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Structured concurrency and effects for JavaScript
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import type { Context, Frame, Future, Operation, Scope } from "../types.ts";import { evaluate } from "../deps.ts";import { create } from "./create.ts";import { createFrame } from "./frame.ts";import { getframe, suspend } from "../instructions.ts";
/** * Get the scope of the currently running {@link Operation}. * * @returns an operation yielding the current scope */export function* useScope(): Operation<Scope> { let frame = yield* getframe(); let [scope] = createScope(frame); return scope;}
/** * Create a new scope to serve as an entry point from normal * JavaScript execution into Effection. * * When creating a fresh scope (as opposed to capturing a reference to * an existing one via {@link useScope}) it is the responsibility of * the creator of the new scope to destroy it when it is no longer needed. * * @example * ```js * let [scope, destroy] = createScope(); * let task =*() { * //do some long running work * }); * * //... later * await destroy(); * * ``` * @returns a tuple containing the new scope, and a function to destroy it. */export function createScope(frame?: Frame): [Scope, () => Future<void>] { let parent = frame ?? createFrame({ operation: suspend });
let scope = create<Scope>("Scope", {}, { run<T>(operation: () => Operation<T>) { if (parent.exited) { let error = new Error( `cannot call run() on a scope that has already been exited`, ); = "InactiveScopeError"; throw error; }
let frame = parent.createChild(operation); frame.enter();
evaluate(function* () { let result = yield* frame; if (!result.ok) { yield* parent.crash(result.error); } });
return frame.getTask(); }, get<T>(context: Context<T>) { let { key, defaultValue } = context; return (parent.context[key] ?? defaultValue) as T | undefined; }, set<T>(context: Context<T>, value: T) { let { key } = context; parent.context[key] = value; return value; }, });
return [scope, parent.getTask().halt];}