrieval = db .transaction(CONFIG_STORE, "readonly") .objectStore(CONFIG_STORE) .get(key);
retrieval.onsuccess = () => { if (!retrieval.result) { return resolve(undefined); }
return resolve(retrieval.result.value); };
retrieval.onerror = () => { reject(retrieval.error); }; }); } async setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const set = db .transaction(CONFIG_STORE, "readwrite") .objectStore(CONFIG_STORE) .put({ key, value });
set.onsuccess = () => { resolve(); };
set.onerror = () => { reject(); }; }); } async listConfigKeys(): Promise<string[]> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const getKeys = db .transaction(CONFIG_STORE, "readonly") .objectStore(CONFIG_STORE) .getAllKeys();
getKeys.onsuccess = () => { resolve(getKeys.result.sort() as string[]); };
getKeys.onerror = () => { reject(); }; }); }
async deleteConfig(key: string): Promise<boolean> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
const hadIt = (await this.getConfig(key)) !== undefined;
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const deletion = db .transaction(CONFIG_STORE, "readwrite") .objectStore(CONFIG_STORE) .delete(key);
deletion.onsuccess = () => { resolve(hadIt); };
deletion.onerror = () => { reject(); }; }); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
// getMaxLocalIndex(): inherited
async queryDocs(query: Query) { // Make sure the IndexedDB has been loaded up await this.getIndexedDb(); const result = await super.queryDocs(query);
return result; }
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
async upsert(doc: Doc): Promise<Doc> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } const upsertedDoc = await super.upsert(doc);
// After every upsert, for now, we save everything // to IndexedDB as a single giant blob. // TODO: debounce this, only do it every 1 second or something
const docs = { byPathAndAuthor: Object.fromEntries(this.docByPathAndAuthor), byPathNewestFirst: Object.fromEntries(this.docsByPathNewestFirst), };
const db = await this.getIndexedDb();
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const put = db .transaction(DOC_STORE, "readwrite") .objectStore(DOC_STORE) .put({ id: DOCUMENTS_ID, docs, });
put.onsuccess = () => { resolve(upsertedDoc); };
put.onerror = () => { reject(); }; }); }}