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TypeScript-first deep equivalence comparison between two values
// Copyright 2021-present the Equal authors. All rights reserved. MIT license.import { and, AnyFn, constructorName, entries, has, ifElse, length, N, or, Primitive,} from "./deps.ts";import { isBothArray, isBothArrayBuffer, isBothDate, isBothError, isBothFunction, isBothJSONObject, isBothMap, isBothObjectExcludeJSON, isBothPrimitive, isBothRegExp, isBothSet, isBothTypedArray, isBothURL, isBothURLSearchParams,} from "./_is.ts";import { entriesSymbol, instanceOf } from "./_utils.ts";import { is } from "./_constants.ts";
/** * Returns `true` if its arguments are equivalent, otherwise `false`. Handles cyclical data structures. * * @param a - Any value * @param b - Any value * @returns Return `true` if the reference memory is the same or the property members and their values are the same * * @example * ```ts * equals(-0, 0) // true * equals(NaN, NaN) // true * equals([[[[]]]], [[[[]]]]) // true * equals({ a: { b: [1, 2, 3]}}, { a: { b: [1, 2, 3]}}) // true * ``` * * @public */
const equal = <T, U extends T>(a: T, b: U): boolean => { if (!equalConstructorName(a, b)) return false;
const verdictTable: [ AnyFn<unknown, boolean>, AnyFn<any, boolean>, ][] = [ [isBothPrimitive, equalPrimitive], [isBothJSONObject, equalJSONObject], [isBothArray, equalArray], [isBothDate, equalDate], [isBothFunction, equalFunction], [isBothRegExp, equalRegExp], [isBothError, equalError], [isBothMap, equalMap], [isBothSet, equalSet], [isBothTypedArray, equalTypedArray], [isBothArrayBuffer, equalArrayBuffer], [isBothURL, equalURL], [isBothURLSearchParams, equalURLSearchParams], [isBothObjectExcludeJSON, equalObjectExcludeJson], ];
for (const [filter, fn] of verdictTable) { if (filter(a, b)) { return fn(a, b); } } return false;};
const equalConstructorName = <T, U extends T>(a: T, b: U): boolean => constructorName(a) === constructorName(b);
/** * Returns `true` if its primitive arguments are equivalent; otherwise `false`. * @param a - Any primitive value * @param b - Any primitive value * @returns The result of `, b) || a === b` * * @example * ```ts * equalPrimitive(NaN, NaN)) // true * equalPrimitive(+0, -0)) // true * ``` * @beta */const equalPrimitive = <T extends Primitive, U extends T>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => or(is(a, b), () => a === b);
const equalConstructor = <T, U extends T>( obj: Function, a: T, b: U,): boolean => and(instanceOf(obj, a), () => instanceOf(obj, b));
const equalRegExp = <T extends RegExp, U extends T>(a: T, b: U): boolean => a.toString() === b.toString();
/** * Returns `true` if its `Date` arguments are equivalent; otherwise `false`. * @param a - Any `Date` object * @param b - Any `Date` object * @returns The result of `a.getTime() === b.getTime()` * * @example * ```ts * equalDate(new Date(0), new Date(0)) // true * equalDate(new Date("1999/1/1 00:00:01"), new Date("1999/1/1") // false * ``` * @beta */const equalDate = (a: Date, b: Date): boolean => equalPrimitive(a.getTime(), b.getTime());
/** * Returns `true` if its `Error` arguments are equivalent; otherwise `false`. * @param a - Any `Error` and its Derived object * @param b - Any `Error` and its Derived object * @returns `true` if the constructor and the error message are the same;otherwise false * * @example * ```ts * equalError(Error('test'), Error('test')) // true * equalError(AggregateError([TypeError('test')]), AggregateError([TypeError('test')])) // true * equalError(Error('test'), Error('hello')) // false * equalError(Error('test'), TypeError('test')) // false * ``` * @beta */const equalError = (a: Error, b: Error): boolean => { if (a.message !== b.message) return false; const errorConstructors = [ EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, TypeError, URIError, ]; if ( errorConstructors.some((constructor) => equalConstructor(constructor, a, b)) ) { return true; }
