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A specification and Javascript library for building online tools you can truly call your own.
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import { AuthorAddress, AuthorKeypair, Doc, DocToSet, LocalIndex, Path, ShareAddress,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { HistoryMode, Query } from "../query/query-types.ts";import { IFormatValidator } from "../format-validators/format-validator-types.ts";import { ValidationError } from "../util/errors.ts";import { Superbus } from "../../deps.ts";
//================================================================================// TYPES AND EVENTS
export type ReplicaId = string;
export type ReplicaBusChannel = | "ingest" | // 'write|/some/path.txt' // note that write errors and no-ops are also sent here "expire" | "willClose" | "didClose";
export interface QueryResult { // the docs from the query... docs: Doc[]; // ...and the replica Driver's maxLocalIndex at the time // just before and just after the query was done. // This provided a lower and upper bound for the maxLocalIndex // associated with the resulting docs. // (This is the OVERALL max local index for // the whole replica, not just for the resulting docs.) maxLocalIndexBefore: number; maxLocalIndexAfter: number; // The max localIndex out of the returned docs. // This could be much smaller than the overall maxLocalIndex // if the docs have been filtered. // If there are no matching docs, this is -1. maxLocalIndexInResult: number;}
// IngestEvents are returned from replica.set() and replica.ingest(),// and sent as events on the replica.bus 'ingest' channel.
export interface IngestEventFailure { kind: "failure"; reason: "write_error" | "invalid_document"; maxLocalIndex: number; err: Error | null;}export interface IngestEventNothingHappened { kind: "nothing_happened"; reason: "obsolete_from_same_author" | "already_had_it"; maxLocalIndex: number; doc: Doc; // won't have a _localIndex because it was not actually ingested}export interface IngestEventSuccess { kind: "success"; maxLocalIndex: number; doc: Doc; // the just-written doc, frozen, with updated extra properties like _localIndex
docIsLatest: boolean; // is it the latest at this path (for any author)?
// the most recent doc from the same author, at this path, before the new doc was written. prevDocFromSameAuthor: Doc | null;
// the latest doc from any author at this path, before the new doc was written. // note this is actually still the latest doc if the just-written doc is an older one (docIsLatest===false) prevLatestDoc: Doc | null;}export interface DocAlreadyExists { // for a doc that was previously ingested, when a live query is catching up. kind: "existing"; maxLocalIndex: number; doc: Doc; // the just-written doc, frozen, with updated extra properties like _localIndex
//docIsLatest: boolean, // is it the latest at this path (for any author)?
//// the most recent doc from the same author, at this path, before the new doc was written. //prevDocFromSameAuthor: Doc | null,
//// the latest doc from any author at this path, before the new doc was written. //// note this is actually still the latest doc if the just-written doc is an older one (docIsLatest===false) //prevLatestDoc: Doc | null,}export interface ReplicaEventWillClose { kind: "willClose"; maxLocalIndex: number;}export interface ReplicaEventDidClose { kind: "didClose";}
export interface QueryFollowerDidClose { kind: "queryFollowerDidClose";}
export interface IdleEvent { kind: "idle";}
export interface ExpireEvent { kind: "expire"; path: string;}
/** * - IngestEventSuccess — a new doc was written * - IngestEventFailure — refused an invalid doc * - IngestEventNothingHappened — ingested an obsolete or duplicate doc */export type IngestEvent = | IngestEventFailure | IngestEventNothingHappened | IngestEventSuccess;
/** * - DocAlreadyExists — processing an old doc as you catch up * - IdleEvent — reached the end of existing docs; waiting for new docs * - IngestEvent — the result of a replica ingesting a document * - ReplicaEventWillClose — the replica is about to close * - ReplicaEventDidClose — the replica has closed * - QueryFollowerDidClose — the query follower was closed (can happen on its own or after the replica closes) */export type LiveQueryEvent = | DocAlreadyExists | // catching up... IdleEvent | // waiting for an ingest to happen... IngestEvent | // an ingest happened ExpireEvent | ReplicaEventWillClose | ReplicaEventDidClose | QueryFollowerDidClose;
export interface IReplicaConfig { // These methods will be mixed into the IReplica. // This is for local replica of configuration details for replica instances. // This data will not be directly sync'd with other instances. // replica drivers implement these, and IReplica just has stubs of // these methods that call out to the replica driver. getConfig(key: string): Promise<string | undefined>; setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise<void>; listConfigKeys(): Promise<string[]>; // sorted deleteConfig(key: string): Promise<boolean>;}
/** * A replica of a share's data, used to read, write, and synchronise data to. * Should be closed using the `close` method when no longer being used. * ``` * const myReplica = new Replica("+a.a123", Es4Validatior, new ReplicaDriverMemory()); * ``` */export interface IReplica extends IReplicaConfig { replicaId: ReplicaId; /** The address of the share this replica belongs to. */ share: ShareAddress; /** The validator used to validate ingested documents. */ formatValidator: IFormatValidator; replicaDriver: IReplicaDriver; bus: Superbus<ReplicaBusChannel>;
//-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
/** Returns whether the replica is closed or not. */ isClosed(): boolean;
/** * Closes the replica, preventing new documents from being ingested or events being emitted. * Any methods called after closing will return `ReplicaIsClosedError`. * @param erase - Erase the contents of the replica. Defaults to `false`. */ /* More details:
* send ReplicaWillClose events and wait for event receivers to finish blocking. * close the IReplica * close the IReplicaDriver and possibly erase it * send ReplicaDidClose events and do not wait for event receivers.
