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🌍 Vixeny: A runtime-agnostic, performance-centric library championing functional purity for modern web development.
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{ "name": "vixeny", "version": "0.0.922", "description": "A functional router for Bun and Deno", "main": "main.ts", "directories": { "test": "test" }, "scripts": { "test": "deno test -A ./ && node --test ./", "bench-bun": "find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec bun {} \\;", "bench-deno": "find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec deno {} \\;", "bench-node": "find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec node {} \\;", "build-clear": "rm -rf ./bench/json/*", "build-table": " rm -rf ./bench/results/* && bun ./misc/buildMD.mjs", "build-all": "npm run build-clear && npm run build-bun && npm run build-deno && npm run build-node && npm run build-table", "build-bun": "timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) && find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec sh -c 'base=\"$(basename $1)\" && bun \"$1\" --json > \"./bench/json/output-bun-$base-$2.json\"' _ {} $timestamp \\;", "build-deno": "timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) && find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec sh -c 'base=\"$(basename $1)\" && deno run -A \"$1\" --json >> \"./bench/json/output-deno-$base-$2.json\"' _ {} $timestamp \\;", "build-node": "timestamp=$(date +%Y%m%d-%H%M%S) && find ./bench -type f -name '*.mjs' -exec sh -c 'base=\"$(basename $1)\" && node \"$1\" --json >> \"./bench/json/output-node-$base-$2.json\"' _ {} $timestamp \\;", "bench-jwt": " bun ./bench/jwt.mjs && deno run -A ./bench/jwt.mjs && node ./bench/jwt.mjs ", "bench-stringify": " bun ./bench/stringify.mjs && deno run -A ./bench/stringify.mjs && node ./bench/stringify.mjs ", "bench-query": " bun ./bench/query.mjs && deno run -A ./bench/query.mjs && node ./bench/query.mjs " }, "repository": { "type": "git", "url": "git+" }, "imports": { ".": { "bun": "./fun.ts" } }, "keywords": [ "deno", "bun", "node", "functional" ], "author": "Mimi", "license": "SEE LICENSE IN", "bugs": { "url": "" }, "homepage": "", "devDependencies": { "bun-types": "^1.0.2", "jose": "^4.14.6", "mitata": "^0.1.6" }}