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An always-online Earthstar peer for your shares.
import { ExtensionKnownShares, ExtensionServeContent, ExtensionServeContentOpts, ExtensionSyncWeb, ReplicaServer, ReplicaServerOpts,} from "../mod.ts";import { Earthstar } from "../deps.ts";
/** A ready-made replica server populated with shares from a local list, able to serve the contents of a single share via HTTP requests. Great for building wikis, websites, and image galleries with friends. * - It will look for the known shares list at `./known_shares.json` * - Websocket sync endpoint is at `<hostname>/earthstar-api/v2` */export class ShowcaseServer { private server: ReplicaServer;
constructor( serveOpts: ExtensionServeContentOpts, opts: ReplicaServerOpts, ) { this.server = new ReplicaServer([ new ExtensionKnownShares({ knownSharesPath: "./known_shares.json", onCreateReplica: (shareAddress) => { return new Earthstar.Replica( { driver: { docDriver: new Earthstar.DocDriverSqlite({ share: shareAddress, filename: `./data/${shareAddress}.sql`, mode: "create-or-open", }), attachmentDriver: new Earthstar.AttachmentDriverFilesystem( `./data/${shareAddress}_attachments`, ), }, }, ); }, }), new ExtensionSyncWeb({ path: "/sync", }), new ExtensionServeContent(serveOpts), ], opts); }
close() { return this.server.close(); }}