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/// <reference types="./wasm.d.ts" />var __defProp = Object.defineProperty;var __export = (target, all) => { for (var name in all) __defProp(target, name, { get: all[name], enumerable: true });};
// lib/deno/wasm.tsvar wasm_exports = {};__export(wasm_exports, { analyzeMetafile: () => analyzeMetafile, analyzeMetafileSync: () => analyzeMetafileSync, build: () => build, buildSync: () => buildSync, context: () => context, formatMessages: () => formatMessages, formatMessagesSync: () => formatMessagesSync, initialize: () => initialize, stop: () => stop, transform: () => transform, transformSync: () => transformSync, version: () => version});
// lib/shared/stdio_protocol.tsfunction encodePacket(packet) { let visit = (value) => { if (value === null) { bb.write8(0); } else if (typeof value === "boolean") { bb.write8(1); bb.write8(+value); } else if (typeof value === "number") { bb.write8(2); bb.write32(value | 0); } else if (typeof value === "string") { bb.write8(3); bb.write(encodeUTF8(value)); } else if (value instanceof Uint8Array) { bb.write8(4); bb.write(value); } else if (value instanceof Array) { bb.write8(5); bb.write32(value.length); for (let item of value) { visit(item); } } else { let keys = Object.keys(value); bb.write8(6); bb.write32(keys.length); for (let key of keys) { bb.write(encodeUTF8(key)); visit(value[key]); } } }; let bb = new ByteBuffer(); bb.write32(0); bb.write32( << 1 | +!packet.isRequest); visit(packet.value); writeUInt32LE(bb.buf, bb.len - 4, 0); return bb.buf.subarray(0, bb.len);}function decodePacket(bytes) { let visit = () => { switch (bb.read8()) { case 0: return null; case 1: return !!bb.read8(); case 2: return bb.read32(); case 3: return decodeUTF8(; case 4: return; case 5: { let count = bb.read32(); let value2 = []; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { value2.push(visit()); } return value2; } case 6: { let count = bb.read32(); let value2 = {}; for (let i = 0; i < count; i++) { value2[decodeUTF8(] = visit(); } return value2; } default: throw new Error("Invalid packet"); } }; let bb = new ByteBuffer(bytes); let id = bb.read32(); let isRequest = (id & 1) === 0; id >>>= 1; let value = visit(); if (bb.ptr !== bytes.length) { throw new Error("Invalid packet"); } return { id, isRequest, value };}var ByteBuffer = class { constructor(buf = new Uint8Array(1024)) { this.buf = buf; this.len = 0; this.ptr = 0; } _write(delta) { if (this.len + delta > this.buf.length) { let clone = new Uint8Array((this.len + delta) * 2); clone.set(this.buf); this.buf = clone; } this.len += delta; return this.len - delta; } write8(value) { let offset = this._write(1); this.buf[offset] = value; } write32(value) { let offset = this._write(4); writeUInt32LE(this.buf, value, offset); } write(bytes) { let offset = this._write(4 + bytes.length); writeUInt32LE(this.buf, bytes.length, offset); this.buf.set(bytes, offset + 4); } _read(delta) { if (this.ptr + delta > this.buf.length) { throw new Error("Invalid packet"); } this.ptr += delta; return this.ptr - delta; } read8() { return this.buf[this._read(1)]; } read32() { return readUInt32LE(this.buf, this._read(4)); } read() { let length = this.read32(); let bytes = new Uint8Array(length); let ptr = this._read(bytes.length); bytes.set(this.buf.subarray(ptr, ptr + length)); return bytes; }};var encodeUTF8;var decodeUTF8;var encodeInvariant;if (typeof TextEncoder !== "undefined" && typeof TextDecoder !== "undefined") { let encoder = new TextEncoder(); let decoder = new TextDecoder(); encodeUTF8 = (text) => encoder.encode(text); decodeUTF8 = (bytes) => decoder.decode(bytes); encodeInvariant = 'new TextEncoder().encode("")';} else if (typeof Buffer !== "undefined") { encodeUTF8 = (text) => Buffer.from(text); decodeUTF8 = (bytes) => { let { buffer, byteOffset, byteLength } = bytes; return Buffer.from(buffer, byteOffset, byteLength).toString(); }; encodeInvariant = 'Buffer.from("")';} else { throw new Error("No UTF-8 codec found");}if (!(encodeUTF8("") instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error(`Invariant violation: "${encodeInvariant} instanceof Uint8Array" is incorrectly false
This indicates that your JavaScript environment is broken. You cannot useesbuild in this environment because esbuild relies on this invariant. Thisis not a problem with esbuild. You need to fix your environment instead.`);function readUInt32LE(buffer, offset) { return buffer[offset++] | buffer[offset++] << 8 | buffer[offset++] << 16 | buffer[offset++] << 24;}function writeUInt32LE(buffer, value, offset) { buffer[offset++] = value; buffer[offset++] = value >> 8; buffer[offset++] = value >> 16; buffer[offset++] = value >> 24;}
// lib/shared/common.tsvar quote = JSON.stringify;var buildLogLevelDefault = "warning";var transformLogLevelDefault = "silent";function validateTarget(target) { validateStringValue(target, "target"); if (target.indexOf(",") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid target: ${target}`); return target;}var canBeAnything = () => null;var mustBeBoolean = (value) => typeof value === "boolean" ? null : "a boolean";var mustBeString = (value) => typeof value === "string" ? null : "a string";var mustBeRegExp = (value) => value instanceof RegExp ? null : "a RegExp object";var mustBeInteger = (value) => typeof value === "number" && value === (value | 0) ? null : "an integer";var mustBeFunction = (value) => typeof value === "function" ? null : "a function";var mustBeArray = (value) => Array.isArray(value) ? null : "an array";var mustBeObject = (value) => typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value) ? null : "an object";var mustBeEntryPoints = (value) => typeof value === "object" && value !== null ? null : "an array or an object";var mustBeWebAssemblyModule = (value) => value instanceof WebAssembly.Module ? null : "a WebAssembly.Module";var mustBeObjectOrNull = (value) => typeof value === "object" && !Array.isArray(value) ? null : "an object or null";var mustBeStringOrBoolean = (value) => typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "boolean" ? null : "a string or a boolean";var mustBeStringOrObject = (value) => typeof value === "string" || typeof value === "object" && value !== null && !Array.isArray(value) ? null : "a string or an object";var mustBeStringOrArray = (value) => typeof value === "string" || Array.isArray(value) ? null : "a string or an array";var mustBeStringOrUint8Array = (value) => typeof value === "string" || value instanceof Uint8Array ? null : "a string or a Uint8Array";var mustBeStringOrURL = (value) => typeof value === "string" || value instanceof URL ? null : "a string or a URL";function getFlag(object, keys, key, mustBeFn) { let value = object[key]; keys[key + ""] = true; if (value === void 0) return void 0; let mustBe = mustBeFn(value); if (mustBe !== null) throw new Error(`${quote(key)} must be ${mustBe}`); return value;}function checkForInvalidFlags(object, keys, where) { for (let key in object) { if (!(key in keys)) { throw new Error(`Invalid option ${where}: ${quote(key)}`); } }}function validateInitializeOptions(options) { let keys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let wasmURL = getFlag(options, keys, "wasmURL", mustBeStringOrURL); let wasmModule = getFlag(options, keys, "wasmModule", mustBeWebAssemblyModule); let worker = getFlag(options, keys, "worker", mustBeBoolean); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys, "in initialize() call"); return { wasmURL, wasmModule, worker };}function validateMangleCache(mangleCache) { let validated; if (mangleCache !== void 0) { validated = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); for (let key in mangleCache) { let value = mangleCache[key]; if (typeof value === "string" || value === false) { validated[key] = value; } else { throw new Error(`Expected ${quote(key)} in mangle cache to map to either a string or false`); } } } return validated;}function pushLogFlags(flags, options, keys, isTTY, logLevelDefault) { let color = getFlag(options, keys, "color", mustBeBoolean); let logLevel = getFlag(options, keys, "logLevel", mustBeString); let logLimit = getFlag(options, keys, "logLimit", mustBeInteger); if (color !== void 0) flags.push(`--color=${color}`); else if (isTTY) flags.push(`--color=true`); flags.push(`--log-level=${logLevel || logLevelDefault}`); flags.push(`--log-limit=${logLimit || 0}`);}function validateStringValue(value, what, key) { if (typeof value !== "string") { throw new Error(`Expected value for ${what}${key !== void 0 ? " " + quote(key) : ""} to be a string, got ${typeof value} instead`); } return value;}function pushCommonFlags(flags, options, keys) { let legalComments = getFlag(options, keys, "legalComments", mustBeString); let sourceRoot = getFlag(options, keys, "sourceRoot", mustBeString); let sourcesContent = getFlag(options, keys, "sourcesContent", mustBeBoolean); let target = getFlag(options, keys, "target", mustBeStringOrArray); let format = getFlag(options, keys, "format", mustBeString); let globalName = getFlag(options, keys, "globalName", mustBeString); let mangleProps = getFlag(options, keys, "mangleProps", mustBeRegExp); let reserveProps = getFlag(options, keys, "reserveProps", mustBeRegExp); let mangleQuoted = getFlag(options, keys, "mangleQuoted", mustBeBoolean); let minify = getFlag(options, keys, "minify", mustBeBoolean); let minifySyntax = getFlag(options, keys, "minifySyntax", mustBeBoolean); let minifyWhitespace = getFlag(options, keys, "minifyWhitespace", mustBeBoolean); let minifyIdentifiers = getFlag(options, keys, "minifyIdentifiers", mustBeBoolean); let lineLimit = getFlag(options, keys, "lineLimit", mustBeInteger); let drop = getFlag(options, keys, "drop", mustBeArray); let dropLabels = getFlag(options, keys, "dropLabels", mustBeArray); let charset = getFlag(options, keys, "charset", mustBeString); let treeShaking = getFlag(options, keys, "treeShaking", mustBeBoolean); let ignoreAnnotations = getFlag(options, keys, "ignoreAnnotations", mustBeBoolean); let jsx = getFlag(options, keys, "jsx", mustBeString); let jsxFactory = getFlag(options, keys, "jsxFactory", mustBeString); let jsxFragment = getFlag(options, keys, "jsxFragment", mustBeString); let jsxImportSource = getFlag(options, keys, "jsxImportSource", mustBeString); let jsxDev = getFlag(options, keys, "jsxDev", mustBeBoolean); let jsxSideEffects = getFlag(options, keys, "jsxSideEffects", mustBeBoolean); let define = getFlag(options, keys, "define", mustBeObject); let logOverride = getFlag(options, keys, "logOverride", mustBeObject); let supported = getFlag(options, keys, "supported", mustBeObject); let pure = getFlag(options, keys, "pure", mustBeArray); let keepNames = getFlag(options, keys, "keepNames", mustBeBoolean); let platform = getFlag(options, keys, "platform", mustBeString); let tsconfigRaw = getFlag(options, keys, "tsconfigRaw", mustBeStringOrObject); if (legalComments) flags.push(`--legal-comments=${legalComments}`); if (sourceRoot !