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A collection of useful utilities to make development with Deno even easier!


import easy from "";

The utilities are nested within modules in a way that aids natural language recognition and empowers the developer to drill down and find utilities by harnessing the IDE’s intellisense on dot notation. Less looking through documentation and more productivity!


String “Is A” Checks

if (easy.string.isA.string(str)) ...
if (easy.string.isA.number(numberStr)) ...
if (easy.string.isA.integer(integerStr)) ...
if (easy.string.isA.boolean(booleanStr)) ...

String Parse

const num = easy.string.parse.number(str);
const int = easy.string.parse.integer(str);
const bool = easy.string.parse.boolean(str);
const obj = easy.string.parse.url("");
const obj = easy.string.parse.urlQuery("var1=one&var2=two&var3=three");

String Trim

const leftTrimmed = easy.string.trim.charsLeft(str, ['/', '\\']);
const rightTrimmed = easy.string.trim.charsRight(str, ['/', '\\']);
const trimmed = easy.string.trim.charsBoth(str, ['/', '\\']);

const leftTrimmed = easy.string.trim.wordLeft(str, 'word');
const rightTrimmed = easy.string.trim.wordRight(str, 'word');
const trimmed = easy.string.trim.wordBoth(str, 'word');

Array Union

const numbers = easy.array.union([1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]);

Object Array Group By Key

const groupedObjects = easy.objectArray.groupBy(arrObj, "theKey");
const flatGroupedObjects = easy.objectArray.flatGroupBy(arrObj, "theKey");

Object Array Convert To

const keyedObjects = easy.objectArray.convertTo.keyedObjects(arrObj, "theKey");
const keyedValues = easy.objectArray.convertTo.keyedValues(arrObj, "theKey", "theValue");
const flatKeyedObjects = easy.objectArray.convertTo.flatKeyedObjects(arrObj, "theKey");
const flatKeyedValues = easy.objectArray.convertTo.flatKeyedValues(arrObj, "theKey", "theValue");

File System

const filePath = easy.fileSystem.pathToScript.file();
const directoryPath =;


import easy from "";
import { HashAlgorithm } from "";

const md5hash = await easy.cryptography.hash(HashAlgorithm.MD5, "testing 123");
const sha1hash = await easy.cryptography.hash(HashAlgorithm.SHA_1, "testing 123");




Run tests with:

$ deno test tests/