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import { matches } from "../dependencies.ts";import { ConfigSpec, ValueSpecAny } from "../types.ts";
type TypeBoolean = "boolean";type TypeString = "string";type TypeNumber = "number";type TypeObject = "object";type TypeList = "list";type TypeEnum = "enum";type TypePointer = "pointer";type TypeUnion = "union";
// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardDefaultNullable<A, Type> = A extends { readonly default: unknown} ? Type : A extends { readonly nullable: true} ? Type : A extends {readonly nullable: false} ? Type | null | undefined : Type
// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardNumber<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeNumber} ? GuardDefaultNullable<A, number> : unknown// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardString<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeString} ? GuardDefaultNullable<A, string> : unknown
// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardBoolean<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeBoolean} ? GuardDefaultNullable<A, boolean> : unknown
// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardObject<A> = A extends {readonly type: TypeObject, readonly spec: infer B} ? ( B extends Record<string, unknown> ? {readonly [K in keyof B & string]: _<GuardAll<B[K]>>} : {_error: "Invalid Spec"} ) : unknown
// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardList<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeList, readonly subtype: infer B, spec?: {spec: infer C }} ? ReadonlyArray<GuardAll<Omit<A, "type" | "spec"> & ({type: B, spec: C})>> : unknown// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardPointer<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypePointer} ? {_UNKNOWN: "Pointer"} : unknown// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardEnum<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeEnum, readonly values: ArrayLike<infer B>} ? GuardDefaultNullable<A, B> : unknown// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoretype GuardUnion<A> = A extends {readonly type:TypeUnion, readonly tag: {id: infer Id & string}, variants: infer Variants & Record<string, unknown>} ? {[K in keyof Variants]: {[keyType in Id & string]: K}&TypeFromProps<Variants[K]>}[keyof Variants] : unknown
type _<T> = T;export type GuardAll<A> = GuardNumber<A> & GuardString<A> & GuardBoolean<A> & GuardObject<A> & GuardList<A> & GuardPointer<A> & GuardUnion<A> & GuardEnum<A>;// prettier-ignore// deno-fmt-ignoreexport type TypeFromProps<A> = A extends Record<string, unknown> ? {readonly [K in keyof A & string]: _<GuardAll<A[K]>>} : unknown;
const isType = matches.shape({ type: matches.string });const recordString = matches.dictionary([matches.string, matches.unknown]);const matchDefault = matches.shape({ default: matches.unknown });const matchNullable = matches.shape({ nullable: matches.literal(true) });const matchPattern = matches.shape({ pattern: matches.string });const rangeRegex = /(\[|\()(\*|(\d|\.)+),(\*|(\d|\.)+)(\]|\))/;const matchRange = matches.shape({ range: matches.regex(rangeRegex) });const matchIntegral = matches.shape({ integral: matches.literal(true) });const matchSpec = matches.shape({ spec: recordString });const matchSubType = matches.shape({ subtype: matches.string });const matchUnion = matches.shape({ tag: matches.shape({ id: matches.string }), variants: recordString,});const matchValues = matches.shape({ values: matches.arrayOf(matches.string),});
function charRange(value = "") { const split = value .split("-") .filter(Boolean) .map((x) => x.charCodeAt(0)); if (split.length < 1) return null; if (split.length === 1) return [split[0], split[0]]; return [split[0], split[1]];}
/** * * @param generate.charset Pattern like "a-z" or "a-z,1-5" * @param generate.len Length to make random variable * @param param1 * @returns */export function generateDefault(generate: { charset: string; len: number }, { random = () => Math.random() } = {}) { const validCharSets: number[][] = generate.charset.split(",").map(charRange).filter(Array.isArray); if (validCharSets.length === 0) throw new Error("Expecing that we have a valid charset"); const max = validCharSets.reduce((acc, x) => x.reduce((x, y) => Math.max(x, y), acc), 0); let i = 0; const answer: string[] = Array(generate.len); while (i < generate.len) { const nextValue = Math.round(random() * max); const inRange = validCharSets.reduce( (acc, [lower, upper]) => acc || (nextValue >= lower && nextValue <= upper), false ); if (!inRange) continue; answer[i] = String.fromCharCode(nextValue); i++; } return answer.join("");}