== void 0) flags.push(`--source-root=${sourceRoot}`); if (sourcesContent !== void 0) flags.push(`--sources-content=${sourcesContent}`); if (target) { if (Array.isArray(target)) flags.push(`--target=${Array.from(target).map(validateTarget).join(",")}`); else flags.push(`--target=${validateTarget(target)}`); } if (format) flags.push(`--format=${format}`); if (globalName) flags.push(`--global-name=${globalName}`); if (platform) flags.push(`--platform=${platform}`); if (tsconfigRaw) flags.push(`--tsconfig-raw=${typeof tsconfigRaw === "string" ? tsconfigRaw : JSON.stringify(tsconfigRaw)}`); if (minify) flags.push("--minify"); if (minifySyntax) flags.push("--minify-syntax"); if (minifyWhitespace) flags.push("--minify-whitespace"); if (minifyIdentifiers) flags.push("--minify-identifiers"); if (lineLimit) flags.push(`--line-limit=${lineLimit}`); if (charset) flags.push(`--charset=${charset}`); if (treeShaking !== void 0) flags.push(`--tree-shaking=${treeShaking}`); if (ignoreAnnotations) flags.push(`--ignore-annotations`); if (drop) for (let what of drop) flags.push(`--drop:${validateStringValue(what, "drop")}`); if (dropLabels) flags.push(`--drop-labels=${Array.from(dropLabels).map((what) => validateStringValue(what, "dropLabels")).join(",")}`); if (mangleProps) flags.push(`--mangle-props=${mangleProps.source}`); if (reserveProps) flags.push(`--reserve-props=${reserveProps.source}`); if (mangleQuoted !== void 0) flags.push(`--mangle-quoted=${mangleQuoted}`); if (jsx) flags.push(`--jsx=${jsx}`); if (jsxFactory) flags.push(`--jsx-factory=${jsxFactory}`); if (jsxFragment) flags.push(`--jsx-fragment=${jsxFragment}`); if (jsxImportSource) flags.push(`--jsx-import-source=${jsxImportSource}`); if (jsxDev) flags.push(`--jsx-dev`); if (jsxSideEffects) flags.push(`--jsx-side-effects`); if (define) { for (let key in define) { if (key.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid define: ${key}`); flags.push(`--define:${key}=${validateStringValue(define[key], "define", key)}`); } } if (logOverride) { for (let key in logOverride) { if (key.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid log override: ${key}`); flags.push(`--log-override:${key}=${validateStringValue(logOverride[key], "log override", key)}`); } } if (supported) { for (let key in supported) { if (key.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid supported: ${key}`); const value = supported[key]; if (typeof value !== "boolean") throw new Error(`Expected value for supported ${quote(key)} to be a boolean, got ${typeof value} instead`); flags.push(`--supported:${key}=${value}`); } } if (pure) for (let fn of pure) flags.push(`--pure:${validateStringValue(fn, "pure")}`); if (keepNames) flags.push(`--keep-names`);}function flagsForBuildOptions(callName, options, isTTY, logLevelDefault, writeDefault) { let flags = []; let entries = []; let keys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let stdinContents = null; let stdinResolveDir = null; pushLogFlags(flags, options, keys, isTTY, logLevelDefault); pushCommonFlags(flags, options, keys); let sourcemap = getFlag(options, keys, "sourcemap", mustBeStringOrBoolean); let bundle = getFlag(options, keys, "bundle", mustBeBoolean); let splitting = getFlag(options, keys, "splitting", mustBeBoolean); let preserveSymlinks = getFlag(options, keys, "preserveSymlinks", mustBeBoolean); let metafile = getFlag(options, keys, "metafile", mustBeBoolean); let outfile = getFlag(options, keys, "outfile", mustBeString); let outdir = getFlag(options, keys, "outdir", mustBeString); let outbase = getFlag(options, keys, "outbase", mustBeString); let tsconfig = getFlag(options, keys, "tsconfig", mustBeString); let resolveExtensions = getFlag(options, keys, "resolveExtensions", mustBeArray); let nodePathsInput = getFlag(options, keys, "nodePaths", mustBeArray); let mainFields = getFlag(options, keys, "mainFields", mustBeArray); let conditions = getFlag(options, keys, "conditions", mustBeArray); let external = getFlag(options, keys, "external", mustBeArray); let packages = getFlag(options, keys, "packages", mustBeString); let alias = getFlag(options, keys, "alias", mustBeObject); let loader = getFlag(options, keys, "loader", mustBeObject); let outExtension = getFlag(options, keys, "outExtension", mustBeObject); let publicPath = getFlag(options, keys, "publicPath", mustBeString); let entryNames = getFlag(options, keys, "entryNames", mustBeString); let chunkNames = getFlag(options, keys, "chunkNames", mustBeString); let assetNames = getFlag(options, keys, "assetNames", mustBeString); let inject = getFlag(options, keys, "inject", mustBeArray); let banner = getFlag(options, keys, "banner", mustBeObject); let footer = getFlag(options, keys, "footer", mustBeObject); let entryPoints = getFlag(options, keys, "entryPoints", mustBeEntryPoints); let absWorkingDir = getFlag(options, keys, "absWorkingDir", mustBeString); let stdin = getFlag(options, keys, "stdin", mustBeObject); let write = getFlag(options, keys, "write", mustBeBoolean) ?? writeDefault; let allowOverwrite = getFlag(options, keys, "allowOverwrite", mustBeBoolean); let mangleCache = getFlag(options, keys, "mangleCache", mustBeObject); keys.plugins = true; checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys, `in ${callName}() call`); if (sourcemap) flags.push(`--sourcemap${sourcemap === true ? "" : `=${sourcemap}`}`); if (bundle) flags.push("--bundle"); if (allowOverwrite) flags.push("--allow-overwrite"); if (splitting) flags.push("--splitting"); if (preserveSymlinks) flags.push("--preserve-symlinks"); if (metafile) flags.push(`--metafile`); if (outfile) flags.push(`--outfile=${outfile}`); if (outdir) flags.push(`--outdir=${outdir}`); if (outbase) flags.push(`--outbase=${outbase}`); if (tsconfig) flags.push(`--tsconfig=${tsconfig}`); if (packages) flags.push(`--packages=${packages}`); if (resolveExtensions) { let values = []; for (let value of resolveExtensions) { validateStringValue(value, "resolve extension"); if (value.indexOf(",") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid resolve extension: ${value}`); values.push(value); } flags.push(`--resolve-extensions=${values.join(",")}`); } if (publicPath) flags.push(`--public-path=${publicPath}`); if (entryNames) flags.push(`--entry-names=${entryNames}`); if (chunkNames) flags.push(`--chunk-names=${chunkNames}`); if (assetNames) flags.push(`--asset-names=${assetNames}`); if (mainFields) { let values = []; for (let value of mainFields) { validateStringValue(value, "main field"); if (value.indexOf(",") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid main field: ${value}`); values.push(value); } flags.push(`--main-fields=${values.join(",")}`); } if (conditions) { let values = []; for (let value of conditions) { validateStringValue(value, "condition"); if (value.indexOf(",") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid condition: ${value}`); values.push(value); } flags.push(`--conditions=${values.join(",")}`); } if (external) for (let name of external) flags.push(`--external:${validateStringValue(name, "external")}`); if (alias) { for (let old in alias) { if (old.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid package name in alias: ${old}`); flags.push(`--alias:${old}=${validateStringValue(alias[old], "alias", old)}`); } } if (banner) { for (let type in banner) { if (type.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid banner file type: ${type}`); flags.push(`--banner:${type}=${validateStringValue(banner[type], "banner", type)}`); } } if (footer) { for (let type in footer) { if (type.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid footer file type: ${type}`); flags.push(`--footer:${type}=${validateStringValue(footer[type], "footer", type)}`); } } if (inject) for (let path of inject) flags.push(`--inject:${validateStringValue(path, "inject")}`); if (loader) { for (let ext in loader) { if (ext.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid loader extension: ${ext}`); flags.push(`--loader:${ext}=${validateStringValue(loader[ext], "loader", ext)}`); } } if (outExtension) { for (let ext in outExtension) { if (ext.indexOf("=") >= 0) throw new Error(`Invalid out extension: ${ext}`); flags.push(`--out-extension:${ext}=${validateStringValue(outExtension[ext], "out extension", ext)}`); } } if (entryPoints) { if (Array.isArray(entryPoints)) { for (let i = 0, n = entryPoints.length; i < n; i++) { let entryPoint = entryPoints[i]; if (typeof entryPoint === "object" && entryPoint !