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import { Doc, ShareAddress } from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { EarthstarError, isErr, ReplicaIsClosedError, ValidationError,} from "../util/errors.ts";import { IReplicaDriver } from "./replica-types.ts";import { CREATE_CONFIG_TABLE_QUERY, CREATE_DOCS_TABLE_QUERY, CREATE_LOCAL_INDEX_INDEX_QUERY, DELETE_CONFIG_QUERY, DELETE_EXPIRED_DOC_QUERY, GET_ENCODING_QUERY, makeDocQuerySql, MAX_LOCAL_INDEX_QUERY, ReplicaSqliteOpts, SELECT_CONFIG_CONTENT_QUERY, SELECT_EXPIRED_DOC_QUERY, SELECT_KEY_CONFIG_QUERY, SET_ENCODING_QUERY, UPSERT_CONFIG_QUERY, UPSERT_DOC_QUERY,} from "./replica-driver-sqlite.shared.ts";import * as Sqlite from "";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";import { bytesToString, stringToBytes } from "../util/bytes.ts";import { Query } from "../query/query-types.ts";import { cleanUpQuery, docIsExpired } from "../query/query.ts";import { sortedInPlace } from "./compare.ts";import { checkShareIsValid } from "../core-validators/addresses.ts";
const logger = new Logger("storage driver sqlite node", "yellow");
interface ConfigObject extends Sqlite.RowObject { key: string; content: string;}
interface DocObject extends Sqlite.RowObject { format: string; workspace: string; path: string; contentHash: string; content: Uint8Array; author: string; timestamp: number; deleteAfter: number; signature: string; localIndex?: number; toSortWithinPath?: number;}
/** A strorage driver which persists to SQLite. Works in Deno and browsers. */export class ReplicaDriverSqlite implements IReplicaDriver { share: ShareAddress; _filename: string; _isClosed = false; _db: Sqlite.DB = null as unknown as Sqlite.DB; _maxLocalIndex: number;
//-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
async close(erase: boolean): Promise<void> { logger.debug("close"); if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } if (this._db) { this._db.close(); } // delete the sqlite file if (erase === true && this._filename !== ":memory:") { logger.log(`...close: and erase`); try { await Deno.remove(this._filename); } catch (err) { logger.error("Failed to delete Sqlite file."); logger.error(err); } } this._isClosed = true; logger.debug("...close is done.");
return Promise.resolve(); }
isClosed(): boolean { return this._isClosed; }
constructor(opts: ReplicaSqliteOpts) { this._filename = opts.filename; this.share = "NOT_INITIALIZED";
// check if file exists if (opts.mode === "create") { if (opts.filename !== ":memory:") { try { // If no file is found, this will throw. Deno.openSync(opts.filename);
throw new EarthstarError( `Tried to create an sqlite file but it already exists: ${opts.filename}`, ); } catch (err) { // Only throw if the error was an Earthstar error thrown by us. // Otherwise it's the error thrown by the file not being found. Which is good. if (isErr(err)) { this.close(false); throw err; } } } } else if (opts.mode === "open") { if (opts.filename === ":memory:") { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `Tried to open :memory: as though it was a file`, ); }
try { Deno.openSync(opts.filename); } catch { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `Tried to open an sqlite file but it doesn't exist: ${opts.filename}`, ); } } else if (opts.mode === "create-or-open") { // file can exist or not. } else { // unknown mode this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `sqlite unrecognized opts.mode: ${(opts as any).mode}`, ); }
const addressIsValidResult = opts.share ? checkShareIsValid(opts.share) : true;
if (isErr(addressIsValidResult)) { throw addressIsValidResult; }
this._db = new Sqlite.DB(this._filename, { memory: this._filename === ":memory:", }); this._ensureTables();
const maxLocalIndexQuery = this._db.prepareQuery<[number]>( MAX_LOCAL_INDEX_QUERY, );
const [maxLocalIndexFromDb] =; maxLocalIndexQuery.finalize();
// We have to do this because the maxLocalIndexDb could be 0, which is falsy. this._maxLocalIndex = maxLocalIndexFromDb !== null ? maxLocalIndexFromDb : -1;
// check share if (opts.mode === "create") { // share is provided; set it into the file which we know didn't exist until just now this.share = opts.share; this.setConfig("share", this.share); } else if (opts.mode === "open") { // load existing share from file, which we know already existed... const existingShare = this._getConfigSync("share"); if (existingShare === undefined) { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `can't open sqlite file with opts.mode="open" because the file doesn't have a share saved in its config table. ${opts.filename}`, ); } // if it was also provided in opts, assert that it matches the file if ( opts.share !== null && opts.share !== this._getConfigSync("share") ) { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `sqlite with opts.mode="open" wanted share ${opts.share} but found ${existingShare} in the file ${opts.filename}`, ); } this.share = existingShare; } else if (opts.mode === "create-or-open") { // share must be provided if (opts.share === null) { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( 'sqlite with opts.mode="create-or-open" must have a share provided, not null', ); } this.share = opts.share;
// existing share can be undefined (file may not have existed yet) const existingShare = this._getConfigSync("share");