return ifElse(equalConstructor(AggregateError, a, b), () => equalArray( (a as Error as AggregateError).errors, (b as Error as AggregateError).errors, ), () => equalConstructorName(a, b));};
const equalFunction = <T extends Function, U extends T>(a: T, b: U): boolean => a.toString() === b.toString();
const equalMap = <T extends Map<any, any>, U extends T>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => { if (a.size !== b.size) return false;
return equalKeyValueTupleNoOrder([...a], [...b]);};
const equalSet = <T extends Set<unknown>, U extends T>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => equalArray([...a], [...b]);
const equalKeyValueTuple = <T extends [unknown, unknown], U extends T>( [keyA, valueA]: T, [keyB, valueB]: U,): boolean => and(equal(keyA, keyB), () => equal(valueA, valueB));
const equalKeyValueTupleNoOrder = <T extends [unknown, unknown][], U extends T>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => { if (length(a) !== length(b)) return false;
// TODO: This logic is terrible performance return and( a.every((tupleA) => b.some((tupleB) => equalKeyValueTuple(tupleA, tupleB))), () => b.every((tupleB) => a.some((tupleA) => equalKeyValueTuple(tupleA, tupleB)) ), );};
const equalJSONObject = <T extends Record<PropertyKey, unknown>, U extends T>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => { const entriesA = [...entries(a), ...entriesSymbol(a)]; const entriesB = [...entries(b), ...entriesSymbol(b)]; const lenA = length(entriesA); const lenB = length(entriesB);
if (lenA !== lenB) return false;
return entriesA.every(([key, value]) => and(has(key, b), () => equal(value, b[key])) );};
const equalObjectExcludeJson = < T extends Object, U extends T,>( a: T, b: U,): boolean => { if ( [Number, String, Boolean].some((obj) => equalConstructor(obj, a, b)) ) { return equal(a.valueOf(), b.valueOf()); } return false;};
const equalArray = <T extends unknown[], U extends T>(a: T, b: U): boolean => { const lenA = length(a); const lenB = length(b);
if (and(N(lenA), () => N(lenB))) return true; if (lenA !== lenB) return false;
return a.every((val, index) => equal(val, b[index]));};
const equalTypedArray = < T extends | Int8Array | Uint8Array | Uint8ClampedArray | Int16Array | Uint16Array | Int32Array | Uint32Array | Float32Array | Float64Array | BigInt64Array | BigUint64Array,>( a: T, b: T,): boolean => equalArray([...a], [...b]);
/** * Returns `true` if its `ArrayBuffer` arguments are equivalent; otherwise `false`. * @param a - Any `ArrayBuffer` object * @param b - Any `ArrayBuffer` object * @returns The result of `a.byteLength === b.byteLength` * * @example * ```ts * equalArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(0), new ArrayBuffer(0)) // true * equalArrayBuffer(new ArrayBuffer(0), new ArrayBuffer(1)) // false * ``` * @beta */const equalArrayBuffer = ( a: ArrayBuffer, b: ArrayBuffer,): boolean => a.byteLength === b.byteLength;
/** * Returns `true` if its `URL` arguments are equivalent; otherwise `false`. * @param a - Any `URL` object * @param b - Any `URL` object * @returns The result of `a.toString() === b.toString()` * * @example * ```ts * equalURL(new URL('', '')) // true * equalURL(new URL('', '')) // true * ``` * @beta */const equalURL = (a: URL, b: URL): boolean => a.toString() === b.toString();const equalURLSearchParams = <T extends URLSearchParams, U extends T>( a: T, b: U,) => equalKeyValueTupleNoOrder([...a], [...b]);
export { equal, equalArray, equalArrayBuffer, equalConstructor, equalDate, equalError, equalFunction, equalJSONObject, equalKeyValueTuple, equalKeyValueTupleNoOrder, equalMap, equalObjectExcludeJson, equalPrimitive, equalRegExp, equalSet, equalTypedArray, equalURL, equalURLSearchParams,};