== null) { let entryPointKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let input = getFlag(entryPoint, entryPointKeys, "in", mustBeString); let output = getFlag(entryPoint, entryPointKeys, "out", mustBeString); checkForInvalidFlags(entryPoint, entryPointKeys, "in entry point at index " + i); if (input === void 0) throw new Error('Missing property "in" for entry point at index ' + i); if (output === void 0) throw new Error('Missing property "out" for entry point at index ' + i); entries.push([output, input]); } else { entries.push(["", validateStringValue(entryPoint, "entry point at index " + i)]); } } } else { for (let key in entryPoints) { entries.push([key, validateStringValue(entryPoints[key], "entry point", key)]); } } } if (stdin) { let stdinKeys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let contents = getFlag(stdin, stdinKeys, "contents", mustBeStringOrUint8Array); let resolveDir = getFlag(stdin, stdinKeys, "resolveDir", mustBeString); let sourcefile = getFlag(stdin, stdinKeys, "sourcefile", mustBeString); let loader2 = getFlag(stdin, stdinKeys, "loader", mustBeString); checkForInvalidFlags(stdin, stdinKeys, 'in "stdin" object'); if (sourcefile) flags.push(`--sourcefile=${sourcefile}`); if (loader2) flags.push(`--loader=${loader2}`); if (resolveDir) stdinResolveDir = resolveDir; if (typeof contents === "string") stdinContents = encodeUTF8(contents); else if (contents instanceof Uint8Array) stdinContents = contents; } let nodePaths = []; if (nodePathsInput) { for (let value of nodePathsInput) { value += ""; nodePaths.push(value); } } return { entries, flags, write, stdinContents, stdinResolveDir, absWorkingDir, nodePaths, mangleCache: validateMangleCache(mangleCache) };}function flagsForTransformOptions(callName, options, isTTY, logLevelDefault) { let flags = []; let keys = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); pushLogFlags(flags, options, keys, isTTY, logLevelDefault); pushCommonFlags(flags, options, keys); let sourcemap = getFlag(options, keys, "sourcemap", mustBeStringOrBoolean); let sourcefile = getFlag(options, keys, "sourcefile", mustBeString); let loader = getFlag(options, keys, "loader", mustBeString); let banner = getFlag(options, keys, "banner", mustBeString); let footer = getFlag(options, keys, "footer", mustBeString); let mangleCache = getFlag(options, keys, "mangleCache", mustBeObject); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys, `in ${callName}() call`); if (sourcemap) flags.push(`--sourcemap=${sourcemap === true ? "external" : sourcemap}`); if (sourcefile) flags.push(`--sourcefile=${sourcefile}`); if (loader) flags.push(`--loader=${loader}`); if (banner) flags.push(`--banner=${banner}`); if (footer) flags.push(`--footer=${footer}`); return { flags, mangleCache: validateMangleCache(mangleCache) };}function createChannel(streamIn) { const requestCallbacksByKey = {}; const closeData = { didClose: false, reason: "" }; let responseCallbacks = {}; let nextRequestID = 0; let nextBuildKey = 0; let stdout = new Uint8Array(16 * 1024); let stdoutUsed = 0; let readFromStdout = (chunk) => { let limit = stdoutUsed + chunk.length; if (limit > stdout.length) { let swap = new Uint8Array(limit * 2); swap.set(stdout); stdout = swap; } stdout.set(chunk, stdoutUsed); stdoutUsed += chunk.length; let offset = 0; while (offset + 4 <= stdoutUsed) { let length = readUInt32LE(stdout, offset); if (offset + 4 + length > stdoutUsed) { break; } offset += 4; handleIncomingPacket(stdout.subarray(offset, offset + length)); offset += length; } if (offset > 0) { stdout.copyWithin(0, offset, stdoutUsed); stdoutUsed -= offset; } }; let afterClose = (error) => { closeData.didClose = true; if (error) closeData.reason = ": " + (error.message || error); const text = "The service was stopped" + closeData.reason; for (let id in responseCallbacks) { responseCallbacks[id](text, null); } responseCallbacks = {}; }; let sendRequest = (refs, value, callback) => { if (closeData.didClose) return callback("The service is no longer running" + closeData.reason, null); let id = nextRequestID++; responseCallbacks[id] = (error, response) => { try { callback(error, response); } finally { if (refs) refs.unref(); } }; if (refs) refs.ref(); streamIn.writeToStdin(encodePacket({ id, isRequest: true, value })); }; let sendResponse = (id, value) => { if (closeData.didClose) throw new Error("The service is no longer running" + closeData.reason); streamIn.writeToStdin(encodePacket({ id, isRequest: false, value })); }; let handleRequest = async (id, request) => { try { if (request.command === "ping") { sendResponse(id, {}); return; } if (typeof request.key === "number") { const requestCallbacks = requestCallbacksByKey[request.key]; if (!requestCallbacks) { return; } const callback = requestCallbacks[request.command]; if (callback) { await callback(id, request); return; } } throw new Error(`Invalid command: ` + request.command); } catch (e) { const errors = [extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, null, void 0, "")]; try { sendResponse(id, { errors }); } catch { } } }; let isFirstPacket = true; let handleIncomingPacket = (bytes) => { if (isFirstPacket) { isFirstPacket = false; let binaryVersion = String.fromCharCode(...bytes); if (binaryVersion !== "0.21.2") { throw new Error(`Cannot start service: Host version "${"0.21.2"}" does not match binary version ${quote(binaryVersion)}`); } return; } let packet = decodePacket(bytes); if (packet.isRequest) { handleRequest(, packet.value); } else { let callback = responseCallbacks[]; delete responseCallbacks[]; if (packet.value.error) callback(packet.value.error, {}); else callback(null, packet.value); } }; let buildOrContext = ({ callName, refs, options, isTTY, defaultWD, callback }) => { let refCount = 0; const buildKey = nextBuildKey++; const requestCallbacks = {}; const buildRefs = { ref() { if (++refCount === 1) { if (refs) refs.ref(); } }, unref() { if (--refCount === 0) { delete requestCallbacksByKey[buildKey]; if (refs) refs.unref(); } } }; requestCallbacksByKey[buildKey] = requestCallbacks; buildRefs.ref(); buildOrContextImpl( callName, buildKey, sendRequest, sendResponse, buildRefs, streamIn, requestCallbacks, options, isTTY, defaultWD, (err, res) => { try { callback(err, res); } finally { buildRefs.unref(); } } ); }; let transform2 = ({ callName, refs, input, options, isTTY, fs, callback }) => { const details = createObjectStash(); let start = (inputPath) => { try { if (typeof input !== "string" && !(input instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error('The input to "transform" must be a string or a Uint8Array'); let { flags, mangleCache } = flagsForTransformOptions(callName, options, isTTY, transformLogLevelDefault); let request = { command: "transform", flags, inputFS: inputPath !== null, input: inputPath !== null ? encodeUTF8(inputPath) : typeof input === "string" ? encodeUTF8(input) : input }; if (mangleCache) request.mangleCache = mangleCache; sendRequest(refs, request, (error, response) => { if (error) return callback(new Error(error), null); let errors = replaceDetailsInMessages(response.errors, details); let warnings = replaceDetailsInMessages(response.warnings, details); let outstanding = 1; let next = () => { if (--outstanding === 0) { let result = { warnings, code: response.code, map:, mangleCache: void 0, legalComments: void 0 }; if ("legalComments" in response) result.legalComments = response == null ? void 0 : response.legalComments; if (response.mangleCache) result.mangleCache = response == null ? void 0 : response.mangleCache; callback(null, result); } }; if (errors.length > 0) return callback(failureErrorWithLog("Transform failed", errors, warnings), null); if (response.codeFS) { outstanding++; fs.readFile(response.code, (err, contents) => { if (err !== null) { callback(err, null); } else { response.code = contents; next(); } }); } if (response.mapFS) { outstanding++; fs.readFile(, (err, contents) => { if (err !== null) { callback(err, null); } else { = contents; next(); } }); } next(); }); } catch (e) { let flags = []; try { pushLogFlags(flags, options, {}, isTTY, transformLogLevelDefault); } catch { } const error = extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, void 0, ""); sendRequest(refs, { command: "error", flags, error }, () => { error.detail = details.load(error.detail); callback(failureErrorWithLog("Transform failed", [error], []), null); }); } }; if ((typeof input === "string" || input instanceof Uint8Array) && input.length > 1024 * 1024) { let next = start; start = () => fs.writeFile(input, next); } start(null); }; let formatMessages2 = ({ callName, refs, messages, options, callback }) => { if (!options) throw new Error(`Missing second argument in ${callName}() call`); let keys = {}; let kind = getFlag(options, keys, "kind", mustBeString); let color = getFlag(options, keys, "color", mustBeBoolean); let terminalWidth = getFlag(options, keys, "terminalWidth", mustBeInteger); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys, `in ${callName}() call`); if (kind === void 0) throw new Error(`Missing "kind" in ${callName}() call`); if (kind !== "error" && kind !== "warning") throw new Error(`Expected "kind" to be "error" or "warning" in ${callName}() call`); let request = { command: "format-msgs", messages: sanitizeMessages(messages, "messages", null, "", terminalWidth), isWarning: kind === "warning" }; if (color !== void 0) request.color = color; if (terminalWidth !== void 0) request.terminalWidth = terminalWidth; sendRequest(refs, request, (error, response) => { if (error) return callback(new Error(error), null); callback(null, response.messages); }); }; let analyzeMetafile2 = ({ callName, refs, metafile, options, callback }) => { if (options === void 0) options = {}; let keys = {}; let color = getFlag(options, keys, "color", mustBeBoolean); let verbose = getFlag(options, keys, "verbose", mustBeBoolean); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys, `in ${callName}() call`); let request = { command: "analyze-metafile", metafile }; if (color !== void 0) request.color = color; if (verbose !