// if there is an existing share, it has to match the one given in opts if ( existingShare !== undefined && opts.share !== existingShare ) { this.close(false); throw new EarthstarError( `sqlite file had existing share ${existingShare} but opts wanted it to be ${opts.share} in file ${opts.filename}`, ); }
// set share if it's not set yet if (existingShare === undefined) { this.setConfig("share", opts.share); }
this.share = opts.share; }
// check and set schemaVersion let schemaVersion = this._getConfigSync("schemaVersion"); logger.log(`constructor schemaVersion: ${schemaVersion}`);
if (schemaVersion === undefined) { schemaVersion = "1"; this.setConfig("schemaVersion", schemaVersion); } else if (schemaVersion !== "1") { this.close(false); throw new ValidationError( `sqlite file ${this._filename} has unknown schema version ${schemaVersion}`, ); }
// get maxlocalindex }
//-------------------------------------------------- // CONFIG
setConfig(key: string, content: string): Promise<void> { logger.debug( `setConfig(${JSON.stringify(key)} = ${JSON.stringify(content)})`, ); if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } this._db.query(UPSERT_CONFIG_QUERY, { key: key, content: content });
return Promise.resolve(); }
_getConfigSync(key: string): string | undefined { const configQuery = this._db.prepareQuery<Sqlite.Row, ConfigObject>( SELECT_CONFIG_CONTENT_QUERY, );
try { const row = configQuery.oneEntry({ key }); const result = row.content;
logger.debug( `getConfig(${JSON.stringify(key)}) = ${JSON.stringify(result)}`, );
return result; } catch { return undefined; } finally { configQuery.finalize(); } }
_listConfigKeysSync(): string[] { const keysQuery = this._db.prepareQuery<string[]>(SELECT_KEY_CONFIG_QUERY);
const rows = keysQuery.all();
return sortedInPlace([key]) => key)); }
getConfig(key: string): Promise<string | undefined> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } return Promise.resolve(this._getConfigSync(key)); }
listConfigKeys(): Promise<string[]> { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); } return Promise.resolve(this._listConfigKeysSync()); }
deleteConfig(key: string): Promise<boolean> { logger.debug(`deleteConfig(${JSON.stringify(key)})`); if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
this._db.query(DELETE_CONFIG_QUERY, { key: key });
return Promise.resolve(this._db.changes > 0); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
getMaxLocalIndex(): number { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
return this._maxLocalIndex; }
queryDocs(queryToClean: Query): Promise<Doc[]> { // Query the documents
logger.debug("queryDocs", queryToClean); if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
// clean up the query and exit early if possible. const { query, willMatch } = cleanUpQuery(queryToClean); logger.debug(` cleanUpQuery. willMatch = ${willMatch}`); if (willMatch === "nothing") { return Promise.resolve([]); } const now = * 1000;
const { sql, params } = makeDocQuerySql(query, now, "documents"); logger.debug(" sql:", sql); logger.debug(" params:", params);
const docsQuery = this._db.prepareQuery<Sqlite.Row, DocObject>(sql);
const docs = docsQuery.allEntries(params);
if (query.historyMode === "latest") { // remove extra field we added to find the winner within each path docs.forEach((d) => { delete d.toSortWithinPath; }); }
// TODO: limitBytes, when this is added back to Query
// Transform the content from the DB (saved as BLOB) back to string
const docsWithStringContent = => ({ ...doc, content: doc.content ? bytesToString(doc.content) : "", _localIndex: doc.localIndex, }));
docsWithStringContent.forEach((doc) => delete doc.localIndex); docsWithStringContent.forEach((doc) => Object.freeze(doc)); logger.debug(` result: ${docs.length} docs`);
docsQuery.finalize(); return Promise.resolve(docsWithStringContent); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
upsert(doc: Doc): Promise<Doc> { // Insert new doc, replacing old doc if there is one logger.debug(`upsertDocument(doc.path: ${JSON.stringify(doc.path)})`);
if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
Object.freeze(doc); const docWithLocalIndex = { ...doc, _localIndex: this._maxLocalIndex + 1, };
this._maxLocalIndex += 1;
const contentAsBytes = stringToBytes(doc.content);
const docWithBytes = { ...docWithLocalIndex, content: contentAsBytes, };
this._db.query(UPSERT_DOC_QUERY, docWithBytes);
return Promise.resolve(docWithLocalIndex); }
eraseExpiredDocs() { if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
const now = * 1000;
const toDelete = this._db.query(SELECT_EXPIRED_DOC_QUERY, { now }); this._db.query(DELETE_EXPIRED_DOC_QUERY, { now });
return Promise.resolve([path]) => path as string)); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // SQL STUFF
_ensureTables() { // for each path and author we can have at most one document
// TODO: how to tell if we're loading an old sqlite file with old schema?
if (this._isClosed) { throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); }
// make sure sqlite is using utf-8 this._db.query(SET_ENCODING_QUERY); const encoding = this._db.query(GET_ENCODING_QUERY);
/* if (res !== "UTF-8") { throw new Error( `sqlite encoding is stubbornly set to ${encoding} instead of UTF-8`, ); }*/
// the config table is used to store these variables: // share - the share this store was created for // schemaVersion this._db.query(CREATE_CONFIG_TABLE_QUERY); }}