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enzastdlib is a set of TypeScript modules that follow a common design API philosophy aiming at sane defaults and ease-of-use targeting the Deno TypeScript runtime.
import * as enzastdlib from "";

Create easy to use validators powered by JSON Schema 2019-09.

This module imports the following external libraries:


Represents the JSON Schema version supported by this module.


Makes a new Validator for validating input values are of the specified schema JSON Schema definition.


Represents details about a validation error that occured.

Represents a JSON Schema validator made by makeValidator.

Type Aliases

Represents a union of all supported JSON Schema structure typings.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for arrays.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for booleans.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for nulls.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for numbers.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for objects.

Represents the JSON Schema structure typing for strings.

Represents a union of all possible type names supported by JSON Schema.

Returns the JSON Schema type of a specified JavaScript type.

Converts a constant JSON Schema object into TypeScript typing at compile-time.

Returns the JavaScript type of the specified JSON Schema type.