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enzastdlib is a set of TypeScript modules that follow a common design API philosophy aiming at sane defaults and ease-of-use targeting the Deno TypeScript runtime.
import * as enzastdlib from "";

Create custom JavaScript and TypeScript execution environments.

NOTE: This module is based on the ShadowRealm API proposal but does not follow the specifications.

WARNING: This module is basically a bunch of hacks to get the desired functionality. So expect warts and all. ESPECIALLY regarding things like line numbering or errors.

This module imports the following external libraries:


Represents the extensions supported for code files by the bundler.


Bundles a given code entry point specifier and all of its dependencies.

Evaluates code in a sandbox environment with the specified options.

Creates a new custom JavaScript / TypeScript execution environment.


Represents all the available options passable to evaluateModule.

Represents a custom JavaScript / TypeScript execution environment that can run code within a sandbox.

Represents all the available options passable to makeRealm.

Type Aliases

Represents a union of extensions supported for code files by the bundler.