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A specification and Javascript library for building online tools you can truly call your own.
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import { Lock, Superbus } from "../../deps.ts";import { Cmp } from "./util-types.ts";import { AuthorAddress, AuthorKeypair, Doc, DocToSet, LocalIndex, Path, ShareAddress,} from "../util/doc-types.ts";import { HistoryMode, Query } from "../query/query-types.ts";import { IngestEvent, IReplica, IReplicaDriver, ReplicaBusChannel, ReplicaId,} from "./replica-types.ts";import { IFormatValidator } from "../format-validators/format-validator-types.ts";import { isErr, ReplicaIsClosedError, ValidationError,} from "../util/errors.ts";import { microsecondNow, randomId } from "../util/misc.ts";import { compareArrays } from "./compare.ts";import { checkShareIsValid } from "../core-validators/addresses.ts";
import { Crypto } from "../crypto/crypto.ts";
import { Logger } from "../util/log.ts";const J = JSON.stringify;const logger = new Logger("replica", "gold");const loggerSet = new Logger("replica set", "gold");const loggerIngest = new Logger("replica ingest", "gold");
function docCompareNewestFirst(a: Doc, b: Doc): Cmp { // Sorts by timestamp DESC (newest fist) and breaks ties using the signature ASC. return compareArrays( [a.timestamp, a.signature], [b.timestamp, a.signature], ["DESC", "ASC"], );}
/** * A replica of a share's data, used to read, write, and synchronise data to. * Should be closed using the `close` method when no longer being used. * ``` * const myReplica = new Replica("+a.a123", Es4Validatior, new ReplicaDriverMemory()); * ``` */export class Replica implements IReplica { replicaId: ReplicaId; // todo: save it to the driver too, and reload it when starting up /** The address of the share this replica belongs to. */ share: ShareAddress; /** The validator used to validate ingested documents. */ formatValidator: IFormatValidator; replicaDriver: IReplicaDriver; bus: Superbus<ReplicaBusChannel>;
private _isClosed = false; private ingestLock: Lock<IngestEvent>; private eraseInterval: number;
constructor( share: ShareAddress, validator: IFormatValidator, driver: IReplicaDriver, ) { const addressIsValidResult = checkShareIsValid(share);
if (isErr(addressIsValidResult)) { throw addressIsValidResult; }
logger.debug( `constructor. driver = ${(driver as any)?.constructor?.name}`, );
this.replicaId = "replica-" + randomId(); this.share = share; this.formatValidator = validator; this.replicaDriver = driver; this.bus = new Superbus<ReplicaBusChannel>("|"); this.ingestLock = new Lock<IngestEvent>();
this.eraseInterval = setInterval(() => { if (!this.isClosed()) { this.eraseExpiredDocs(); } else { clearInterval(this.eraseInterval); } }); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // LIFECYCLE
/** Returns whether the replica is closed or not. */ isClosed(): boolean { return this._isClosed; }
/** * Closes the replica, preventing new documents from being ingested or events being emitted. * Any methods called after closing will return `ReplicaIsClosedError`. * @param erase - Erase the contents of the replica. Defaults to `false`. */ async close(erase: boolean): Promise<void> { logger.debug("closing..."); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); // TODO: do this all in a lock? logger.debug(" sending willClose blockingly..."); await this.bus.sendAndWait("willClose"); logger.debug(" marking self as closed..."); this._isClosed = true; logger.debug(` closing ReplicaDriver (erase = ${erase})...`); await this.replicaDriver.close(erase); logger.debug(" sending didClose nonblockingly..."); await this.bus.sendAndWait("didClose"); logger.debug("...closing done"); clearInterval(this.eraseInterval);
return Promise.resolve(); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // CONFIG
async getConfig(key: string): Promise<string | undefined> { if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.getConfig(key); } async setConfig(key: string, value: string): Promise<void> { if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.setConfig(key, value); } async listConfigKeys(): Promise<string[]> { if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.listConfigKeys(); } async deleteConfig(key: string): Promise<boolean> { if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.deleteConfig(key); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // GET
/** Returns the max local index of all stored documents */ getMaxLocalIndex(): number { if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(); }
async getDocsAfterLocalIndex( historyMode: HistoryMode, startAfter: LocalIndex, limit?: number, ): Promise<Doc[]> { logger.debug( `getDocsAfterLocalIndex(${historyMode}, ${startAfter}, ${limit})`, ); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); let query: Query = { historyMode: historyMode, orderBy: "localIndex ASC", startAfter: { localIndex: startAfter, }, limit, }; return await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs(query); }
