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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Business logic with ease ☄️
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We are open to and grateful for, any contributions made by the community. By contributing to Effector, you agree to abide by the code of conduct.

Reporting Issues and Asking Questions

Before opening an issue, please search the issue tracker to make sure your issue hasn’t already been reported.


Visit the Issue tracker to find a list of open issues that need attention.

Fork, then clone the repo:

git clone

Another way is to use gitpod:


  • docs is a directory with .md files to build
  • src contains all source files of effector, effector-react, …
  • packages contains all files required to publish npm-packages
  • tasks is a directory with scripts to build npm-packages
  • website contains source files of

yarn build

This command uses ./tasks to generate package.json for each npm-package from ./packages and build sources. Rollup builds source files to ./npm directory.

To update Table of Contents use this command:

npx doctoc


Just use yarn test and yarn test:watch.

New Features

Please open an issue with a proposal for a new feature or refactoring before starting on the work. We don’t want you to waste your efforts on a pull request that we won’t want to accept.

Before opening a feature request, please read the exists RFC to make sure your feature hasn’t already requested.

Submitting Changes

  • Open a new issue in the Issue tracker.
  • Fork the repo.
  • Create a new feature branch based on the master branch.
  • Make sure all tests pass and there are no linting errors.
  • Submit a pull request, referencing any issues it addresses.

Please try to keep your pull request focused in scope and avoid including unrelated commits.

After you have submitted your pull request, we’ll try to get back to you as soon as possible. We may suggest some changes or improvements.

Thank you for contributing!