== void 0) request.verbose = verbose; sendRequest(refs, request, (error, response) => { if (error) return callback(new Error(error), null); callback(null, response.result); }); }; return { readFromStdout, afterClose, service: { buildOrContext, transform: transform2, formatMessages: formatMessages2, analyzeMetafile: analyzeMetafile2 } };}function buildOrContextImpl(callName, buildKey, sendRequest, sendResponse, refs, streamIn, requestCallbacks, options, isTTY, defaultWD, callback) { const details = createObjectStash(); const isContext = callName === "context"; const handleError = (e, pluginName) => { const flags = []; try { pushLogFlags(flags, options, {}, isTTY, buildLogLevelDefault); } catch { } const message = extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, void 0, pluginName); sendRequest(refs, { command: "error", flags, error: message }, () => { message.detail = details.load(message.detail); callback(failureErrorWithLog(isContext ? "Context failed" : "Build failed", [message], []), null); }); }; let plugins; if (typeof options === "object") { const value = options.plugins; if (value !== void 0) { if (!Array.isArray(value)) return handleError(new Error(`"plugins" must be an array`), ""); plugins = value; } } if (plugins && plugins.length > 0) { if (streamIn.isSync) return handleError(new Error("Cannot use plugins in synchronous API calls"), ""); handlePlugins( buildKey, sendRequest, sendResponse, refs, streamIn, requestCallbacks, options, plugins, details ).then( (result) => { if (!result.ok) return handleError(result.error, result.pluginName); try { buildOrContextContinue(result.requestPlugins, result.runOnEndCallbacks, result.scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks); } catch (e) { handleError(e, ""); } }, (e) => handleError(e, "") ); return; } try { buildOrContextContinue(null, (result, done) => done([], []), () => { }); } catch (e) { handleError(e, ""); } function buildOrContextContinue(requestPlugins, runOnEndCallbacks, scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks) { const writeDefault = streamIn.hasFS; const { entries, flags, write, stdinContents, stdinResolveDir, absWorkingDir, nodePaths, mangleCache } = flagsForBuildOptions(callName, options, isTTY, buildLogLevelDefault, writeDefault); if (write && !streamIn.hasFS) throw new Error(`The "write" option is unavailable in this environment`); const request = { command: "build", key: buildKey, entries, flags, write, stdinContents, stdinResolveDir, absWorkingDir: absWorkingDir || defaultWD, nodePaths, context: isContext }; if (requestPlugins) request.plugins = requestPlugins; if (mangleCache) request.mangleCache = mangleCache; const buildResponseToResult = (response, callback2) => { const result = { errors: replaceDetailsInMessages(response.errors, details), warnings: replaceDetailsInMessages(response.warnings, details), outputFiles: void 0, metafile: void 0, mangleCache: void 0 }; const originalErrors = result.errors.slice(); const originalWarnings = result.warnings.slice(); if (response.outputFiles) result.outputFiles =; if (response.metafile) result.metafile = JSON.parse(response.metafile); if (response.mangleCache) result.mangleCache = response.mangleCache; if (response.writeToStdout !== void 0) console.log(decodeUTF8(response.writeToStdout).replace(/\n$/, "")); runOnEndCallbacks(result, (onEndErrors, onEndWarnings) => { if (originalErrors.length > 0 || onEndErrors.length > 0) { const error = failureErrorWithLog("Build failed", originalErrors.concat(onEndErrors), originalWarnings.concat(onEndWarnings)); return callback2(error, null, onEndErrors, onEndWarnings); } callback2(null, result, onEndErrors, onEndWarnings); }); }; let latestResultPromise; let provideLatestResult; if (isContext) requestCallbacks["on-end"] = (id, request2) => new Promise((resolve) => { buildResponseToResult(request2, (err, result, onEndErrors, onEndWarnings) => { const response = { errors: onEndErrors, warnings: onEndWarnings }; if (provideLatestResult) provideLatestResult(err, result); latestResultPromise = void 0; provideLatestResult = void 0; sendResponse(id, response); resolve(); }); }); sendRequest(refs, request, (error, response) => { if (error) return callback(new Error(error), null); if (!isContext) { return buildResponseToResult(response, (err, res) => { scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks(); return callback(err, res); }); } if (response.errors.length > 0) { return callback(failureErrorWithLog("Context failed", response.errors, response.warnings), null); } let didDispose = false; const result = { rebuild: () => { if (!latestResultPromise) latestResultPromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { let settlePromise; provideLatestResult = (err, result2) => { if (!settlePromise) settlePromise = () => err ? reject(err) : resolve(result2); }; const triggerAnotherBuild = () => { const request2 = { command: "rebuild", key: buildKey }; sendRequest(refs, request2, (error2, response2) => { if (error2) { reject(new Error(error2)); } else if (settlePromise) { settlePromise(); } else { triggerAnotherBuild(); } }); }; triggerAnotherBuild(); }); return latestResultPromise; }, watch: (options2 = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!streamIn.hasFS) throw new Error(`Cannot use the "watch" API in this environment`); const keys = {}; checkForInvalidFlags(options2, keys, `in watch() call`); const request2 = { command: "watch", key: buildKey }; sendRequest(refs, request2, (error2) => { if (error2) reject(new Error(error2)); else resolve(void 0); }); }), serve: (options2 = {}) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { if (!streamIn.hasFS) throw new Error(`Cannot use the "serve" API in this environment`); const keys = {}; const port = getFlag(options2, keys, "port", mustBeInteger); const host = getFlag(options2, keys, "host", mustBeString); const servedir = getFlag(options2, keys, "servedir", mustBeString); const keyfile = getFlag(options2, keys, "keyfile", mustBeString); const certfile = getFlag(options2, keys, "certfile", mustBeString); const fallback = getFlag(options2, keys, "fallback", mustBeString); const onRequest = getFlag(options2, keys, "onRequest", mustBeFunction); checkForInvalidFlags(options2, keys, `in serve() call`); const request2 = { command: "serve", key: buildKey, onRequest: !!onRequest }; if (port !== void 0) request2.port = port; if (host !== void 0) = host; if (servedir !== void 0) request2.servedir = servedir; if (keyfile !== void 0) request2.keyfile = keyfile; if (certfile !== void 0) request2.certfile = certfile; if (fallback !== void 0) request2.fallback = fallback; sendRequest(refs, request2, (error2, response2) => { if (error2) return reject(new Error(error2)); if (onRequest) { requestCallbacks["serve-request"] = (id, request3) => { onRequest(request3.args); sendResponse(id, {}); }; } resolve(response2); }); }), cancel: () => new Promise((resolve) => { if (didDispose) return resolve(); const request2 = { command: "cancel", key: buildKey }; sendRequest(refs, request2, () => { resolve(); }); }), dispose: () => new Promise((resolve) => { if (didDispose) return resolve(); didDispose = true; const request2 = { command: "dispose", key: buildKey }; sendRequest(refs, request2, () => { resolve(); scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks(); refs.unref(); }); }) }; refs.ref(); callback(null, result); }); }}var handlePlugins = async (buildKey, sendRequest, sendResponse, refs, streamIn, requestCallbacks, initialOptions, plugins, details) => { let onStartCallbacks = []; let onEndCallbacks = []; let onResolveCallbacks = {}; let onLoadCallbacks = {}; let onDisposeCallbacks = []; let nextCallbackID = 0; let i = 0; let requestPlugins = []; let isSetupDone = false; plugins = [...plugins]; for (let item of plugins) { let keys = {}; if (typeof item !== "object") throw new Error(`Plugin at index ${i} must be an object`); const name = getFlag(item, keys, "name", mustBeString); if (typeof name !== "string" || name === "") throw new Error(`Plugin at index ${i} is missing a name`); try { let setup = getFlag(item, keys, "setup", mustBeFunction); if (typeof setup !== "function") throw new Error(`Plugin is missing a setup function`); checkForInvalidFlags(item, keys, `on plugin ${quote(name)}`); let plugin = { name, onStart: false, onEnd: false, onResolve: [], onLoad: [] }; i++; let resolve = (path, options = {}) => { if (!isSetupDone) throw new Error('Cannot call "resolve" before plugin setup has completed'); if (typeof path !== "string") throw new Error(`The path to resolve must be a string`); let keys2 = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); let pluginName = getFlag(options, keys2, "pluginName", mustBeString); let importer = getFlag(options, keys2, "importer", mustBeString); let namespace = getFlag(options, keys2, "namespace", mustBeString); let resolveDir = getFlag(options, keys2, "resolveDir", mustBeString); let kind = getFlag(options, keys2, "kind", mustBeString); let pluginData = getFlag(options, keys2, "pluginData", canBeAnything); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys2, "in resolve() call"); return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { const request = { command: "resolve", path, key: buildKey, pluginName: name }; if (pluginName != null) request.pluginName = pluginName; if (importer != null) request.importer = importer; if (namespace != null) request.namespace = namespace; if (resolveDir != null) request.resolveDir = resolveDir; if (kind != null) request.kind = kind; else throw new Error(`Must specify "kind" when calling "resolve"`); if (pluginData != null) request.pluginData =; sendRequest(refs, request, (error, response) => { if (error !