/** Returns all documents, including historical versions of documents by other identities. */ async getAllDocs(): Promise<Doc[]> { logger.debug(`getAllDocs()`); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs({ historyMode: "all", orderBy: "path ASC", }); } /** Returns latest document from every path. */ async getLatestDocs(): Promise<Doc[]> { logger.debug(`getLatestDocs()`); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs({ historyMode: "latest", orderBy: "path ASC", }); } /** Returns all versions of a document by different authors from a specific path. */ async getAllDocsAtPath(path: Path): Promise<Doc[]> { logger.debug(`getAllDocsAtPath("${path}")`); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs({ historyMode: "all", orderBy: "path ASC", filter: { path: path }, }); } /** Returns the most recently written version of a document at a path. */ async getLatestDocAtPath(path: Path): Promise<Doc | undefined> { logger.debug(`getLatestDocsAtPath("${path}")`); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); let docs = await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs({ historyMode: "latest", orderBy: "path ASC", filter: { path: path }, }); if (docs.length === 0) return undefined; return docs[0]; }
/** Returns an array of docs for a given query. ``` const myQuery = { filter: { pathEndsWith: ".txt" }, limit: 5, };
const firstFiveTextDocs = await myReplica.queryDocs(myQuery); ``` */ async queryDocs(query: Query = {}): Promise<Doc[]> { logger.debug(`queryDocs`, query); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); return await this.replicaDriver.queryDocs(query); }
/** Returns an array of all unique paths of documents returned by a given query. */ async queryPaths(query?: Query) { const docs = await this.queryDocs(query); const pathsSet = new Set({ path }) => path)); return Array.from(pathsSet).sort(); }
/** Returns an array of all unique authors of documents returned by a given query. */ async queryAuthors(query?: Query) { const docs = await this.queryDocs(query); const authorsSet = new Set({ author }) => author)); return Array.from(authorsSet).sort(); }
//-------------------------------------------------- // SET
/** * Adds a new document to the replica. If a document signed by the same identity exists at the same path, it will be overwritten. */ async set( keypair: AuthorKeypair, docToSet: DocToSet, ): Promise<IngestEvent> { loggerSet.debug(`set`, docToSet); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError();
loggerSet.debug( "...deciding timestamp: getting latest doc at the same path (from any author)", );
let timestamp: number; if (typeof docToSet.timestamp === "number") { timestamp = docToSet.timestamp; loggerSet.debug( "...docToSet already has a timestamp; not changing it from ", timestamp, ); } else { // bump timestamp if needed to win over existing latest doc at same path let latestDocSamePath = await this.getLatestDocAtPath( docToSet.path, ); if (latestDocSamePath === undefined) { timestamp = microsecondNow(); loggerSet.debug( " existing latest doc, setting timestamp to now() =", timestamp, ); } else { timestamp = Math.max( microsecondNow(), latestDocSamePath.timestamp + 1, ); loggerSet.debug( "...existing latest doc found, bumping timestamp to win if needed =", timestamp, ); } }
let doc: Doc = { format: "es.4", author: keypair.address, content: docToSet.content, contentHash: await Crypto.sha256base32(docToSet.content), deleteAfter: docToSet.deleteAfter ?? null, path: docToSet.path, timestamp, workspace: this.share, signature: "?", // signature will be added in just a moment // _localIndex will be added during upsert. it's not needed for the signature. };
loggerSet.debug("...signing doc"); let signedDoc = await this.formatValidator.signDocument(keypair, doc); if (isErr(signedDoc)) { return { kind: "failure", reason: "invalid_document", err: signedDoc, maxLocalIndex: this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(), }; } loggerSet.debug("...signature =", signedDoc.signature);
loggerSet.debug("...ingesting"); loggerSet.debug("-----------------------"); let ingestEvent = await this.ingest(signedDoc); loggerSet.debug("-----------------------"); loggerSet.debug("...done ingesting"); loggerSet.debug("...set is done."); return ingestEvent; }
/** * Ingest an existing signed document to the replica. */ async ingest(docToIngest: Doc): Promise<IngestEvent> { loggerIngest.debug(`ingest`, docToIngest); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError();
loggerIngest.debug("...removing extra fields"); let removeResultsOrErr = this.formatValidator.removeExtraFields( docToIngest, ); if (isErr(removeResultsOrErr)) { return { kind: "failure", reason: "invalid_document", err: removeResultsOrErr, maxLocalIndex: this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(), }; } docToIngest = removeResultsOrErr.doc; // a copy of doc without extra fields let extraFields = removeResultsOrErr.extras; // any extra fields starting with underscores if (Object.keys(extraFields).length > 0) { loggerIngest.debug(`...extra fields found: ${J(extraFields)}`); }
