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Like JSON-RPC, but supports streaming.
.PHONY: clean example example-npm lint test test-watch test-coverage show-coverage coverage npm fmt depchart-simple depchart-full depchart clean: rm -rf npm build .nyc_output coverage *.bundle.js cov.lcov coverage_html cov_profile node_modules example: VERBOSE=true deno run --no-check=remote -A examples/example.ts example-npm: VERBOSE=true node npm/esm/examples/example.js lint: deno lint --rules-exclude=no-explicit-any,no-unused-vars,no-empty,no-inferrable-types,require-await *.ts scripts src test: deno test -A --no-check=remote --allow-net --unstable src test-watch: deno test -A --no-check=remote --allow-net --unstable --watch src test-coverage: deno test -A --no-check=remote --unstable --coverage=cov_profile src # to get "genhtml", run "sudo apt-get install lcov" (on linux) or "brew install lcov" (on mac) show-coverage: deno coverage cov_profile --lcov > cov.lcov && genhtml -o cov_html cov.lcov coverage: test-coverage show-coverage npm: deno run -A scripts/build_npm.ts $(VERSION) # deno fmt --options-single-quote --options-indent-width=4 --options-line-width=100 src/ scripts/ examples/ mod.ts deps.ts deps.deno.ts fmt: deno fmt depchart-simple: mkdir -p depchart && npx depchart deps.ts `find src | grep .ts` --exclude src/test/*.ts src/log.ts --rankdir LR -o depchart/depchart-simple --node_modules omit depchart-full: mkdir -p depchart && npx depchart examples/*.ts deps.ts mod.ts `find src | grep .ts` --rankdir LR -o depchart/depchart-full --node_modules integrated depchart: depchart-simple depchart-full