== null) reject(new Error(error)); else resolve2({ errors: replaceDetailsInMessages(response.errors, details), warnings: replaceDetailsInMessages(response.warnings, details), path: response.path, external: response.external, sideEffects: response.sideEffects, namespace: response.namespace, suffix: response.suffix, pluginData: details.load(response.pluginData) }); }); }); }; let promise = setup({ initialOptions, resolve, onStart(callback) { let registeredText = `This error came from the "onStart" callback registered here:`; let registeredNote = extractCallerV8(new Error(registeredText), streamIn, "onStart"); onStartCallbacks.push({ name, callback, note: registeredNote }); plugin.onStart = true; }, onEnd(callback) { let registeredText = `This error came from the "onEnd" callback registered here:`; let registeredNote = extractCallerV8(new Error(registeredText), streamIn, "onEnd"); onEndCallbacks.push({ name, callback, note: registeredNote }); plugin.onEnd = true; }, onResolve(options, callback) { let registeredText = `This error came from the "onResolve" callback registered here:`; let registeredNote = extractCallerV8(new Error(registeredText), streamIn, "onResolve"); let keys2 = {}; let filter = getFlag(options, keys2, "filter", mustBeRegExp); let namespace = getFlag(options, keys2, "namespace", mustBeString); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys2, `in onResolve() call for plugin ${quote(name)}`); if (filter == null) throw new Error(`onResolve() call is missing a filter`); let id = nextCallbackID++; onResolveCallbacks[id] = { name, callback, note: registeredNote }; plugin.onResolve.push({ id, filter: filter.source, namespace: namespace || "" }); }, onLoad(options, callback) { let registeredText = `This error came from the "onLoad" callback registered here:`; let registeredNote = extractCallerV8(new Error(registeredText), streamIn, "onLoad"); let keys2 = {}; let filter = getFlag(options, keys2, "filter", mustBeRegExp); let namespace = getFlag(options, keys2, "namespace", mustBeString); checkForInvalidFlags(options, keys2, `in onLoad() call for plugin ${quote(name)}`); if (filter == null) throw new Error(`onLoad() call is missing a filter`); let id = nextCallbackID++; onLoadCallbacks[id] = { name, callback, note: registeredNote }; plugin.onLoad.push({ id, filter: filter.source, namespace: namespace || "" }); }, onDispose(callback) { onDisposeCallbacks.push(callback); }, esbuild: streamIn.esbuild }); if (promise) await promise; requestPlugins.push(plugin); } catch (e) { return { ok: false, error: e, pluginName: name }; } } requestCallbacks["on-start"] = async (id, request) => { let response = { errors: [], warnings: [] }; await Promise.all( ({ name, callback, note }) => { try { let result = await callback(); if (result != null) { if (typeof result !== "object") throw new Error(`Expected onStart() callback in plugin ${quote(name)} to return an object`); let keys = {}; let errors = getFlag(result, keys, "errors", mustBeArray); let warnings = getFlag(result, keys, "warnings", mustBeArray); checkForInvalidFlags(result, keys, `from onStart() callback in plugin ${quote(name)}`); if (errors != null) response.errors.push(...sanitizeMessages(errors, "errors", details, name, void 0)); if (warnings != null) response.warnings.push(...sanitizeMessages(warnings, "warnings", details, name, void 0)); } } catch (e) { response.errors.push(extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, note && note(), name)); } })); sendResponse(id, response); }; requestCallbacks["on-resolve"] = async (id, request) => { let response = {}, name = "", callback, note; for (let id2 of request.ids) { try { ({ name, callback, note } = onResolveCallbacks[id2]); let result = await callback({ path: request.path, importer: request.importer, namespace: request.namespace, resolveDir: request.resolveDir, kind: request.kind, pluginData: details.load(request.pluginData) }); if (result != null) { if (typeof result !== "object") throw new Error(`Expected onResolve() callback in plugin ${quote(name)} to return an object`); let keys = {}; let pluginName = getFlag(result, keys, "pluginName", mustBeString); let path = getFlag(result, keys, "path", mustBeString); let namespace = getFlag(result, keys, "namespace", mustBeString); let suffix = getFlag(result, keys, "suffix", mustBeString); let external = getFlag(result, keys, "external", mustBeBoolean); let sideEffects = getFlag(result, keys, "sideEffects", mustBeBoolean); let pluginData = getFlag(result, keys, "pluginData", canBeAnything); let errors = getFlag(result, keys, "errors", mustBeArray); let warnings = getFlag(result, keys, "warnings", mustBeArray); let watchFiles = getFlag(result, keys, "watchFiles", mustBeArray); let watchDirs = getFlag(result, keys, "watchDirs", mustBeArray); checkForInvalidFlags(result, keys, `from onResolve() callback in plugin ${quote(name)}`); = id2; if (pluginName != null) response.pluginName = pluginName; if (path != null) response.path = path; if (namespace != null) response.namespace = namespace; if (suffix != null) response.suffix = suffix; if (external != null) response.external = external; if (sideEffects != null) response.sideEffects = sideEffects; if (pluginData != null) response.pluginData =; if (errors != null) response.errors = sanitizeMessages(errors, "errors", details, name, void 0); if (warnings != null) response.warnings = sanitizeMessages(warnings, "warnings", details, name, void 0); if (watchFiles != null) response.watchFiles = sanitizeStringArray(watchFiles, "watchFiles"); if (watchDirs != null) response.watchDirs = sanitizeStringArray(watchDirs, "watchDirs"); break; } } catch (e) { response = { id: id2, errors: [extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, note && note(), name)] }; break; } } sendResponse(id, response); }; requestCallbacks["on-load"] = async (id, request) => { let response = {}, name = "", callback, note; for (let id2 of request.ids) { try { ({ name, callback, note } = onLoadCallbacks[id2]); let result = await callback({ path: request.path, namespace: request.namespace, suffix: request.suffix, pluginData: details.load(request.pluginData), with: request.with }); if (result != null) { if (typeof result !== "object") throw new Error(`Expected onLoad() callback in plugin ${quote(name)} to return an object`); let keys = {}; let pluginName = getFlag(result, keys, "pluginName", mustBeString); let contents = getFlag(result, keys, "contents", mustBeStringOrUint8Array); let resolveDir = getFlag(result, keys, "resolveDir", mustBeString); let pluginData = getFlag(result, keys, "pluginData", canBeAnything); let loader = getFlag(result, keys, "loader", mustBeString); let errors = getFlag(result, keys, "errors", mustBeArray); let warnings = getFlag(result, keys, "warnings", mustBeArray); let watchFiles = getFlag(result, keys, "watchFiles", mustBeArray); let watchDirs = getFlag(result, keys, "watchDirs", mustBeArray); checkForInvalidFlags(result, keys, `from onLoad() callback in plugin ${quote(name)}`); = id2; if (pluginName != null) response.pluginName = pluginName; if (contents instanceof Uint8Array) response.contents = contents; else if (contents != null) response.contents = encodeUTF8(contents); if (resolveDir != null) response.resolveDir = resolveDir; if (pluginData != null) response.pluginData =; if (loader != null) response.loader = loader; if (errors != null) response.errors = sanitizeMessages(errors, "errors", details, name, void 0); if (warnings != null) response.warnings = sanitizeMessages(warnings, "warnings", details, name, void 0); if (watchFiles != null) response.watchFiles = sanitizeStringArray(watchFiles, "watchFiles"); if (watchDirs != null) response.watchDirs = sanitizeStringArray(watchDirs, "watchDirs"); break; } } catch (e) { response = { id: id2, errors: [extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, note && note(), name)] }; break; } } sendResponse(id, response); }; let runOnEndCallbacks = (result, done) => done([], []); if (onEndCallbacks.length > 0) { runOnEndCallbacks = (result, done) => { (async () => { const onEndErrors = []; const onEndWarnings = []; for (const { name, callback, note } of onEndCallbacks) { let newErrors; let newWarnings; try { const value = await callback(result); if (value != null) { if (typeof value !== "object") throw new Error(`Expected onEnd() callback in plugin ${quote(name)} to return an object`); let keys = {}; let errors = getFlag(value, keys, "errors", mustBeArray); let warnings = getFlag(value, keys, "warnings", mustBeArray); checkForInvalidFlags(value, keys, `from onEnd() callback in plugin ${quote(name)}`); if (errors != null) newErrors = sanitizeMessages(errors, "errors", details, name, void 0); if (warnings != null) newWarnings = sanitizeMessages(warnings, "warnings", details, name, void 0); } } catch (e) { newErrors = [extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, details, note && note(), name)]; } if (newErrors) { onEndErrors.push(...newErrors); try { result.errors.push(...newErrors); } catch { } } if (newWarnings) { onEndWarnings.push(...newWarnings); try { result.warnings.push(...newWarnings); } catch { } } } done(onEndErrors, onEndWarnings); })(); }; } let scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks = () => { for (const cb of onDisposeCallbacks) { setTimeout(() => cb(), 0); } }; isSetupDone = true; return { ok: true, requestPlugins, runOnEndCallbacks, scheduleOnDisposeCallbacks };};function createObjectStash() { const map = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let nextID = 0; return { load(id) { return map.get(id); }, store(value) { if (value === void 0) return -1; const id = nextID++; map.set(id, value); return id; } };}function extractCallerV8(e, streamIn, ident) { let note; let tried = false; return () => { if (tried) return note; tried = true; try { let lines = (e.stack + "").split("\n"); lines.splice(1, 1); let location = parseStackLinesV8(streamIn, lines, ident); if (location) { note = { text: e.message, location }; return note; } } catch { } };}function extractErrorMessageV8(e, streamIn, stash, note, pluginName) { let text = "Internal error"; let location = null; try { text = (e && e.message || e) + ""; } catch { } try { location = parseStackLinesV8(streamIn, (e.stack + "").split("\n"), ""); } catch { } return { id: "", pluginName, text, location, notes: note ? [note] : [], detail: stash ? : -1 };}function parseStackLinesV8(streamIn, lines, ident) { let at = " at "; if (streamIn.readFileSync && !lines[0].startsWith(at) && lines[1].startsWith(at)) { for (let i = 1; i < lines.length; i++) { let line = lines[i]; if (!line.startsWith(at)) continue; line = line.slice(at.length); while (true) { let match = /^(?:new |async )?