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package server
import ( "bytes" "fmt" "testing")
func TestDtsWalker(t *testing.T) { const rawDts = `/* * This is a multi-line comment. * @example: import("react") */// This is a single-line comment. import("react")// import React from "react";/// <reference path="global.d.ts" />
import * as CSS from 'csstype';import * as PropTypes from 'prop-types';import type { Interaction as SchedulerInteraction } /* bad comment */ from "scheduler/tracing";import DefaultExport, { AndNamed } from "scheduler/tracing";
export * from "react";export = React;
// todo: support: export const weird: "import('react')";
import React = import('react');import React = require("react");`
const expectedDts = `/* * This is a multi-line comment. * @example: import("react") */// This is a single-line comment. import("react")// import React from "react";/// <reference path="./global.d.ts" />
import * as CSS from '';import * as PropTypes from '';import type { Interaction as SchedulerInteraction } /* bad comment */ from "";import DefaultExport, { AndNamed } from "";
export * from "";export = React;
// todo: support: export const weird: "import('react')";
import React = import('');import React = require("");`
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) err := walkDts(bytes.NewReader([]byte(rawDts)), buf, func(name string, kind string, position int) string { if kind == "importExpr" || kind == "importCall" { if name == "react" || name == "react-dom" { return fmt.Sprintf("", name) } pkgName, _, subPath := splitPkgPath(name) if subPath != "" { return fmt.Sprintf("", pkgName, subPath) } return fmt.Sprintf("", pkgName) } return name }) if err != nil { t.Fatal(err) }
if buf.String() != expectedDts { t.Fatal("transformed dts not match, want:", expectedDts, "got:", buf.String()) }}