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Deno module resolution for `esbuild`
import { esbuild, extname, fromFileUrl, ImportMap, JSONC, toFileUrl,} from "../deps.ts";import { MediaType } from "./deno.ts";
export interface Loader { resolve(specifier: URL): Promise<LoaderResolution>; loadEsm(specifier: URL): Promise<esbuild.OnLoadResult>;
packageIdFromNameInPackage?(name: string, parentPackageId: string): string; nodeModulesDirForPackage?(npmPackageId?: string): Promise<string>;}
export type LoaderResolution = | LoaderResolutionEsm | LoaderResolutionNpm | LoaderResolutionNode;
export interface LoaderResolutionEsm { kind: "esm"; specifier: URL;}
export interface LoaderResolutionNpm { kind: "npm"; packageId: string; packageName: string; path: string;}
export interface LoaderResolutionNode { kind: "node"; path: string;}
export function mediaTypeToLoader(mediaType: MediaType): esbuild.Loader { switch (mediaType) { case "JavaScript": case "Mjs": return "js"; case "JSX": return "jsx"; case "TypeScript": case "Mts": return "ts"; case "TSX": return "tsx"; case "Json": return "json"; default: throw new Error(`Unhandled media type ${mediaType}.`); }}
export interface EsbuildResolution { namespace: string; path: string;}
export function urlToEsbuildResolution(url: URL): EsbuildResolution { if (url.protocol === "file:") { return { path: fromFileUrl(url), namespace: "file" }; }
const namespace = url.protocol.slice(0, -1); const path = url.href.slice(namespace.length + 1); return { path, namespace };}
export function esbuildResolutionToURL(specifier: EsbuildResolution): URL { if (specifier.namespace === "file") { return toFileUrl(specifier.path); }
return new URL(`${specifier.namespace}:${specifier.path}`);}
interface DenoConfig { imports?: unknown; scopes?: unknown; lock?: boolean | string; importMap?: string;}
export async function readDenoConfig(path: string): Promise<DenoConfig> { const file = await Deno.readTextFile(path); const res = JSONC.parse(file); if (typeof res !== "object" || res === null || Array.isArray(res)) { throw new Error(`Deno config at ${path} must be an object`); } if ( "imports" in res && (typeof res.imports !== "object" || res.imports === null || Array.isArray(res.imports)) ) { throw new Error(`Deno config at ${path} has invalid "imports" key`); } if ( "scopes" in res && (typeof res.scopes !== "object" || res.scopes === null || Array.isArray(res.scopes)) ) { throw new Error(`Deno config at ${path} has invalid "scopes" key`); } if ( "lock" in res && typeof res.lock !== "boolean" && typeof res.lock !== "string" ) { throw new Error(`Deno config at ${path} has invalid "lock" key`); } if ("importMap" in res && typeof res.importMap !== "string") { throw new Error(`Deno config at ${path} has invalid "importMap" key`); } return res;}
export function mapContentType( specifier: URL, contentType: string | null,): MediaType { if (contentType !== null) { const contentTypes = contentType.split(";"); const mediaType = contentTypes[0].toLowerCase(); switch (mediaType) { case "application/typescript": case "text/typescript": case "video/vnd.dlna.mpeg-tts": case "video/mp2t": case "application/x-typescript": return mapJsLikeExtension(specifier, "TypeScript"); case "application/javascript": case "text/javascript": case "application/ecmascript": case "text/ecmascript": case "application/x-javascript": case "application/node": return mapJsLikeExtension(specifier, "JavaScript"); case "text/jsx": return "JSX"; case "text/tsx": return "TSX"; case "application/json": case "text/json": return "Json"; case "application/wasm": return "Wasm"; case "text/plain": case "application/octet-stream": return mediaTypeFromSpecifier(specifier); default: return "Unknown"; } } else { return mediaTypeFromSpecifier(specifier); }}
function mapJsLikeExtension( specifier: URL, defaultType: MediaType,): MediaType { const path = specifier.pathname; switch (extname(path)) { case ".jsx": return "JSX"; case ".mjs": return "Mjs"; case ".cjs": return "Cjs"; case ".tsx": return "TSX"; case ".ts": if (path.endsWith(".d.ts")) { return "Dts"; } else { return defaultType; } case ".mts": { if (path.endsWith(".d.mts")) { return "Dmts"; } else { return defaultType == "JavaScript" ? "Mjs" : "Mts"; } } case ".cts": { if (path.endsWith(".d.cts")) { return "Dcts"; } else { return defaultType == "JavaScript" ? "Cjs" : "Cts"; } } default: return defaultType; }}