\S+ \((.*)\)$/.exec(line); if (match) { line = match[1]; continue; } match = /^eval at \S+ \((.*)\)(?:, \S+:\d+:\d+)?$/.exec(line); if (match) { line = match[1]; continue; } match = /^(\S+):(\d+):(\d+)$/.exec(line); if (match) { let contents; try { contents = streamIn.readFileSync(match[1], "utf8"); } catch { break; } let lineText = contents.split(/\r\n|\r|\n|\u2028|\u2029/)[+match[2] - 1] || ""; let column = +match[3] - 1; let length = lineText.slice(column, column + ident.length) === ident ? ident.length : 0; return { file: match[1], namespace: "file", line: +match[2], column: encodeUTF8(lineText.slice(0, column)).length, length: encodeUTF8(lineText.slice(column, column + length)).length, lineText: lineText + "\n" + lines.slice(1).join("\n"), suggestion: "" }; } break; } } } return null;}function failureErrorWithLog(text, errors, warnings) { let limit = 5; text += errors.length < 1 ? "" : ` with ${errors.length} error${errors.length < 2 ? "" : "s"}:` + errors.slice(0, limit + 1).map((e, i) => { if (i === limit) return "\n..."; if (!e.location) return `error: ${e.text}`; let { file, line, column } = e.location; let pluginText = e.pluginName ? `[plugin: ${e.pluginName}] ` : ""; return `${file}:${line}:${column}: ERROR: ${pluginText}${e.text}`; }).join(""); let error = new Error(text); for (const [key, value] of [["errors", errors], ["warnings", warnings]]) { Object.defineProperty(error, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get: () => value, set: (value2) => Object.defineProperty(error, key, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: value2 }) }); } return error;}function replaceDetailsInMessages(messages, stash) { for (const message of messages) { message.detail = stash.load(message.detail); } return messages;}function sanitizeLocation(location, where, terminalWidth) { if (location == null) return null; let keys = {}; let file = getFlag(location, keys, "file", mustBeString); let namespace = getFlag(location, keys, "namespace", mustBeString); let line = getFlag(location, keys, "line", mustBeInteger); let column = getFlag(location, keys, "column", mustBeInteger); let length = getFlag(location, keys, "length", mustBeInteger); let lineText = getFlag(location, keys, "lineText", mustBeString); let suggestion = getFlag(location, keys, "suggestion", mustBeString); checkForInvalidFlags(location, keys, where); if (lineText) { const relevantASCII = lineText.slice( 0, (column && column > 0 ? column : 0) + (length && length > 0 ? length : 0) + (terminalWidth && terminalWidth > 0 ? terminalWidth : 80) ); if (!/[\x7F-\uFFFF]/.test(relevantASCII) && !/\n/.test(lineText)) { lineText = relevantASCII; } } return { file: file || "", namespace: namespace || "", line: line || 0, column: column || 0, length: length || 0, lineText: lineText || "", suggestion: suggestion || "" };}function sanitizeMessages(messages, property, stash, fallbackPluginName, terminalWidth) { let messagesClone = []; let index = 0; for (const message of messages) { let keys = {}; let id = getFlag(message, keys, "id", mustBeString); let pluginName = getFlag(message, keys, "pluginName", mustBeString); let text = getFlag(message, keys, "text", mustBeString); let location = getFlag(message, keys, "location", mustBeObjectOrNull); let notes = getFlag(message, keys, "notes", mustBeArray); let detail = getFlag(message, keys, "detail", canBeAnything); let where = `in element ${index} of "${property}"`; checkForInvalidFlags(message, keys, where); let notesClone = []; if (notes) { for (const note of notes) { let noteKeys = {}; let noteText = getFlag(note, noteKeys, "text", mustBeString); let noteLocation = getFlag(note, noteKeys, "location", mustBeObjectOrNull); checkForInvalidFlags(note, noteKeys, where); notesClone.push({ text: noteText || "", location: sanitizeLocation(noteLocation, where, terminalWidth) }); } } messagesClone.push({ id: id || "", pluginName: pluginName || fallbackPluginName, text: text || "", location: sanitizeLocation(location, where, terminalWidth), notes: notesClone, detail: stash ? : -1 }); index++; } return messagesClone;}function sanitizeStringArray(values, property) { const result = []; for (const value of values) { if (typeof value !== "string") throw new Error(`${quote(property)} must be an array of strings`); result.push(value); } return result;}function convertOutputFiles({ path, contents, hash }) { let text = null; return { path, contents, hash, get text() { const binary = this.contents; if (text === null || binary !== contents) { contents = binary; text = decodeUTF8(binary); } return text; } };}
// lib/deno/wasm.tsvar version = "0.21.2";var build = (options) => ensureServiceIsRunning().then((service) =>;var context = (options) => ensureServiceIsRunning().then((service) => service.context(options));var transform = (input, options) => ensureServiceIsRunning().then((service) => service.transform(input, options));var formatMessages = (messages, options) => ensureServiceIsRunning().then((service) => service.formatMessages(messages, options));var analyzeMetafile = (metafile, options) => ensureServiceIsRunning().then((service) => service.analyzeMetafile(metafile, options));var buildSync = () => { throw new Error(`The "buildSync" API does not work in Deno`);};var transformSync = () => { throw new Error(`The "transformSync" API does not work in Deno`);};var formatMessagesSync = () => { throw new Error(`The "formatMessagesSync" API does not work in Deno`);};var analyzeMetafileSync = () => { throw new Error(`The "analyzeMetafileSync" API does not work in Deno`);};var stop = () => { if (stopService) stopService(); return Promise.resolve();};var initializePromise;var stopService;var ensureServiceIsRunning = () => { return initializePromise || startRunningService("esbuild.wasm", void 0, true);};var initialize = async (options) => { options = validateInitializeOptions(options || {}); let wasmURL = options.wasmURL; let wasmModule = options.wasmModule; let useWorker = options.worker !== false; if (initializePromise) throw new Error('Cannot call "initialize" more than once'); initializePromise = startRunningService(wasmURL || "esbuild.wasm", wasmModule, useWorker); initializePromise.catch(() => { initializePromise = void 0; }); await initializePromise;};var startRunningService = async (wasmURL, wasmModule, useWorker) => { let worker; if (useWorker) { let blob = new Blob([`onmessage=${'(postMessage=>{\n// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.\n// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style\n// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.\nlet onmessage,globalThis={};for(let r=self;r;r=Object.getPrototypeOf(r))for(let f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r))f in globalThis||Object.defineProperty(globalThis,f,{get:()=>self[f]});(()=>{const r=()=>{const c=new Error("not implemented");return c.code="ENOSYS",c};if(!globalThis.fs){let c="";globalThis.fs={constants:{O_WRONLY:-1,O_RDWR:-1,O_CREAT:-1,O_TRUNC:-1,O_APPEND:-1,O_EXCL:-1},writeSync(n,s){c+=g.decode(s);const i=c.lastIndexOf(`\n`);return i!=-1&&(console.log(c.substring(0,i)),c=c.substring(i+1)),s.length},write(n,s,i,a,u,h){if(i!==0||a!==s.length||u!==null){h(r());return}const d=this.writeSync(n,s);h(null,d)},chmod(n,s,i){i(r())},chown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},close(n,s){s(r())},fchmod(n,s,i){i(r())},fchown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},fstat(n,s){s(r())},fsync(n,s){s(null)},ftruncate(n,s,i){i(r())},lchown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},link(n,s,i){i(r())},lstat(n,s){s(r())},mkdir(n,s,i){i(r())},open(n,s,i,a){a(r())},read(n,s,i,a,u,h){h(r())},readdir(n,s){s(r())},readlink(n,s){s(r())},rename(n,s,i){i(r())},rmdir(n,s){s(r())},stat(n,s){s(r())},symlink(n,s,i){i(r())},truncate(n,s,i){i(r())},unlink(n,s){s(r())},utimes(n,s,i,a){a(r())}}}if(globalThis.process||(globalThis.process={getuid(){return-1},getgid(){return-1},geteuid(){return-1},getegid(){return-1},getgroups(){throw r()},pid:-1,ppid:-1,umask(){throw r()},cwd(){throw r()},chdir(){throw r()}}),!globalThis.crypto)throw new Error("globalThis.crypto is not available, polyfill required (crypto.getRandomValues only)");if(!globalThis.performance)throw new Error("globalThis.performance is not available, polyfill required ( only)");if(!globalThis.TextEncoder)throw new Error("globalThis.TextEncoder is not available, polyfill required");if(!globalThis.TextDecoder)throw new Error("globalThis.TextDecoder is not available, polyfill required");const f=new TextEncoder("utf-8"),g=new TextDecoder("utf-8");globalThis.Go=class{constructor(){this.argv=["js"],this.env={},this.exit=t=>{t!==0&&console.warn("exit code:",t)},this._exitPromise=new Promise(t=>{this._resolveExitPromise=t}),this._pendingEvent=null,this._scheduledTimeouts=new Map,this._nextCallbackTimeoutID=1;const c=(t,e)=>{this.mem.setUint32(t+0,e,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t+4,Math.floor(e/4294967296),!0)},n=t=>{const e=this.mem.getUint32(t+0,!0),o=this.mem.getInt32(t+4,!0);return e+o*4294967296},s=t=>{const e=this.mem.getFloat64(t,!0);if(e===0)return;if(!isNaN(e))return e;const o=this.mem.getUint32(t,!0);return this._values[o]},i=(t,e)=>{if(typeof e=="number"&&e!==0){if(isNaN(e)){this.mem.setUint32(t+4,2146959360,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t,0,!0);return}this.mem.setFloat64(t,e,!0);return}if(e===void 0){this.mem.setFloat64(t,0,!0);return}let l=this._ids.get(e);l===void 0&&(l=this._idPool.pop(),l===void 0&&(l=this._values.length),this._values[l]=e,this._goRefCounts[l]=0,this._ids.set(e,l)),this._goRefCounts[l]++;let m=0;switch(typeof e){case"object":e!