class ReadCase implements ReadCaseLikeimport { ReadCase } from ""; ConstructorsnewprivateReadCase(ch: Chan<T>)Type ParametersTPropertiesprivateoptionalread_: IteratorResult<T>readonlyisReady: booleanReturns whether this case is ready Methodsdo(resolve: (c: CaseLike) => void, reject: (c: CaseLike) => void): Connectioninvoke(): Promise<void>read(): undefined | TReturns the value read by the case, throws an exception if the case is not ready readRaw(): [undefined, false] | [T, true]Returns the value read by the case, throws an exception if the case is not ready reset(): voidreset read-write status tryInvoke(): booleanStatic Methodsmake<T>(ch: Chan<T>): ReadCase<T>