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package server
import ( "bytes" "encoding/base64" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "net/url" "os" "path" "path/filepath" "regexp" "strings" "sync" "time"
"" "")
type ESMBuild struct { NamedExports []string `json:"-"` HasExportDefault bool `json:"d,omitempty"` FromCJS bool `json:"c,omitempty"` Dts string `json:"t,omitempty"` TypesOnly bool `json:"o,omitempty"` PackageCSS bool `json:"s,omitempty"` Deps []string `json:"p,omitempty"`}
type BuildTask struct { Args BuildArgs Pkg Pkg CdnOrigin string Target string BuildVersion int Dev bool BundleDeps bool NoBundle bool // internal lock sync.Mutex id string stage string wd string realWd string installDir string imports []string requires [][2]string headerLines int // to fix the source map esm *ESMBuild npm NpmPackageInfo}
func (task *BuildTask) Build() (esm *ESMBuild, err error) { pkgVersionName := task.Pkg.VersionName() task.wd = path.Join(cfg.WorkDir, fmt.Sprintf("npm/%s", pkgVersionName)) err = ensureDir(task.wd) if err != nil { return }
var npmrc bytes.Buffer npmrc.WriteString("@jsr:registry=\n") if cfg.NpmRegistryScope != "" && cfg.NpmRegistry != "" { npmrc.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:registry=%s\n", cfg.NpmRegistryScope, cfg.NpmRegistry)) } else if cfg.NpmRegistryScope == "" && cfg.NpmRegistry != "" { npmrc.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("registry=%s\n", cfg.NpmRegistry)) } if cfg.NpmRegistry != "" && cfg.NpmToken != "" { var tokenReg string tokenReg, err = removeHttpPrefix(cfg.NpmRegistry) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Invalid npm registry in config: %v", err) return } npmrc.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:_authToken=${ESM_NPM_TOKEN}\n", tokenReg)) } if cfg.NpmRegistry != "" && cfg.NpmUser != "" && cfg.NpmPassword != "" { var tokenReg string tokenReg, err = removeHttpPrefix(cfg.NpmRegistry) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Invalid npm registry in config: %v", err) return } npmrc.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:username=${ESM_NPM_USER}\n", tokenReg)) npmrc.WriteString(fmt.Sprintf("%s:_password=${ESM_NPM_PASSWORD}\n", tokenReg)) } err = os.WriteFile(path.Join(task.wd, ".npmrc"), npmrc.Bytes(), 0644) if err != nil { log.Errorf("Failed to create .npmrc file: %v", err) return }
task.stage = "install" err = installPackage(task.wd, task.Pkg) if err != nil { return }
if l, e := filepath.EvalSymlinks(path.Join(task.wd, "node_modules", task.Pkg.Name)); e == nil { task.realWd = l if task.Pkg.FromGithub || strings.HasPrefix(task.Pkg.Name, "@") { task.installDir = path.Join(l, "../../..") } else { task.installDir = path.Join(l, "../..") } } else { task.realWd = task.wd task.installDir = task.wd }
if task.Target == "raw" { return }
task.stage = "build" err = if err != nil { return }
return task.esm, nil}
func (task *BuildTask) build() (err error) { // build json if strings.HasSuffix(task.Pkg.SubModule, ".json") { nmDir := path.Join(task.wd, "node_modules") jsonPath := path.Join(nmDir, task.Pkg.Name, task.Pkg.SubModule) if fileExists(jsonPath) { json, err := os.ReadFile(jsonPath) if err != nil { return err } buffer := bytes.NewBufferString("export default ") buffer.Write(json) _, err = fs.WriteFile(task.getSavepath(), buffer) if err != nil { return err } task.esm = &ESMBuild{ HasExportDefault: true, } task.storeToDB() return nil } }
esm, npm, reexport, err := task.analyze(false) if err != nil && !strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "cjsLexer: Can't resolve") { return } task.npm = npm task.esm = esm
if task.Target == "types" { if npm.Types != "" { dts := npm.Name + "@" + npm.Version + path.Join("/", npm.Types) task.buildDTS(dts) } return }
if esm.TypesOnly { dts := npm.Name + "@" + npm.Version + path.Join("/", npm.Types) esm.Dts = fmt.Sprintf("/v%d%s/%s", task.BuildVersion, task.ghPrefix(), dts) task.buildDTS(dts) task.storeToDB() return }
