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enzastdlib is a set of TypeScript modules that follow a common design API philosophy aiming at sane defaults and ease-of-use targeting the Deno TypeScript runtime.
import * as enzastdlib from "";

Create fully typed and validated RPC clients and servers using HTTP as the transport.

NOTE: If --unstable is passed to the Deno CLI then the Deno.serve API will be used instead of the Deno stdlib HTTP server implementation.

This module imports the following external libraries:


Represents the HTTP method exclusively used by enzastdlib's RPC protocol.

Represents the HTTP namespace pathname exclusively used by enzastdlib's RPC protocol.

Represents a mapping of standard enzastdlib RPC call handling to HTTP pathnames.

Represents a mapping of standard enzastdlib RPC protocol behavior to HTTP status codes.


Makes a HTTP client that can communicate to a server in enzastdlib's RPC protocol.

Makes a HTTP server that can respond to clients in enzastdlib's RPC protocol.


Represents HTTP-related call options that can be passed when invoking.

Represents options passable to makeHTTPClient.

Represents a HTTP server made by makeHTTPServer.

Represents options passable to makeHTTPServer.

Type Aliases

Represents a HTTP client made by makeHTTPClient.

Represents a union of all possible HTTP pathnames used by the enzastdlib's RPC protocol.

Represents a union of all possible HTTP status codes the enzastdlib RPC protocol can emit.