function mediaTypeFromSpecifier(specifier: URL): MediaType { const path = specifier.pathname; switch (extname(path)) { case "": if (path.endsWith("/.tsbuildinfo")) { return "TsBuildInfo"; } else { return "Unknown"; } case ".ts": if (path.endsWith(".d.ts")) { return "Dts"; } else { return "TypeScript"; } case ".mts": if (path.endsWith(".d.mts")) { return "Dmts"; } else { return "Mts"; } case ".cts": if (path.endsWith(".d.cts")) { return "Dcts"; } else { return "Cts"; } case ".tsx": return "TSX"; case ".js": return "JavaScript"; case ".jsx": return "JSX"; case ".mjs": return "Mjs"; case ".cjs": return "Cjs"; case ".json": return "Json"; case ".wasm": return "Wasm"; case ".tsbuildinfo": return "TsBuildInfo"; case ".map": return "SourceMap"; default: return "Unknown"; }}
export interface NpmSpecifier { name: string; version: string | null; path: string | null;}
export function parseNpmSpecifier(specifier: URL): NpmSpecifier { if (specifier.protocol !== "npm:") throw new Error("Invalid npm specifier"); const path = specifier.pathname; const startIndex = path[0] === "/" ? 1 : 0; let pathStartIndex; let versionStartIndex; if (path[startIndex] === "@") { const firstSlash = path.indexOf("/", startIndex); if (firstSlash === -1) { throw new Error(`Invalid npm specifier: ${specifier}`); } pathStartIndex = path.indexOf("/", firstSlash + 1); versionStartIndex = path.indexOf("@", firstSlash + 1); } else { pathStartIndex = path.indexOf("/", startIndex); versionStartIndex = path.indexOf("@", startIndex); }
if (pathStartIndex === -1) pathStartIndex = path.length; if (versionStartIndex === -1) versionStartIndex = path.length;
if (versionStartIndex > pathStartIndex) { versionStartIndex = pathStartIndex; }
if (startIndex === versionStartIndex) { throw new Error(`Invalid npm specifier: ${specifier}`); }
return { name: path.slice(startIndex, versionStartIndex), version: versionStartIndex === pathStartIndex ? null : path.slice(versionStartIndex + 1, pathStartIndex), path: pathStartIndex === path.length ? null : path.slice(pathStartIndex), };}
export interface JsrSpecifier { name: string; version: string | null; path: string | null;}
export function parseJsrSpecifier(specifier: URL): JsrSpecifier { if (specifier.protocol !== "jsr:") throw new Error("Invalid jsr specifier"); const path = specifier.pathname; const startIndex = path[0] === "/" ? 1 : 0; if (path[startIndex] !== "@") { throw new Error(`Invalid jsr specifier: ${specifier}`); } const firstSlash = path.indexOf("/", startIndex); if (firstSlash === -1) { throw new Error(`Invalid jsr specifier: ${specifier}`); } let pathStartIndex = path.indexOf("/", firstSlash + 1); let versionStartIndex = path.indexOf("@", firstSlash + 1);
if (pathStartIndex === -1) pathStartIndex = path.length; if (versionStartIndex === -1) versionStartIndex = path.length;
if (versionStartIndex > pathStartIndex) { versionStartIndex = pathStartIndex; }
if (startIndex === versionStartIndex) { throw new Error(`Invalid jsr specifier: ${specifier}`); }
return { name: path.slice(startIndex, versionStartIndex), version: versionStartIndex === pathStartIndex ? null : path.slice(versionStartIndex + 1, pathStartIndex), path: pathStartIndex === path.length ? null : path.slice(pathStartIndex), };}
// For all pairs in `imports` where the specifier does not end in a /, and the// target starts with `jsr:` or `npm:`, and no entry exists for `${specifier}/`,// add an entry for `${specifier}/` pointing to the target with a / appended,// and a `/` appended to the scheme, if none is present there.export function expandEmbeddedImportMap(importMap: ImportMap) { if (importMap.imports !== undefined) { const newImports: [string, string | null][] = []; for (const [specifier, target] of Object.entries(importMap.imports)) { newImports.push([specifier, target]); if ( !specifier.endsWith("/") && target && (target.startsWith("jsr:") || target.startsWith("npm:")) && !importMap.imports[specifier + "/"] ) { const newSpecifier = specifier + "/"; const newTarget = target.slice(0, 4) + "/" + target.slice(target[4] === "/" ? 5 : 4) + "/"; newImports.push([newSpecifier, newTarget]); } } importMap.imports = Object.fromEntries(newImports); }}