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Transpile and bundle JavaScript and TypeScript under Deno and Deno Deploy
// Copyright 2018-2024 the Deno authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.
/** APIs to transpile and bundle JavaScript and TypeScript under Deno and Deno. * * It is a user loadable module which provides an alternative to the removed * unstable `Deno.emit()` API. * * ### Example - Transpiling * * ```ts * import { transpile } from ""; * * const url = new URL("./testdata/mod.ts", import.meta.url); * const result = await transpile(url.href); * * const { code } = result; * console.log(code.includes("export default function hello()")); * ``` * * ### Example - Bundling * * ```ts * import { bundle } from ""; * const result = await bundle( * "", * ); * * const { code } = result; * console.log(code); * ``` * * @module */
const encoder = new TextEncoder();
// run `deno task build` to build thisimport { instantiate } from "./emit.generated.js";import { locationToUrl } from "./_utils.ts";import { type CacheSetting, createCache, type FetchCacher,} from "jsr:@deno/cache-dir@0.8";
/** The output of the {@linkcode bundle} function. */export interface BundleEmit { /** The bundles code as a single JavaScript module. */ code: string; /** An optional source map. */ map?: string;}
/** An [import-map]( */export interface ImportMap { /** Base URL to resolve import map specifiers. It Is always treated as a * directory. Defaults to the file URL of `Deno.cwd()`. */ baseUrl?: URL | string; /** Specifiers of the import map. */ imports?: Record<string, string>; /** Overrides of the specifiers for the provided scopes. */ scopes?: Record<string, Record<string, string>>;}
export interface BundleOptions { /** Allow remote modules to be loaded or read from the cache. */ allowRemote?: boolean; /** The cache root to use, overriding the default inferred `DENO_DIR`. */ cacheRoot?: string; /** The setting to use when loading sources from the Deno cache. */ cacheSetting?: CacheSetting; /** Compiler options which can be set when bundling. */ compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions; /** An [import-map]( * which will be applied to the imports, or the URL of an import map, or the * path to an import map */ importMap?: ImportMap | URL | string; /** Override the default loading mechanism with a custom loader. This can * provide a way to use "in-memory" resources instead of fetching them * remotely. */ load?: FetchCacher["load"]; /** Minify compiled code, default false. */ minify?: boolean; /** Should the emitted bundle be an ES module or an IIFE script. The default * is `"module"` to output a ESM module. */ type?: "module" | "classic";}
/** Options which can be set when using the {@linkcode transpile} function. */export interface TranspileOptions { /** Allow remote modules to be loaded or read from the cache. */ allowRemote?: boolean; /** The cache root to use, overriding the default inferred `DENO_DIR`. */ cacheRoot?: string; /** The setting to use when loading sources from the Deno cache. */ cacheSetting?: CacheSetting; /** Compiler options which can be set when transpiling. */ compilerOptions?: CompilerOptions; /** An [import-map]( * which will be applied to the imports, or the URL of an import map, or the * path to an import map */ importMap?: ImportMap | URL | string; /** Override the default loading mechanism with a custom loader. This can * provide a way to use "in-memory" resources instead of fetching them * remotely. */ load?: FetchCacher["load"]; //type?: "module" | "classic";}
export interface CompilerOptions { checkJs?: boolean; /** Whether to use TypeScript's experimental decorators. */ experimentalDecorators?: boolean; /** Determines if reflection meta data is emitted for legacy decorators or * not. Defaults to `false`. */ emitDecoratorMetadata?: boolean; importsNotUsedAsValues?: string; /** When set, instead of writing out a `` file to provide source maps, * the source map will be embedded the source map content in the `.js` files. * * Although this results in larger JS files, it can be convenient in some * scenarios. For example, you might want to debug JS files on a webserver * that doesn’t allow `.map` files to be served. */ inlineSourceMap?: boolean; /** When set, the original content of the `.ts` file as an embedded string in * the source map (using the source map’s `sourcesContent` property). * * This is often useful in the same cases as `inlineSourceMap`. */ inlineSources?: boolean; /** Controls how JSX constructs are emitted in JavaScript files. This only * affects output of JS files that started in `.jsx` or `.tsx` files. */ jsx?: | "precompile" | "preserve" | "react-jsx" | "react-jsxdev" | "react-native" | "react"; /** Changes the function called in `.js` files when compiling JSX Elements * using the classic JSX runtime. The most common change is to use `"h"` or * `"preact.h"`. */ jsxFactory?: string; /** Specify the JSX fragment factory function to use when targeting react JSX * emit with jsxFactory compiler option is specified, e.g. `Fragment`. */ jsxFragmentFactory?: string; /** The string module specifier to implicitly import JSX factories from when * transpiling JSX. */ jsxImportSource?: string; /** Enables the generation of sourcemap files. */ sourceMap?: boolean;}
