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import type {Stream} from 'most'
type Tag = stringtype ID = number
export type WarnMode = 'off' | 'warn' | 'throw'export type EventConfig = { unused?: WarnMode, watchFailCheck?: WarnMode,}
export type Meta = { index: ID, eventID: ID, seq: ID, passed: boolean, plain?: boolean,}
export type RawAction<P> = { type: Tag, payload: P, meta: Meta,}
export type Subscription = { unsubscribe(): void,}
export type Subscriber<A> = { next(value: A): void, // error(err: Error): void, complete(): void,}
export type Middleware<S> = (api: { getState: () => S, dispatch: (action: any) => any,}) => (next: any) => any
export type Store<T> = { subscribe(listner: () => void): () => void, // replaceReducer( // transform: (input: (_: T, p: any) => T) => (_: T, p: any) => T, // ): void, replaceReducer(nextReducer: (_: T, p: any) => T): void, getState(): T, dispatch: (action: any) => any,}
export type Reducer<S> = { (state: S, action: RawAction<any>): S, get(): S, watch(value: S): () => void, map<B>(fn: (_: S) => B): Reducer<B>, options(opts: {fallback: boolean}): Reducer<S>, has(event: Event<any, any>): boolean, on<P, A /*: Event<P, any>*/>( event: A | A[], handler: (state: S, payload: P, meta: Meta) => S, ): Reducer<S>, off<A /*: Event<any, any>*/>(event: A): Reducer<S>, reset<A /*: Event<any, any>*/>(event: A | A[]): Reducer<S>, subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<S>): Subscription,}
export type Domain<State = void> = { effect<Params, Done, Fail>( name: string, options?: EventConfig, ): Effect<Params, Done, Fail, State>, event<Payload>(name: string): Event<Payload, State>, domain(name: string): Domain<State>, typeConstant<Payload>(name: string): Event<Payload, State>, register(store: Store<State>): void, port<R>(events$: Stream<R>): Promise<void>,}
export type Event<Payload, State> = { ( params: Payload, ): { send(): Promise<Payload>, raw(): RawAction<Payload>, }, getType(): Tag, watch<R>(fn: (params: Payload, state: State) => R): void, epic<R>( handler: (data$: Stream<Payload>, state$: Stream<State>) => Stream<R>, ): Stream<R>, trigger( query: (state: State) => Payload, eventName?: string, ): Event<void, State>, subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<Payload>): Subscription,}
export type Effect<Params, Done, Fail, State> = { ( params: Params, ): { raw(): RawAction<Params>, send(dispatchHook?: <T>(value: T) => T): Promise<Params>, done(): Promise<{params: Params, result: Done}>, fail(): Promise<{params: Params, error: Fail}>, promise(): Promise<{params: Params, result: Done}>, }, getType(): Tag, watch<R>(fn: (params: Params, state: State) => R): void, epic<R>( handler: (data$: Stream<Params>, state$: Stream<State>) => Stream<R>, ): Stream<R>, use(thunk: (params: Params) => Promise<Done>): void, trigger( query: (state: State) => Params, eventName?: string, ): Event<void, State>, done: Event<{params: Params, result: Done}, State>, fail: Event<{params: Params, error: Fail}, State>, subscribe(subscriber: Subscriber<Params>): Subscription,}
export type DomainAuto = Domain<any>export type EventAuto<Payload> = Event<Payload, any>export type EffectAuto<Params, Done, Fail = Error> = Effect< Params, Done, Fail, any,>declare export function createStore<T>( reducer: (store: T, payload: any) => T, enhancerRaw: Function | $ReadOnlyArray<Function>, none: void,): Store<T>declare export function createStore<T>( reducer: (store: T, payload: any) => T, preloadedStateRaw?: T, enhancerRaw: Function | $ReadOnlyArray<Function>,): Store<T>
declare export function createReducer<S>(defaultState: S): Reducer<S>
declare export function createEvent<Payload>(name: string): EventAuto<Payload>
declare export function createEffect<Params, Done, Fail>( name: string,): EffectAuto<Params, Done, Fail>
declare export function createHaltAction(): RawAction<void>
declare export function createDomain<State>( store: Store<State>, domainName?: string,): Domain<State>
declare export function createRootDomain<State>( domainName?: string,): Domain<State>
declare export var effectorMiddleware: Middleware<*>
declare export function combine<A, R>( fn: (a: A) => R, a: Reducer<A>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, g: Reducer<G>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, g: Reducer<G>, h: Reducer<H>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, g: Reducer<G>, h: Reducer<H>, h: Reducer<H>, i: Reducer<I>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, g: Reducer<G>, h: Reducer<H>, h: Reducer<H>, i: Reducer<I>, j: Reducer<J>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>declare export function combine<A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, R>( fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D, e: E, f: F, g: G, h: H, i: I, j: J, k: K) => R, a: Reducer<A>, b: Reducer<B>, c: Reducer<C>, d: Reducer<D>, e: Reducer<E>, f: Reducer<F>, g: Reducer<G>, h: Reducer<H>, h: Reducer<H>, i: Reducer<I>, j: Reducer<J>, k: Reducer<K>, ...none: Array<void>): Reducer<R>
export type CollectType<A = any, B = any, C = any, D = any> = | Collect | CollectA<A> | CollectAB<A, B> | CollectABC<A, B, C> | CollectABCD<A, B, C, D>declare class Collect { and<A>(red: Reducer<A>): CollectA<A>; combine<R>(fn: () => R): Reducer<R>;}
declare class CollectA<A> { and<B>(red: Reducer<B>): CollectAB<A, B>; combine<R>(fn: (a: A) => R): Reducer<R>;}
declare class CollectAB<A, B> { and<C>(red: Reducer<C>): CollectABC<A, B, C>; combine<R>(fn: (a: A, b: B) => R): Reducer<R>;}
declare class CollectABC<A, B, C> { and<D>(red: Reducer<D>): CollectABCD<A, B, C, D>; combine<R>(fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C) => R): Reducer<R>;}
declare class CollectABCD<A, B, C, D> { // and<D>(red: Reducer<D>): CollectABCD<A, B, C, D>; combine<R>(fn: (a: A, b: B, c: C, d: D) => R): Reducer<R>;}
declare export function collect(): Collect