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ENTSO-e transparency platform API Client built for Deno. Complete. Easy to use. Minimal.
import * as entsoeApiClient from "";

Main entrypoint of entsoe_api_client.

Re-exports all functions and interfaces that are indended for public use.


Helper function to find all areas having a specific identier

Helper function to find first area having a specific identier

Helper function to find Auction Category by name

Helper function to find Auction type by name

Helper function to find business type by name

Helper function to find direction id by name

Helper function to find document status id by name

Helper function to find document type by name

Helper function to find MarketAgreement type by name

Helper function to find MarketAgreement type by name

Takes raw XML from ENTSO-e Rest API, checks the document type, parses using the appropiate parser, ant returns a typed and cleaned object representing the document.

Helper function to find process type by name

Helper function to find Psr type by name

Function to request generic documents from the ENTSO-e Rest API

Fetch and process Balancing_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process Configuration_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process CriticalNetworkElement_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process GL_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process Publication_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process TransmissionNetwork_MarketDocument(s)

Fetch and process Unavailability_MarketDocument(s)


Parsed Balancing document

Parsed Configuration document

Parsed CriticalNetworkElement document

Parsed GL document

Parssed Publication document, extending BaseDocument

Definition of all available Query parameters, commented with their source document equivalent.

Parsed TransmissionNetwork document, extendíng BaseDocument

Parsed Unavailability document, extendíng BaseDocument