Any function called after the replica is closed will throw a ReplicaIsClosedError, except isClosed() is always allowed.
You cannot call close() if the replica is already closed (it will throw a ReplicaIsClosedError).
close() can happen while set() or ingest() are waiting for locks or have pending transactions. In that case, the pending operations will fail and throw a ReplicaIsClosed.
If erase is true, actually delete and forget the local data (remove files, etc). Erase defaults to false if not provided. */ close(erase: boolean): Promise<void>;
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
// this one is synchronous /** Returns the max local index of all stored documents */ getMaxLocalIndex(): number;
// these should all return frozen docs getDocsAfterLocalIndex( historyMode: HistoryMode, startAfter: LocalIndex, limit?: number, ): Promise<Doc[]>; /** Returns all documents, including historical versions of documents by other identities. */ getAllDocs(): Promise<Doc[]>; /** Returns latest document from every path. */ getLatestDocs(): Promise<Doc[]>; /** Returns all versions of a document by different authors from a specific path. */ getAllDocsAtPath(path: Path): Promise<Doc[]>; /** Returns the most recently written version of a document at a path. */ getLatestDocAtPath(path: Path): Promise<Doc | undefined>;
/** Returns an array of docs for a given query. ``` const myQuery = { filter: { pathEndsWith: ".txt" }, limit: 5, };
const firstFiveTextDocs = await myReplica.queryDocs(myQuery); ``` */ queryDocs(query?: Query): Promise<Doc[]>;
/** Returns an array of all unique paths of documents returned by a given query. */ queryPaths(query?: Query): Promise<Path[]>;
/** Returns an array of all unique authors of documents returned by a given query. */ queryAuthors(query?: Query): Promise<AuthorAddress[]>;
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
/** * Adds a new document to the replica. If a document signed by the same identity exists at the same path, it will be overwritten. */ set(keypair: AuthorKeypair, docToSet: DocToSet): Promise<IngestEvent>;
/** * Ingest an existing signed document to the replica. */ // this should freeze the incoming doc if needed ingest(doc: Doc): Promise<IngestEvent>;
/** * Overwrite every document from this author, including history versions, with an empty doc. */ // More: // The new docs will have a timestamp of (oldDoc.timestamp + 1) to prevent them from // jumping to the front of the history and becoming Latest. // Return the number of docs changed, or a ValidationError. // Already-empty docs will not be overwritten. // If an error occurs this will stop early. overwriteAllDocsByAuthor( keypair: AuthorKeypair, ): Promise<number | ValidationError>;}
/** * A replica driver provides low-level access to actual replica and is used by IReplica to actually load and save data. ReplicaDrivers are not meant to be used directly by users; let the Replica talk to it for you. */export interface IReplicaDriver extends IReplicaConfig { share: ShareAddress; //-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
/** Returns if the replica has been closed or not. */ isClosed(): boolean;
/** * Close the replica Driver. * The replica will call this. * You cannot call close() if the replica is already closed (it will throw a ReplicaIsClosedError). * If erase, actually delete and forget data locally. * Erase defaults to false if not provided. */ close(erase: boolean): Promise<void>;
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
/** The max local index used so far. */ // The first doc will increment this and get index 1. // This is synchronous because it's expected that the driver will // load it once at startup and then keep it in memory. getMaxLocalIndex(): number;
/** Returns an array of Docs given a Query. */ // these should return frozen docs queryDocs(query: Query): Promise<Doc[]>; // queryPaths(query: Query): Doc[]; // TODO: add a special getAllDocsAtPath for use by ingest?
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
/** Add or update a signed document. */ // do no checks of any kind, just save it to the indexes // add a doc. don't enforce any rules on it. // overwrite existing doc even if this doc is older. // return a copy of the doc, frozen, with _localIndex set. upsert(doc: Doc): Promise<Doc>;
/** Erase all expired docs from the replica permanently, leaving no trace of the documents. Returns the paths of the expired documents. */ eraseExpiredDocs(): Promise<Path[]>;}