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import { getConfig, setConfig } from "./mod.ts";import * as T from "../types.ts";import * as M from "../migrations.ts";import * as util from "../util.ts";import { EmVer } from "../emver-lite/mod.ts";
export interface NoRepeat<version extends string, type extends "up" | "down"> { version: version; type: type;}
/** * @param fn function making desired modifications to the config * @param configured whether or not the service should be considered "configured" * @param noRepeat (optional) supply the version and type of the migration * @param noFail (optional, default:false) whether or not to fail the migration if fn throws an error * @returns a migraion function */export function updateConfig< version extends string, type extends "up" | "down", >( fn: (config: T.Config, effects: T.Effects) => T.Config | Promise<T.Config>, configured: boolean, noRepeat?: NoRepeat<version, type>, noFail = false,): M.MigrationFn<version, type> { return M.migrationFn(async (effects: T.Effects) => { await noRepeatGuard(effects, noRepeat, async () => { let config = util.unwrapResultType(await getConfig({})(effects)).config; if (config) { try { config = await fn(config, effects); } catch (e) { if (!noFail) { throw e; } else { configured = false; } } util.unwrapResultType(await setConfig(effects, config)); } }); return { configured }; });}
export async function noRepeatGuard< version extends string, type extends "up" | "down", >( effects: T.Effects, noRepeat: NoRepeat<version, type> | undefined, fn: () => Promise<void>,): Promise<void> { if (!noRepeat) { return fn(); } if ( !await util.exists(effects, { path: "start9/migrations", volumeId: "main" }) ) { await effects.createDir({ path: "start9/migrations", volumeId: "main" }); } const migrationPath = { path: `start9/migrations/${noRepeat.version}.complete`, volumeId: "main", }; if (noRepeat.type === "up") { if (!await util.exists(effects, migrationPath)) { await fn(); await effects.writeFile({ ...migrationPath, toWrite: "" }); } } else if (noRepeat.type === "down") { if (await util.exists(effects, migrationPath)) { await fn(); await effects.removeFile(migrationPath); } }}
export async function initNoRepeat<versions extends string>( effects: T.Effects, migrations: M.MigrationMapping<versions>, startingVersion: string,) { if ( !await util.exists(effects, { path: "start9/migrations", volumeId: "main" }) ) { const starting = EmVer.parse(startingVersion); await effects.createDir({ path: "start9/migrations", volumeId: "main" }); for (const version in migrations) { const migrationVersion = EmVer.parse(version); if (migrationVersion.lessThanOrEqual(starting)) { await effects.writeFile({ path: `start9/migrations/${version}.complete`, volumeId: "main", toWrite: "", }); } } }}
export function fromMapping<versions extends string>( migrations: M.MigrationMapping<versions>, currentVersion: string,): T.ExpectedExports.migration { const inner = M.fromMapping(migrations, currentVersion); return async ( effects: T.Effects, version: string, direction?: unknown, ) => { await initNoRepeat( effects, migrations, direction === "from" ? version : currentVersion, ); return inner(effects, version, direction); };}