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A package (in beta) designed to make ReMapper environment statements more friendly
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Welcome to EnvMods, a package (in beta) designed to make ReMapper environment statements and others more friendly, while also giving some helpful effects such as despawn() which will despawn the bts environment to make room for yours! Tutorials/explanations for each function can be found in the examples for this repo! If you have any questions or would like to add to this repo dm me on discord @splashcard__#2121

Example functions:

import * as envmods from './EnvMods/index.ts'

//moves the entire environment to -9999 on th y axis evectively despawning it
envmods.despawn("Environment", "Contains")


import * as envmods from './EnvMods/index.ts''

//generates a feild of lasers with a given height and ammount
  0, //height
  21, //Minimum Light ID see examples for more details
  21, //ammount 
  true //allows Rotation? see examples for more details