// now actually check doc validity against core schema let docIsValid = this.formatValidator.checkDocumentIsValid(docToIngest); if (isErr(docIsValid)) { return { kind: "failure", reason: "invalid_document", err: docIsValid, maxLocalIndex: this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(), }; }
let writeToDriverWithLock = async (): Promise<IngestEvent> => { // get other docs at the same path loggerIngest.debug(" >> ingest: start of protected region"); loggerIngest.debug( " > getting other history docs at the same path by any author", ); let existingDocsSamePath = await this.getAllDocsAtPath( docToIngest.path, ); loggerIngest.debug(` > ${existingDocsSamePath.length}`);
loggerIngest.debug(" > getting prevLatest and prevSameAuthor"); let prevLatest: Doc | null = existingDocsSamePath[0] ?? null; let prevSameAuthor: Doc | null = existingDocsSamePath.filter((d) => === )[0] ?? null;
loggerIngest.debug( " > checking if new doc is latest at this path", ); existingDocsSamePath.push(docToIngest); existingDocsSamePath.sort(docCompareNewestFirst); let isLatest = existingDocsSamePath[0] === docToIngest; loggerIngest.debug(` > ...isLatest: ${isLatest}`);
if (!isLatest && prevSameAuthor !== null) { loggerIngest.debug( " > new doc is not latest and there is another one from the same author...", ); // check if this is obsolete or redudant from the same author let docComp = docCompareNewestFirst( docToIngest, prevSameAuthor, ); if (docComp === Cmp.GT) { loggerIngest.debug( " > new doc is GT prevSameAuthor, so it is obsolete", ); return { kind: "nothing_happened", reason: "obsolete_from_same_author", doc: docToIngest, maxLocalIndex: this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(), }; } if (docComp === Cmp.EQ) { loggerIngest.debug( " > new doc is EQ prevSameAuthor, so it is redundant (already_had_it)", ); return { kind: "nothing_happened", reason: "already_had_it", doc: docToIngest, maxLocalIndex: this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex(), }; } }
// save it loggerIngest.debug(" > upserting into ReplicaDriver..."); let docAsWritten = await this.replicaDriver.upsert(docToIngest); // TODO: pass existingDocsSamePath to save another lookup loggerIngest.debug(" > ...done upserting into ReplicaDriver"); loggerIngest.debug(" > ...getting ReplicaDriver maxLocalIndex..."); let maxLocalIndex = this.replicaDriver.getMaxLocalIndex();
loggerIngest.debug( " >> ingest: end of protected region, returning a WriteEvent from the lock", ); return { kind: "success", maxLocalIndex, doc: docAsWritten, // with updated extra properties like _localIndex docIsLatest: isLatest, prevDocFromSameAuthor: prevSameAuthor, prevLatestDoc: prevLatest, }; };
loggerIngest.debug(" >> ingest: running protected region..."); let ingestEvent: IngestEvent = await writeToDriverWithLock, ); loggerIngest.debug(" >> ingest: ...done running protected region");
loggerIngest.debug("...send ingest event after releasing the lock"); loggerIngest.debug("...ingest event:", ingestEvent); await this.bus.sendAndWait( `ingest|${docToIngest.path}` as unknown as "ingest", ingestEvent, ); // include the path in the channel even on failures
return ingestEvent; }
/** * Overwrite every document from this author, including history versions, with an empty doc. @returns The number of documents changed, or -1 if there was an error. */ async overwriteAllDocsByAuthor( keypair: AuthorKeypair, ): Promise<number | ValidationError> { logger.debug(`overwriteAllDocsByAuthor("${keypair.address}")`); if (this._isClosed) throw new ReplicaIsClosedError(); // TODO: do this in batches const docsToOverwrite = await this.queryDocs({ filter: { author: keypair.address }, historyMode: "all", }); logger.debug( ` ...found ${docsToOverwrite.length} docs to overwrite`, ); let numOverwritten = 0; let numAlreadyEmpty = 0; for (const doc of docsToOverwrite) { if (doc.content.length === 0) { numAlreadyEmpty += 1; continue; }
// remove extra fields const cleanedResult = this.formatValidator.removeExtraFields(doc); if (isErr(cleanedResult)) return cleanedResult; const cleanedDoc = cleanedResult.doc;
// make new doc which is empty and just barely newer than the original const emptyDoc: Doc = { ...cleanedDoc, content: "", contentHash: await Crypto.sha256base32(""), timestamp: doc.timestamp + 1, signature: "?", };
// sign and ingest it const signedDoc = await this.formatValidator.signDocument( keypair, emptyDoc, ); if (isErr(signedDoc)) return signedDoc;
const ingestEvent = await this.ingest(signedDoc); if (ingestEvent.kind === "failure") { return new ValidationError( "ingestion error during overwriteAllDocsBySameAuthor: " + ingestEvent.reason + ": " + ingestEvent.err, ); } if (ingestEvent.kind === "nothing_happened") { return new ValidationError( "ingestion did nothing during overwriteAllDocsBySameAuthor: " + ingestEvent.reason, ); } else { // success numOverwritten += 1; } } logger.debug( ` ...done; ${numOverwritten} overwritten to be empty; ${numAlreadyEmpty} were already empty; out of total ${docsToOverwrite.length} docs`, ); return numOverwritten; }
private async eraseExpiredDocs() { const erasedPath = await this.replicaDriver.eraseExpiredDocs();
for (const path of erasedPath) { await this.bus.sendAndWait( `expire`, path, ); } }}