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import type { Loader, OnLoadArgs, OnLoadResult, OnResolveArgs, Plugin} from "";
const namespace = "http-import";const possibleLoaders: Loader[] = [ 'js', 'jsx', 'ts', 'tsx', 'css', 'json', 'text', 'base64', 'file', 'dataurl', 'binary', 'default' ];const binaryLoaders: Loader[] = [ 'binary', 'file', "dataurl" ];const responseCache: { [ path in string ]: Response } = {}export type Options = { allowPrivateModules?: boolean; defaultToJavascriptIfNothingElseFound?: boolean; disableCache?: boolean; onCacheMiss?: (path: string) => void; onCacheHit?: (path: string) => void;};
export const httpImports = (options: Options = {}): Plugin => ({ name: namespace, setup(build) { build.onResolve({ filter: /^https:\/\// }, ({ path }: OnResolveArgs) => ({ path, namespace })); build.onResolve({ filter: /.*/, namespace }, ({ path, importer }: OnResolveArgs) => ({ path: new URL(path.replace(/\?.*/, ""), importer).toString(), namespace })); build.onLoad({ filter: /.*/, namespace }, async ({ path }: OnLoadArgs): Promise<OnLoadResult> => { const headers = new Headers(); if (options.allowPrivateModules) appendAuthHeaderFromPrivateModules(path, headers);
const source = await useResponseCacheElseLoad(options, path, headers); if (!source.ok) throw new Error(`GET ${path} failed: status ${source.status}`); let contents = await source.clone().text(); contents = await handeSourceMaps(contents, source, headers); const { pathname } = new URL(path);
// Find perfect Loader for extension const loader = build.initialOptions.loader?.[ `.${pathname.split(".").at(-1)}` ] ?? (pathname.match(/[^.]+$/)?.[ 0 ]) as (Loader | undefined); return { contents: binaryLoaders.includes(loader ?? "default") ? new Uint8Array(await source.clone().arrayBuffer()) : contents, loader: options.defaultToJavascriptIfNothingElseFound ? (loader && possibleLoaders.includes(loader) ? loader : "js") : loader }; }); }})

const loadMap = async (url: URL, headers: Headers) => { const map = await fetch(url.href, { headers }); const type = map.headers.get("content-type")?.replace(/\s/g, ""); const buffer = await map.arrayBuffer(); const blob = new Blob([ buffer ], { type }); const reader = new FileReader(); return new Promise((cb) => { reader.onload = (e) => cb(; reader.readAsDataURL(blob); });};
async function useResponseCacheElseLoad(options: Options, path: string, headers: Headers): Promise<Response> { if (responseCache[ path ] && !options.disableCache) { options.onCacheHit?.(path); return responseCache[ path ]; } options.onCacheMiss?.(path); return responseCache[ path ] = await fetch(path.split("?")[ 0 ], { headers });}
async function handeSourceMaps(contents: string, source: Response, headers: Headers) { const pattern = /\/\/# sourceMappingURL=(\S+)/; const match = contents.match(pattern); if (match) { const url = new URL(match[ 1 ], source.url); const dataurl = await loadMap(url, headers); const comment = `//# sourceMappingURL=${dataurl}`; return contents.replace(pattern, comment); } return contents;}
function appendAuthHeaderFromPrivateModules(path: string, headers: Headers) { const env = Deno.env.get("DENO_AUTH_TOKENS")?.trim(); if (!env) return;
try { const denoAuthToken = env.split(";").find(x => new URL(`https://${x.split("@").at(-1)!}`).hostname == new URL(path).hostname);
if (!denoAuthToken) return;
if (denoAuthToken.includes(":")) headers.append("Authorization", `Basic ${btoa(denoAuthToken.split('@')[ 0 ])}`); else headers.append("Authorization", `Bearer ${denoAuthToken.split('@')[ 0 ]}`);
} catch (error) { console.log(error, env); return; }}