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An always-online Earthstar peer for your shares.
import { Earthstar } from "../../deps.ts";import { IReplicaServerExtension } from "./extension.ts";
/** * - `knownSharesPath`: The path where the known shares (a JSON array of share addresses) is located. * - `onCreateReplica`: A callback used to create the replicas in the known shares list. Mostly useful for choosing how you'd like your shares to be persisted, e.g. probably by Sqlite. */interface ExtensionKnownSharesOpts { knownSharesPath: string; onCreateReplica: (shareAddress: string) => Earthstar.Replica;}
/** An extension for populating a replica server with known shares. Use this to specify which shares you'd like your replica server to sync with others. * * You most likely want to pass this as the first extension to your replica server. */export class ExtensionKnownShares implements IReplicaServerExtension { private peer: Earthstar.Peer | null = null; private knownSharesPath: string; private onCreateReplica: (shareAddress: string) => Earthstar.Replica;
constructor(opts: ExtensionKnownSharesOpts) { this.knownSharesPath = opts.knownSharesPath; this.onCreateReplica = opts.onCreateReplica; }
async register(peer: Earthstar.Peer) { this.peer = peer;
const knownSharesRaw = await Deno.readTextFile(this.knownSharesPath);
const knownShares = JSON.parse(knownSharesRaw) as string[];
for (const shareAddress of knownShares) { const replica = this.onCreateReplica(shareAddress);
await this.peer.addReplica(replica); } }
handler() { return Promise.resolve(null); }}