function withPattern<A>(value: unknown) { if (matchPattern.test(value)) return matches.regex(RegExp(value.pattern)); return matches.string;}export function matchNumberWithRange(range: string) { const matched = rangeRegex.exec(range); if (!matched) return matches.number; const [, left, leftValue, , rightValue, , right] = matched; return matches.number .validate( leftValue === "*" ? (_) => true : left === "[" ? (x) => x >= Number(leftValue) : (x) => x > Number(leftValue), leftValue === "*" ? "any" : left === "[" ? `greaterThanOrEqualTo${leftValue}` : `greaterThan${leftValue}` ) .validate( rightValue === "*" ? (_) => true : right === "]" ? (x) => x <= Number(rightValue) : (x) => x < Number(rightValue), rightValue === "*" ? "any" : right === "]" ? `lessThanOrEqualTo${rightValue}` : `lessThan${rightValue}` );}function withIntegral(parser: matches.Parser<unknown, number>, value: unknown) { if (matchIntegral.test(value)) { return parser.validate(Number.isInteger, "isIntegral"); } return parser;}function withRange(value: unknown) { if (matchRange.test(value)) { return matchNumberWithRange(value.range); } return matches.number;}const isGenerator = matches.shape({ charset: matches.string, len: matches.number }).test;function defaultNullable<A>(parser: matches.Parser<unknown, A>, value: unknown) { if (matchDefault.test(value)) { if (isGenerator(value.default)) return parser.defaultTo(parser.unsafeCast(generateDefault(value.default))); return parser.defaultTo(parser.unsafeCast(value.default)); } if (matchNullable.test(value)) return parser.optional(); return parser;}
/** * ConfigSpec: Tells the UI how to ask for information, verification, and will send the service a config in a shape via the spec. * ValueSpecAny: This is any of the values in a config spec. * * Use this when we want to convert a value spec any into a parser for what a config will look like * @param value * @returns */export function guardAll<A extends ValueSpecAny>(value: A): matches.Parser<unknown, GuardAll<A>> { if (!isType.test(value)) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any; } switch (value.type) { case "boolean": // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return defaultNullable(matches.boolean, value) as any;
case "string": // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return defaultNullable(withPattern(value), value) as any;
case "number": return defaultNullable( withIntegral(withRange(value), value), value // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any;
case "object": if (matchSpec.test(value)) { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return defaultNullable(typeFromProps(value.spec), value) as any; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any;
case "list": { const spec = (matchSpec.test(value) && value.spec) || {}; const rangeValidate = (matchRange.test(value) && matchNumberWithRange(value.range).test) || (() => true);
const subtype = matchSubType.unsafeCast(value).subtype; return defaultNullable( matches // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any .arrayOf(guardAll({ type: subtype, ...spec } as any)) .validate((x) => rangeValidate(x.length), "valid length"), value // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any; } case "enum": if (matchValues.test(value)) { return defaultNullable( matches.literals(value.values[0], ...value.values), value // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any; case "pointer": // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any; case "union": if (matchUnion.test(value)) { return matches.some( ...Object.entries(value.variants).map(([variant, spec]) => matches.shape({ []: matches.literal(variant) }).concat(typeFromProps(spec)) ) // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any; } // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any; }
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any return matches.unknown as any;}/** * ConfigSpec: Tells the UI how to ask for information, verification, and will send the service a config in a shape via the spec. * ValueSpecAny: This is any of the values in a config spec. * * Use this when we want to convert a config spec into a parser for what a config will look like * @param valueDictionary * @returns */export function typeFromProps<A extends ConfigSpec>(valueDictionary: A): matches.Parser<unknown, TypeFromProps<A>> { // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any if (!recordString.test(valueDictionary)) return matches.unknown as any; return matches.shape( Object.fromEntries(Object.entries(valueDictionary).map(([key, value]) => [key, guardAll(value)])) // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any ) as any;}