// cjs reexport if reexport != "" { pkg, _, formJson, e := task.getPackageInfo(reexport) if e != nil { err = e return } // Check if the package has default export t := &BuildTask{ Args: task.Args, Pkg: pkg, Target: task.Target, Dev: task.Dev, wd: task.installDir, } if !formJson { err = installPackage(task.wd, t.Pkg) if err != nil { return } } m, _, _, e := t.analyze(false) if e != nil { err = e return }
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) importPath := task.getImportPath(t.Pkg, encodeBuildArgsPrefix(task.Args, task.Pkg, false)) fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export * from "%s";`, importPath) if m.HasExportDefault { fmt.Fprintf(buf, "\n") fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export { default } from "%s";`, importPath) }
_, err = fs.WriteFile(task.getSavepath(), buf) if err != nil { return } task.checkDTS() task.storeToDB() return }
defer func() { if err != nil { esm = nil } }()
var entryPoint string var input *api.StdinOptions
if npm.Module == "" { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) importPath := task.Pkg.ImportPath() fmt.Fprintf(buf, `import * as __module from "%s";`, importPath) if len(esm.NamedExports) > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export const { %s } = __module;`, strings.Join(esm.NamedExports, ",")) } fmt.Fprintf(buf, "const { default: __default, ...__rest } = __module;") fmt.Fprintf(buf, "export default (__default !== undefined ? __default : __rest);") // Default reexport all members from original module to prevent missing named exports members fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export * from "%s";`, importPath) input = &api.StdinOptions{ Contents: buf.String(), ResolveDir: task.wd, Sourcefile: "build.js", } } else { if task.Args.exports.Len() > 0 { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) importPath := task.Pkg.ImportPath() fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export { %s } from "%s";`, strings.Join(task.Args.exports.Values(), ","), importPath) input = &api.StdinOptions{ Contents: buf.String(), ResolveDir: task.wd, Sourcefile: "build.js", } } else { entryPoint = path.Join(task.wd, "node_modules", npm.Name, npm.Module) } }
nodeEnv := "production" if task.Dev { nodeEnv = "development" } define := map[string]string{ "__filename": fmt.Sprintf(`"/_virtual/"`, task.ID()), "__dirname": fmt.Sprintf(`"/_virtual/"`, path.Dir(task.ID())), "Buffer": "__Buffer$", "process": "__Process$", "setImmediate": "__setImmediate$", "clearImmediate": "clearTimeout", "require.resolve": "__rResolve$", "process.env.NODE_ENV": fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, nodeEnv), "global": "__global$", "global.Buffer": "__Buffer$", "global.process": "__Process$", "global.setImmediate": "__setImmediate$", "global.clearImmediate": "clearTimeout", "global.require.resolve": "__rResolve$", "global.process.env.NODE_ENV": fmt.Sprintf(`"%s"`, nodeEnv), } if task.Target == "node" { define = map[string]string{} } browserExclude := map[string]*stringSet{} implicitExternal := newStringSet()
noBundle := task.NoBundle if npm.ESMConfig != nil { if v, ok := npm.ESMConfig["bundle"]; ok { if b, ok := v.(bool); ok { noBundle = !b } else if m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok { if v, ok := m["modules"]; ok { if b, ok := v.(bool); ok { noBundle = !b } } } } }
rebuild: options := api.BuildOptions{ Outdir: "/esbuild", Write: false, Bundle: true, Format: api.FormatESModule, Target: targets[task.Target], Platform: api.PlatformBrowser, MinifyWhitespace: !task.Dev, MinifyIdentifiers: !task.Dev, MinifySyntax: !task.Dev, KeepNames: task.Args.keepNames, // prevent class/function names erasing IgnoreAnnotations: task.Args.ignoreAnnotations, // some libs maybe use wrong side-effect annotations Conditions: task.Args.conditions.Values(), // prevent features that can not be polyfilled Supported: map[string]bool{ "bigint": true, "top-level-await": true, }, Plugins: []api.Plugin{{ Name: "esm", Setup: func(build api.PluginBuild) { build.OnResolve( api.OnResolveOptions{Filter: ".*"}, func(args api.OnResolveArgs) (api.OnResolveResult, error) { if strings.HasPrefix(args.Path, "file:") { return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/error.js?type=unsupported-file-dependency&name=%s&importer=%s", cfg.CdnBasePath, strings.TrimPrefix(args.Path, "file:"), task.Pkg), External: true, }, nil }
