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parser: babel-eslintparserOptions: ecmaVersion: 2018extends: - 'plugin:react/recommended' - prettierplugins: - babel - jest - react - react-hookssettings: react: version: '16.13'env: node: true browser: false worker: true es6: true jest: true jasmine: truerules: react-hooks/rules-of-hooks: error react/react-in-jsx-scope: 'off' react/no-children-prop: 'off' react/prop-types: 'off' react/display-name: 'off' react/jsx-key: 'off' react/no-unknown-property: 'off' no-console: 'off' no-cond-assign: warn no-unused-vars: warn prefer-template: 'off' no-nested-ternary: 'off' no-unneeded-ternary: warn no-underscore-dangle: off prefer-const: warn no-unused-labels: 'off' no-extra-bind: error no-case-declarations: error no-useless-call: error prefer-arrow-callback: - error - allowNamedFunctions: true object-shorthand: - off no-extra-parens: 'off' multiline-ternary: 'off' arrow-body-style: - error - as-needed no-var: error no-duplicate-imports: 'off' quotes: - error - single - allowTemplateLiterals: true avoidEscape: true key-spacing: - warn - beforeColon: false afterColon: true mode: strict comma-spacing: - error - before: false after: true block-spacing: - error - never object-curly-spacing: - warn - never semi-spacing: - error - before: false after: true indent: off newline-per-chained-call: - error keyword-spacing: - error space-unary-ops: - error - words: true nonwords: false no-whitespace-before-property: error arrow-spacing: - error - before: true after: true space-before-function-paren: - off rest-spread-spacing: - error - never no-alert: error no-bitwise: 0 no-caller: error no-global-assign: error no-eval: error no-implied-eval: error no-proto: error no-iterator: error no-lone-blocks: 'off' no-self-compare: error no-self-assign: - error - props: true no-invalid-regexp: - error - allowConstructorFlags: - u - 'y' no-with: error no-new-func: error prefer-rest-params: error prefer-spread: error no-extra-semi: off semi: - error - never