/** Generate a single file JavaScript bundle of the root module and its * dependencies. * * ### Example * * ```ts * import { bundle } from ""; * const result = await bundle( * "", * ); * * const { code } = result; * console.log(code); * ``` * * @param root The root module specifier to use for the bundle. * @param options Options to use when bundling. * @returns a promise which resolves with the emitted bundle (and optional * source map) */export async function bundle( root: string | URL, options: BundleOptions = {},): Promise<BundleEmit> { const { allowRemote, cacheRoot, cacheSetting, compilerOptions, importMap, load, minify, type, } = options;
let bundleLoad = load; if (!bundleLoad) { const cache = createCache({ root: cacheRoot, cacheSetting, allowRemote }); bundleLoad = cache.load; } const { bundle: jsBundle } = await instantiate(); const result = await jsBundle( locationToUrl(root).toString(), (specifier: string, options: { isDynamic: boolean; cacheSetting: CacheSetting; checksum: string | undefined; }) => { return bundleLoad!( specifier, options.isDynamic, options.cacheSetting, options.checksum, ).then((result) => { if (result?.kind === "module") { if (typeof result.content === "string") { result.content = encoder.encode(result.content); } // need to convert to an array for serde_wasm_bindgen to work // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (result as any).content = Array.from(result.content); } return result; }); }, type, await processImportMapInput(importMap, bundleLoad), compilerOptions, minify ?? false, ); return { code: result.code, map: result.maybe_map ?? undefined, };}
/** Transpile TypeScript (or JavaScript) into JavaScript, returning a promise * which resolves with a map of the emitted files. * * @param root The root module specifier to use for the bundle. * @param options Options to use when emitting. * @returns A promise which resolves with a map of the emitted files, * where the key is the emitted files name and the value is the * source for the file. */export async function transpile( root: string | URL, options: TranspileOptions = {},): Promise<Map<string, string>> { const { allowRemote, cacheSetting, cacheRoot, compilerOptions, importMap, load, } = options;
let transpileLoad = load; if (!transpileLoad) { const cache = createCache({ root: cacheRoot, cacheSetting, allowRemote }); transpileLoad = cache.load; } const { transpile: jsTranspile } = await instantiate(); return jsTranspile( locationToUrl(root).toString(), (specifier: string, isDynamic: boolean, cacheSetting: CacheSetting) => { return transpileLoad!(specifier, isDynamic, cacheSetting).then( (result) => { if (result?.kind === "module") { if (typeof result.content === "string") { result.content = encoder.encode(result.content); } // need to convert to an array for serde_wasm_bindgen to work // deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-any (result as any).content = Array.from(result.content); } return result; }, ); }, await processImportMapInput(importMap, transpileLoad), compilerOptions, );}
function checkCompilerOptions( compilerOptions: CompilerOptions | undefined,): void { if (compilerOptions === undefined) { return; } if (compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap && compilerOptions.sourceMap) { throw new Error( "Option 'sourceMap' cannot be specified with option 'inlineSourceMap'", ); } if ( compilerOptions.inlineSources && !(compilerOptions.inlineSourceMap || compilerOptions.sourceMap) ) { throw new Error( "Option 'inlineSources' can only be used when either option 'inlineSourceMap' or option 'sourceMap' is provided", ); }}
/** * Transforms the import map input to the format that The Rust lib expects , * i.e. all locations are resolved to file URLs and the import map content is * serialized to JSON. * @param importMap The import map as provided to the JS API. * @returns The import map that must be provided to the Rust API. */async function processImportMapInput( importMap: ImportMapJsLibInput, load: FetchCacher["load"],): Promise<ImportMapRustLibInput> { if (typeof importMap === "string" || importMap instanceof URL) { importMap = locationToUrl(importMap); const data = await load(importMap.toString(), false, "use"); if (data == null) { return undefined; } switch (data.kind) { case "module": { return { baseUrl: importMap.toString(), jsonString: data.content instanceof Uint8Array ? new TextDecoder().decode(data.content) : data.content, }; } case "external": throw new Error("External import maps are not supported."); default: { const _assertNever: never = data; throw new Error("Unexpected kind."); } } } else if (typeof importMap === "object") { const { baseUrl, imports, scopes } = importMap; const url = locationToUrl(baseUrl ?? Deno.cwd()); // Rust lib expects url to be the file URL to the import map file, but the // JS API expects it to be the file URL to the root directory, so we need to // append an extra slash. if (!url.pathname.endsWith("/")) { url.pathname += "/"; } return { baseUrl: url.toString(), jsonString: JSON.stringify({ imports, scopes }), }; } else { return undefined; }}
type ImportMapJsLibInput = | BundleOptions["importMap"] | TranspileOptions["importMap"];
type ImportMapRustLibInput = | { baseUrl: string; jsonString: string; } | undefined;