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✦ A fast, smart, & global CDN for modern(es2015+) web development.
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Self-Hosting provides a fast, global content delivery network publicly which powered by Cloudflare. You may also want to host by yourself.

To serve, You will need Go 1.18+ to run and compile the server. The server will install Node.js runtime automatically if it’s not found on your host machine.

  • Linux system with git installed
  • 4x CPU cores or more
  • 8GB RAM or more
  • 100GB disk space or more

Clone code

git clone


To configure the server, create a config.json file then pass it to the server bootstrap command. For example:

// config.json
  "port": 8080,
  "tlsPort": 443,
  "workDir": "/var/www/esmd",
  "storage": "local:/var/www/esmd/storage",
  "origin": "",
  "npmRegistry": "",
  "npmToken": "xxxxxx"

You can find all the server options in config.exmaple.jsonc. (Note: the config.example.jsonc is not a valid JSON file, it’s a JSONC file.)

Run the sever locally

go run main.go --config=config.json --dev

Then you can import React from http://localhost:8080/react

Using Cloudflare Workers

You can also use Cloudflare Workers as the front layer to cache the requests.

Check esm-worker.

Deploy to remote host with the quick deploy script

Please ensure the supervisor has been installed on your host machine.

./scripts/ --init

Deploy with Docker

An example Dockerfile is found in the root of this project.