==null&&(m=1);break;case"string":m=2;break;case"symbol":m=3;break;case"function":m=4;break}this.mem.setUint32(t+4,2146959360|m,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t,l,!0)},a=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8);return new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,e,o)},u=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8),l=new Array(o);for(let m=0;m<o;m++)l[m]=s(e+m*8);return l},h=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8);return g.decode(new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,e,o))},;this.importObject={go:{"runtime.wasmExit":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getInt32(t+8,!0);this.exited=!0,delete this._inst,delete this._values,delete this._goRefCounts,delete this._ids,delete this._idPool,this.exit(e)},"runtime.wasmWrite":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=n(t+8),o=n(t+16),l=this.mem.getInt32(t+24,!0);globalThis.fs.writeSync(e,new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,o,l))},"runtime.resetMemoryDataView":t=>{t>>>=0,this.mem=new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer)},"runtime.nanotime1":t=>{t>>>=0,c(t+8,(*1e6)},"runtime.walltime":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=new Date().getTime();c(t+8,e/1e3),this.mem.setInt32(t+16,e%1e3*1e6,!0)},"runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this._nextCallbackTimeoutID;this._nextCallbackTimeoutID++,this._scheduledTimeouts.set(e,setTimeout(()=>{for(this._resume();this._scheduledTimeouts.has(e);)console.warn("scheduleTimeoutEvent: missed timeout event"),this._resume()},n(t+8)+1)),this.mem.setInt32(t+16,e,!0)},"runtime.clearTimeoutEvent":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getInt32(t+8,!0);clearTimeout(this._scheduledTimeouts.get(e)),this._scheduledTimeouts.delete(e)},"runtime.getRandomData":t=>{t>>>=0,crypto.getRandomValues(a(t+8))},"syscall/js.finalizeRef":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getUint32(t+8,!0);if(this._goRefCounts[e]--,this._goRefCounts[e]===0){const o=this._values[e];this._values[e]=null,this._ids.delete(o),this._idPool.push(e)}},"syscall/js.stringVal":t=>{t>>>=0,i(t+24,h(t+8))},"syscall/js.valueGet":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=Reflect.get(s(t+8),h(t+16));t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+32,e)},"syscall/js.valueSet":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.set(s(t+8),h(t+16),s(t+32))},"syscall/js.valueDelete":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.deleteProperty(s(t+8),h(t+16))},"syscall/js.valueIndex":t=>{t>>>=0,i(t+24,Reflect.get(s(t+8),n(t+16)))},"syscall/js.valueSetIndex":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.set(s(t+8),n(t+16),s(t+24))},"syscall/js.valueCall":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=Reflect.get(e,h(t+16)),l=u(t+32),m=Reflect.apply(o,e,l);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+56,m),this.mem.setUint8(t+64,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+56,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+64,0)}},"syscall/js.valueInvoke":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=u(t+16),l=Reflect.apply(e,void 0,o);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,l),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0)}},"syscall/js.valueNew":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=u(t+16),l=Reflect.construct(e,o);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,l),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0)}},"syscall/js.valueLength":t=>{t>>>=0,c(t+16,parseInt(s(t+8).length))},"syscall/js.valuePrepareString":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=f.encode(String(s(t+8)));i(t+16,e),c(t+24,e.length)},"syscall/js.valueLoadString":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=s(t+8);a(t+16).set(e)},"syscall/js.valueInstanceOf":t=>{t>>>=0,this.mem.setUint8(t+24,s(t+8)instanceof s(t+16)?1:0)},"syscall/js.copyBytesToGo":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=a(t+8),o=s(t+32);if(!(o instanceof Uint8Array||o instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)){this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0);return}const l=o.subarray(0,e.length);e.set(l),c(t+40,l.length),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)},"syscall/js.copyBytesToJS":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=s(t+8),o=a(t+16);if(!(e instanceof Uint8Array||e instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)){this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0);return}const l=o.subarray(0,e.length);e.set(l),c(t+40,l.length),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)},debug:t=>{console.log(t)}}}}async run(c){if(!(c instanceof WebAssembly.Instance))throw new Error(" WebAssembly.Instance expected");this._inst=c,this.mem=new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer),this._values=[NaN,0,null,!0,!1,globalThis,this],this._goRefCounts=new Array(this._values.length).fill(1/0),this._ids=new Map([[0,1],[null,2],[!0,3],[!1,4],[globalThis,5],[this,6]]),this._idPool=[],this.exited=!1;let n=4096;const s=t=>{const e=n,o=f.encode(t+"\\0");return new Uint8Array(this.mem.buffer,n,o.length).set(o),n+=o.length,n%8!==0&&(n+=8-n%8),e},i=this.argv.length,a=[];this.argv.forEach(t=>{a.push(s(t))}),a.push(0),Object.keys(this.env).sort().forEach(t=>{a.push(s(`${t}=${this.env[t]}`))}),a.push(0);const h=n;if(a.forEach(t=>{this.mem.setUint32(n,t,!0),this.mem.setUint32(n+4,0,!0),n+=8}),n>=12288)throw new Error("total length of command line and environment variables exceeds limit");,h),this.exited&&this._resolveExitPromise(),await this._exitPromise}_resume(){if(this.exited)throw new Error("Go program has already exited");this._inst.exports.resume(),this.exited&&this._resolveExitPromise()}_makeFuncWrapper(c){const n=this;return function(){const s={id:c,this:this,args:arguments};return n._pendingEvent=s,n._resume(),s.result}}}})(),onmessage=({data:r})=>{let f=new TextDecoder,g=globalThis.fs,c="";g.writeSync=(u,h)=>{if(u===1)postMessage(h);else if(u===2){c+=f.decode(h);let d=c.split(`\n`);d.length>1&&console.log(d.slice(0,-1).join(`\n`)),c=d[d.length-1]}else throw new Error("Bad write");return h.length};let n=[],s,i=0;onmessage=({data:u})=>(u.length>0&&(n.push(u),s&&s()),a),,h,d,t,e,o)=>{if(u!==0||d!==0||t!==h.length||e!==null)throw new Error("Bad read");if(n.length===0){s=()=>,h,d,t,e,o);return}let l=n[0],m=Math.max(0,Math.min(t,l.length-i));h.set(l.subarray(i,i+m),d),i+=m,i===l.length&&(n.shift(),i=0),o(null,m)};let a=new globalThis.Go;return a.argv=["","--service=0.21.2"],tryToInstantiateModule(r,a).then(u=>{postMessage(null),},u=>{postMessage(u)}),a};async function tryToInstantiateModule(r,f){if(r instanceof WebAssembly.Module)return WebAssembly.instantiate(r,f.importObject);const g=await fetch(r);if(!g.ok)throw new Error(`Failed to download ${JSON.stringify(r)}`);if("instantiateStreaming"in WebAssembly&&/^application\\/wasm($|;)/i.test(g.headers.get("Content-Type")||""))return(await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(g,f.importObject)).instance;const c=await g.arrayBuffer();return(await WebAssembly.instantiate(c,f.importObject)).instance}return r=>onmessage(r);})'}(postMessage)`], { type: "text/javascript" }); worker = new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob), { type: "module" }); } else { let onmessage = (postMessage=>{// Copyright 2018 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.let onmessage,globalThis={};for(let r=self;r;r=Object.getPrototypeOf(r))for(let f of Object.getOwnPropertyNames(r))f in globalThis||Object.defineProperty(globalThis,f,{get:()=>self[f]});(()=>{const r=()=>{const c=new Error("not implemented");return c.code="ENOSYS",c};if(!globalThis.fs){let c="";globalThis.fs={constants:{O_WRONLY:-1,O_RDWR:-1,O_CREAT:-1,O_TRUNC:-1,O_APPEND:-1,O_EXCL:-1},writeSync(n,s){c+=g.decode(s);const i=c.lastIndexOf(``);return i!=-1&&(console.log(c.substring(0,i)),c=c.substring(i+1)),s.length},write(n,s,i,a,u,h){if(i!==0||a!==s.length||u!==null){h(r());return}const d=this.writeSync(n,s);h(null,d)},chmod(n,s,i){i(r())},chown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},close(n,s){s(r())},fchmod(n,s,i){i(r())},fchown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},fstat(n,s){s(r())},fsync(n,s){s(null)},ftruncate(n,s,i){i(r())},lchown(n,s,i,a){a(r())},link(n,s,i){i(r())},lstat(n,s){s(r())},mkdir(n,s,i){i(r())},open(n,s,i,a){a(r())},read(n,s,i,a,u,h){h(r())},readdir(n,s){s(r())},readlink(n,s){s(r())},rename(n,s,i){i(r())},rmdir(n,s){s(r())},stat(n,s){s(r())},symlink(n,s,i){i(r())},truncate(n,s,i){i(r())},unlink(n,s){s(r())},utimes(n,s,i,a){a(r())}}}if(globalThis.process||(globalThis.process={getuid(){return-1},getgid(){return-1},geteuid(){return-1},getegid(){return-1},getgroups(){throw r()},pid:-1,ppid:-1,umask(){throw r()},cwd(){throw r()},chdir(){throw r()}}),!globalThis.crypto)throw new Error("globalThis.crypto is not available, polyfill required (crypto.getRandomValues only)");if(!globalThis.performance)throw new Error("globalThis.performance is not available, polyfill required ( only)");if(!globalThis.TextEncoder)throw new Error("globalThis.TextEncoder is not available, polyfill required");if(!globalThis.TextDecoder)throw new Error("globalThis.TextDecoder is not available, polyfill required");const f=new TextEncoder("utf-8"),g=new TextDecoder("utf-8");globalThis.Go=class{constructor(){this.argv=["js"],this.env={},this.exit=t=>{t!==0&&console.warn("exit code:",t)},this._exitPromise=new Promise(t=>{this._resolveExitPromise=t}),this._pendingEvent=null,this._scheduledTimeouts=new Map,this._nextCallbackTimeoutID=1;const c=(t,e)=>{this.mem.setUint32(t+0,e,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t+4,Math.floor(e/4294967296),!0)},n=t=>{const e=this.mem.getUint32(t+0,!0),o=this.mem.getInt32(t+4,!0);return e+o*4294967296},s=t=>{const e=this.mem.getFloat64(t,!0);if(e===0)return;if(!isNaN(e))return e;const o=this.mem.getUint32(t,!0);return this._values[o]},i=(t,e)=>{if(typeof e=="number"&&e!