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A package (in beta) designed to make ReMapper environment statements more friendly
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Welcome to MapLock! This is a package for ReMapper Statments and utils, this is definitely not a nootils clone

This package is meant to be used with ReMapper


in order to install run this in your map directory terminal:

deno install --allow-all -f --reload

then just run


that will download the files for you, now to import add this to your imports list

import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

and that should do it for install, It may show an error inside the src folderr, I have literally no idea shy this happens but just close and re-open vsc and you will be good to go.


to update this package when another release comes out, simply delete the MapLock folder(S) and re - run MapLock_setup and that will give you the latest version!

Environment functions


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

//despawns the left and right pannel of the billie hud using contains
ml.yeet("Contains", [

Despwan is extremely simple, it just takes the entirety of the bts environment and moves it way out of the player’s sight, essentially despawning the environment object. Small hint - if you want to remove the whole environment just use "Contains"and "Environment" ;)


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

   [0, 10, 30], //position
   [1, 1.5, 1], //scale
   21 //lightID

this will use Geometry to make a sun effect with customizable scale, position and lightID, requres v3 to light

  • position = array
  • scale = array
  • lightID = integer


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

   [0, 0, 0], //position
   [1, 1, 1], //scale
   [0, 90, 90] //rotation

clouds() is really just a dumb way to make clouds in the bts environment tbh but it does make it easier and shorter i suppose

  • position = array
  • rotation = array
  • scale = array


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

  0, //height
  21, //minimum lightID
  21, //ammount
  false //allows rotation?

NOTE IDmin will be the first light ID a laser is registered to, meaning that if IDmin was 21 and my ammount was 7 my light IDs would be 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28. allowRotation allows rotation of -20 - 20 on the x and z axis, IF you want the lasers to be straight up and down, just leave this to false.

  • height = number
  • IDmin = integer
  • ammount = integer
  • allowRotation = boolean

object statments

player movment

import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

    0, //time
    100, //duration
    [[0, 0, 0, 0], [0, 100, 0, "easeInOutElastic"]]//position animation but please never use this one lol

This will move the player, but the exiting part is - no extra parent track needed - this will move the player and the notes together!

  • time = number
  • duration = number
  • position = array


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

  350, //ammount
  0.3, //individual size
  60, //distance
  0, //time
  100 //duration

Spawns a sphere of stars around the player using walls (could cause small ammounts of lag)

  • ammount (the ammount of stars to spawn) = number
  • individual size (the size of each star) = number
  • distance (the distance between eac star) = number
  • time (the time to spawn the stars) = number
  • duration (the duration the stars will last) = number


import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

    0, //time start
    100, //duration
    [//positions to select
        [0, 0],
        [0, 1]
    {//custom data feild
        _dissolve: [[0, 0], [1, 0.4]]
  • time Start = number
  • Duration = number
  • position = array
  • CustomData = basically just like noodle scripting in js idk


Screen Shake

import * as ml from './src/exports.ts'

  0, //time
  10 //duration

a very basic screen shaking effect, moves the player small ammounts at a time very quickly. An update is planned where you can chose intensity and the duration wont effct the intensity, but for now you can have this very very basic screen shake effect.

  • time = number
  • duration = number


I’m exited to say, that sometime in the future when v3 modcharts are more relevant (v3 allows for geometry lighting) that I will be using a lot more geometry lights making them all compatible, but for now sit tight and listen to the other updates I have planned.

  • all environment support for (almost) all functions. I am planning to utilize geometry to the best of my ability to make some of these avalible for all environments
  • more object functions