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☄️ Effector

Reactive state manager

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Table of Contents


Effector is an effective multi store state manager for Javascript apps (React/React Native/Vue/Node.js), that allows you to manage data in complex applications without the risk of inflating the monolithic central store, with clear control flow, good type support and high capacity API. Effector supports both TypeScript and Flow type annotations out of the box.

Detailed comparison with other state managers will be added soon

Effector follows five basic principles:

  • Application stores should be as light as possible - the idea of adding a store for specific needs should not be frightening or damaging to the developer.
  • Application stores should be freely combined - data that the application needs can be statically distributed, showing how it will be converted in runtime.
  • Autonomy from controversial concepts - no decorators, no need to use classes or proxies - this is not required to control the state of the application and therefore the api library uses only functions and simple js objects
  • Predictability and clarity of API - A small number of basic principles are reused in different cases, reducing the user’s workload and increasing recognition. For example, if you know how .watch works for events, you already know how .watch works for stores.
  • The application is built from simple elements - space and way to take any required business logic out of the view, maximizing the simplicity of the components.


npm install --save effector

Or using yarn

yarn add effector

Additional packages:



Three following examples that will give you a basic understanding how the state manager works:


import {createStore, createEvent} from 'effector'
import {useStore} from 'effector-react'

const increment = createEvent('increment')
const decrement = createEvent('decrement')
const resetCounter = createEvent('reset counter')

const counter = createStore(0)
  .on(increment, state => state + 1)
  .on(decrement, state => state - 1)

const Counter = () => {
  const value = useStore(counter)

  return (
      <button onClick={increment}>+</button>
      <button onClick={decrement}>-</button>
      <button onClick={resetCounter}>reset</button>

const App = () => <Counter />

Hello world with events and nodejs

const {createEvent} = require('effector')

const messageEvent = createEvent('message event (optional description)') => console.log(`new message: ${text}`))

messageEvent('hello world')
// => new message: hello world

Run example

Storages and events

const {createStore, createEvent} = require('effector')

const turnOn = createEvent()
const turnOff = createEvent()

const status = createStore('offline')
  .on(turnOn, () => 'online')
  .on(turnOff, () => 'offline') => {
  console.log(`status changed: ${newStatus}`)
// for store watchs callback invokes immediately
// "status changed: offline"

turnOff() // nothing has changed, callback is not triggered
turnOn() // "status changed: online"
turnOff() // "status changed: offline"
turnOff() // nothing has changed

Run example


Edit Effector-react example Basic example

Edit Effector-react example SSR example

More examples/demo you can check here



Event is an intention to change state.

const event = createEvent() // unnamed event
const onMessage = createEvent('message') // named event

const socket = new WebSocket('wss://')
socket.onmessage = msg => onMessage(msg)

const data = =>

// Handle side effects


Effect is a container for async function. It can be safely used in place of the original async function.

import {createEffect} from 'effector'

const fetchUserRepos = createEffect({
  handler: async ({name}) => {
    const url = `${name}/repos`
    const req = await fetch(url)
    return req.json()

// subscribe to pending store status => {
  console.log(pending) // false

// subscribe to handler resolve{params, result}) => {
  console.log(params) // {name: 'zerobias'}
  console.log(result) // resolved value

// subscribe to handler reject or throw error{params, error}) => {
  console.error(params) // {name: 'zerobias'}
  console.error(error) // rejected value

// you can replace handler anytime
fetchUserRepos.use(() => promiseMock)

// call effect with your params
fetchUserRepos({name: 'zerobias'})

const data = await fetchUserRepos({name: 'zerobias'}) // handle promise


Store is an object that holds the state tree. There can be multiple stores.

// `getUsers` - is an effect
// `addUser` - is an event
const defaultState = [{ name: Joe }];
const users = createStore(defaultState)
  // subscribe store reducers to events
  .on(getUsers.done, (oldState, payload) => payload)
  .on(addUser, (oldState, payload) => [...oldState, payload]))

// subscribe side-effects
const callback = (newState) => console.log(newState) // `.watch` for a store is triggered immediately: `[{ name: Joe }]`
// `callback` will be triggered each time when `.on` handler returns the new state

Store composition/decomposition

Most profit thing of stores.

Get smaller part of the store:

// `.map` accept state of parent store and return new memoized store. No more reselect ;)
const firstUser = => list[0]) => console.log(`first user name: ${}`)) // "first user name: Joe"

addUser({name: Joseph}) // `firstUser` is not updated
getUsers() // after promise resolve `firstUser` is updated and call all watchers (subscribers)

Compose stores:

import {createStore, createStoreObject} from 'effector'

const a = createStore(1)
const b = createStore("b")

const c = createStoreObject({ a, b })


Domain is a namespace for your events, stores and effects. Domain can subscribe to event, effect, store or nested domain creation with onCreateEvent, onCreateStore, onCreateEffect, onCreateDomain(to handle nested domains) methods.

import {createDomain} from 'effector'
const mainPage = createDomain('main page')
mainPage.onCreateEvent(event => {
  console.log('new event: ', event.getType())
mainPage.onCreateStore(store => {
  console.log('new store: ', store.getState())
const mount = mainPage.event('mount')
// => new event: main page/mount

const pageStore =
// => new store: 0

Learn more

Effector Diagram

Tested with browserstack

Tested with browserstack



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💬 💻 📖 📦 ⚠️
Sergey Sova
Sergey Sova

📖 💡
Arutyunyan Artyom
Arutyunyan Artyom

📖 💡

Arthur Irgashev
Arthur Irgashev

📖 💻 💡
Igor Ryzhov
Igor Ryzhov

Egor Guscha
Egor Guscha
📖 💡
📖 💻 🤔 ⚠️
Maxim Alyoshin
Maxim Alyoshin
Andrey Gopienko
Andrey Gopienko
Vadim Ivanov
Vadim Ivanov
Aleksandr Anokhin
Aleksandr Anokhin
Anton Kosykh
Anton Kosykh
Konstantin Lebedev
Konstantin Lebedev
Pavel Tereschenko
Pavel Tereschenko
Satya Rohith
Satya Rohith
Vladislav Melnikov
Vladislav Melnikov
Grigory Zaripov
Grigory Zaripov
Marina Miyaoka
Marina Miyaoka
Evgeny Zakharov
Evgeny Zakharov