==0){if(isNaN(e)){this.mem.setUint32(t+4,2146959360,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t,0,!0);return}this.mem.setFloat64(t,e,!0);return}if(e===void 0){this.mem.setFloat64(t,0,!0);return}let l=this._ids.get(e);l===void 0&&(l=this._idPool.pop(),l===void 0&&(l=this._values.length),this._values[l]=e,this._goRefCounts[l]=0,this._ids.set(e,l)),this._goRefCounts[l]++;let m=0;switch(typeof e){case"object":e!==null&&(m=1);break;case"string":m=2;break;case"symbol":m=3;break;case"function":m=4;break}this.mem.setUint32(t+4,2146959360|m,!0),this.mem.setUint32(t,l,!0)},a=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8);return new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,e,o)},u=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8),l=new Array(o);for(let m=0;m<o;m++)l[m]=s(e+m*8);return l},h=t=>{const e=n(t+0),o=n(t+8);return g.decode(new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,e,o))},;this.importObject={go:{"runtime.wasmExit":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getInt32(t+8,!0);this.exited=!0,delete this._inst,delete this._values,delete this._goRefCounts,delete this._ids,delete this._idPool,this.exit(e)},"runtime.wasmWrite":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=n(t+8),o=n(t+16),l=this.mem.getInt32(t+24,!0);globalThis.fs.writeSync(e,new Uint8Array(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer,o,l))},"runtime.resetMemoryDataView":t=>{t>>>=0,this.mem=new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer)},"runtime.nanotime1":t=>{t>>>=0,c(t+8,(*1e6)},"runtime.walltime":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=new Date().getTime();c(t+8,e/1e3),this.mem.setInt32(t+16,e%1e3*1e6,!0)},"runtime.scheduleTimeoutEvent":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this._nextCallbackTimeoutID;this._nextCallbackTimeoutID++,this._scheduledTimeouts.set(e,setTimeout(()=>{for(this._resume();this._scheduledTimeouts.has(e);)console.warn("scheduleTimeoutEvent: missed timeout event"),this._resume()},n(t+8)+1)),this.mem.setInt32(t+16,e,!0)},"runtime.clearTimeoutEvent":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getInt32(t+8,!0);clearTimeout(this._scheduledTimeouts.get(e)),this._scheduledTimeouts.delete(e)},"runtime.getRandomData":t=>{t>>>=0,crypto.getRandomValues(a(t+8))},"syscall/js.finalizeRef":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=this.mem.getUint32(t+8,!0);if(this._goRefCounts[e]--,this._goRefCounts[e]===0){const o=this._values[e];this._values[e]=null,this._ids.delete(o),this._idPool.push(e)}},"syscall/js.stringVal":t=>{t>>>=0,i(t+24,h(t+8))},"syscall/js.valueGet":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=Reflect.get(s(t+8),h(t+16));t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+32,e)},"syscall/js.valueSet":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.set(s(t+8),h(t+16),s(t+32))},"syscall/js.valueDelete":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.deleteProperty(s(t+8),h(t+16))},"syscall/js.valueIndex":t=>{t>>>=0,i(t+24,Reflect.get(s(t+8),n(t+16)))},"syscall/js.valueSetIndex":t=>{t>>>=0,Reflect.set(s(t+8),n(t+16),s(t+24))},"syscall/js.valueCall":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=Reflect.get(e,h(t+16)),l=u(t+32),m=Reflect.apply(o,e,l);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+56,m),this.mem.setUint8(t+64,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+56,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+64,0)}},"syscall/js.valueInvoke":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=u(t+16),l=Reflect.apply(e,void 0,o);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,l),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0)}},"syscall/js.valueNew":t=>{t>>>=0;try{const e=s(t+8),o=u(t+16),l=Reflect.construct(e,o);t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,l),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)}catch(e){t=this._inst.exports.getsp()>>>0,i(t+40,e),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0)}},"syscall/js.valueLength":t=>{t>>>=0,c(t+16,parseInt(s(t+8).length))},"syscall/js.valuePrepareString":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=f.encode(String(s(t+8)));i(t+16,e),c(t+24,e.length)},"syscall/js.valueLoadString":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=s(t+8);a(t+16).set(e)},"syscall/js.valueInstanceOf":t=>{t>>>=0,this.mem.setUint8(t+24,s(t+8)instanceof s(t+16)?1:0)},"syscall/js.copyBytesToGo":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=a(t+8),o=s(t+32);if(!(o instanceof Uint8Array||o instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)){this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0);return}const l=o.subarray(0,e.length);e.set(l),c(t+40,l.length),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)},"syscall/js.copyBytesToJS":t=>{t>>>=0;const e=s(t+8),o=a(t+16);if(!(e instanceof Uint8Array||e instanceof Uint8ClampedArray)){this.mem.setUint8(t+48,0);return}const l=o.subarray(0,e.length);e.set(l),c(t+40,l.length),this.mem.setUint8(t+48,1)},debug:t=>{console.log(t)}}}}async run(c){if(!(c instanceof WebAssembly.Instance))throw new Error(" WebAssembly.Instance expected");this._inst=c,this.mem=new DataView(this._inst.exports.mem.buffer),this._values=[NaN,0,null,!0,!1,globalThis,this],this._goRefCounts=new Array(this._values.length).fill(1/0),this._ids=new Map([[0,1],[null,2],[!0,3],[!1,4],[globalThis,5],[this,6]]),this._idPool=[],this.exited=!1;let n=4096;const s=t=>{const e=n,o=f.encode(t+"\0");return new Uint8Array(this.mem.buffer,n,o.length).set(o),n+=o.length,n%8!==0&&(n+=8-n%8),e},i=this.argv.length,a=[];this.argv.forEach(t=>{a.push(s(t))}),a.push(0),Object.keys(this.env).sort().forEach(t=>{a.push(s(`${t}=${this.env[t]}`))}),a.push(0);const h=n;if(a.forEach(t=>{this.mem.setUint32(n,t,!0),this.mem.setUint32(n+4,0,!0),n+=8}),n>=12288)throw new Error("total length of command line and environment variables exceeds limit");,h),this.exited&&this._resolveExitPromise(),await this._exitPromise}_resume(){if(this.exited)throw new Error("Go program has already exited");this._inst.exports.resume(),this.exited&&this._resolveExitPromise()}_makeFuncWrapper(c){const n=this;return function(){const s={id:c,this:this,args:arguments};return n._pendingEvent=s,n._resume(),s.result}}}})(),onmessage=({data:r})=>{let f=new TextDecoder,g=globalThis.fs,c="";g.writeSync=(u,h)=>{if(u===1)postMessage(h);else if(u===2){c+=f.decode(h);let d=c.split(``);d.length>1&&console.log(d.slice(0,-1).join(``)),c=d[d.length-1]}else throw new Error("Bad write");return h.length};let n=[],s,i=0;onmessage=({data:u})=>(u.length>0&&(n.push(u),s&&s()),a),,h,d,t,e,o)=>{if(u!==0||d!==0||t!==h.length||e!==null)throw new Error("Bad read");if(n.length===0){s=()=>,h,d,t,e,o);return}let l=n[0],m=Math.max(0,Math.min(t,l.length-i));h.set(l.subarray(i,i+m),d),i+=m,i===l.length&&(n.shift(),i=0),o(null,m)};let a=new globalThis.Go;return a.argv=["","--service=0.21.2"],tryToInstantiateModule(r,a).then(u=>{postMessage(null),},u=>{postMessage(u)}),a};async function tryToInstantiateModule(r,f){if(r instanceof WebAssembly.Module)return WebAssembly.instantiate(r,f.importObject);const g=await fetch(r);if(!g.ok)throw new Error(`Failed to download ${JSON.stringify(r)}`);if("instantiateStreaming"in WebAssembly&&/^application\/wasm($|;)/i.test(g.headers.get("Content-Type")||""))return(await WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming(g,f.importObject)).instance;const c=await g.arrayBuffer();return(await WebAssembly.instantiate(c,f.importObject)).instance}return r=>onmessage(r);})((data) => worker.onmessage({ data })); let go; worker = { onmessage: null, postMessage: (data) => setTimeout(() => go = onmessage({ data })), terminate() { if (go) for (let timeout of go._scheduledTimeouts.values()) clearTimeout(timeout); } }; } let firstMessageResolve; let firstMessageReject; const firstMessagePromise = new Promise((resolve, reject) => { firstMessageResolve = resolve; firstMessageReject = reject; }); worker.onmessage = ({ data: error }) => { worker.onmessage = ({ data }) => readFromStdout(data); if (error) firstMessageReject(error); else firstMessageResolve(); }; worker.postMessage(wasmModule || new URL(wasmURL, import.meta.url).toString()); let { readFromStdout, service } = createChannel({ writeToStdin(bytes) { worker.postMessage(bytes); }, isSync: false, hasFS: false, esbuild: wasm_exports }); await firstMessagePromise; stopService = () => { worker.terminate(); initializePromise = void 0; stopService = void 0; }; return { build: (options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => service.buildOrContext({ callName: "build", refs: null, options, isTTY: false, defaultWD: "/", callback: (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) })), context: (options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => service.buildOrContext({ callName: "context", refs: null, options, isTTY: false, defaultWD: "/", callback: (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) })), transform: (input, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => service.transform({ callName: "transform", refs: null, input, options: options || {}, isTTY: false, fs: { readFile(_, callback) { callback(new Error("Internal error"), null); }, writeFile(_, callback) { callback(null); } }, callback: (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) })), formatMessages: (messages, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => service.formatMessages({ callName: "formatMessages", refs: null, messages, options, callback: (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) })), analyzeMetafile: (metafile, options) => new Promise((resolve, reject) => service.analyzeMetafile({ callName: "analyzeMetafile", refs: null, metafile: typeof metafile === "string" ? metafile : JSON.stringify(metafile), options, callback: (err, res) => err ? reject(err) : resolve(res) })) };};export { analyzeMetafile, analyzeMetafileSync, build, buildSync, context, formatMessages, formatMessagesSync, initialize, stop, transform, transformSync, version};