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A fast, global CDN for NPM packages with ESM format.
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Contributing to

Welcome, and thank you for taking time in contributing to project!

Development Setup

You will need Golang 1.18+.

  1. Fork this repository to your own GitHub account.
  2. Clone the repository to your local device.
  3. Create a new branch git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME.
  4. Change code then run the testings.
  5. Push your branch to Github after all tests passed.
  6. Make a pull request.
  7. Merge to master branch by our maintainers.


To configure the server, create a config.json file in the root directory. Here is an example:

// config.json
  "port": 8080,
  "workDir": ".esmd",
  "npmRegistry": "",
  "npmToken": "xxxxxx"

You can find all the server options in config.exmaple.jsonc.

Run the sever in development mode

go run main.go --dev

Then you can import React from “http://localhost:8080/react

Run testings

# Run all tests

# Run tests for a specific module
./test/ preact

All the tests are written in Deno, you can find them in test/ directory.

Code of Conduct

All contributors are expected to follow our Code of Conduct.