if strings.HasPrefix(args.Path, "data:") || strings.HasPrefix(args.Path, "https:") || strings.HasPrefix(args.Path, "http:") { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: args.Path, External: true}, nil }
// `?ignore-require` if task.Args.ignoreRequire && args.Kind == api.ResolveJSRequireCall && npm.Module != "" { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: args.Path, External: true}, nil }
if implicitExternal.Has(args.Path) { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(args.Path, args.Kind), External: true}, nil }
// externalize yarn PnP API if args.Path == "pnpapi" { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: args.Path, Namespace: "browser-exclude"}, nil }
// clean up specifier specifier := strings.TrimSuffix(args.Path, "/") specifier = strings.TrimPrefix(specifier, "node:") specifier = strings.TrimPrefix(specifier, "npm:")
// use `imports` field of package.json if v, ok := npm.Imports[specifier]; ok { if s, ok := v.(string); ok { specifier = s } else if m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}); ok { targets := []string{"browser", "default", "node"} if task.isServerTarget() { targets = []string{"node", "default", "browser"} } for _, t := range targets { if v, ok := m[t]; ok { if s, ok := v.(string); ok { specifier = s break } } } } }
// use `browser` field of package.json if len(npm.Browser) > 0 && !task.isServerTarget() { spec := specifier if strings.HasPrefix(specifier, "./") || strings.HasPrefix(specifier, "../") || specifier == ".." { fullFilepath := filepath.Join(args.ResolveDir, specifier) spec = "." + strings.TrimPrefix(fullFilepath, path.Join(task.installDir, "node_modules", npm.Name)) } if _, ok := npm.Browser[spec]; !ok && path.Ext(spec) == "" { spec += ".js" } if name, ok := npm.Browser[spec]; ok { if name == "" { // browser exclude return api.OnResolveResult{Path: args.Path, Namespace: "browser-exclude"}, nil } if strings.HasPrefix(name, "./") { specifier = path.Join(task.installDir, "node_modules", npm.Name, name) } else { specifier = name } } }
// use `?alias` query if len(task.Args.alias) > 0 { if name, ok := task.Args.alias[specifier]; ok { specifier = name } else { pkgName, _, subpath := splitPkgPath(specifier) if subpath != "" { if name, ok := task.Args.alias[pkgName]; ok { specifier = name + "/" + subpath } } } }
// externalize native node packages like fsevent for _, name := range nativeNodePackages { if specifier == name || strings.HasPrefix(specifier, name+"/") { if task.isDenoTarget() { pkgName, _, subPath := splitPkgPath(specifier) version := "latest" if pkgName == task.Pkg.Name { version = task.Pkg.Version } else if v, ok := npm.Dependencies[pkgName]; ok { version = v } else if v, ok := npm.PeerDependencies[pkgName]; ok { version = v } if !regexpFullVersion.MatchString(version) { p, _, err := getPackageInfo(task.installDir, pkgName, version) if err == nil { version = p.Version } } if err == nil { pkg := Pkg{ Name: pkgName, Version: version, SubPath: subPath, SubModule: toModuleBareName(subPath, true), } return api.OnResolveResult{Path: fmt.Sprintf("npm:%s", pkg.String()), External: true}, nil } } return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/error.js?type=unsupported-npm-package&name=%s&importer=%s", cfg.CdnBasePath, specifier, task.Pkg), External: true, }, nil } }
var fullFilepath string if isLocalSpecifier(specifier) { fullFilepath = filepath.Join(args.ResolveDir, specifier) } else { fullFilepath = filepath.Join(task.installDir, "node_modules", specifier) }
if strings.HasSuffix(fullFilepath, ".node") && fileExists(fullFilepath) { return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: fmt.Sprintf("%s/error.js?type=unsupported-node-native-module&name=%s&importer=%s", cfg.CdnBasePath, path.Base(args.Path), task.Pkg), External: true, }, nil }
if strings.HasSuffix(fullFilepath, ".json") && fileExists(fullFilepath) { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: fullFilepath}, nil }
if strings.HasSuffix(fullFilepath, ".wasm") && fileExists(fullFilepath) { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: fullFilepath, Namespace: "wasm"}, nil }
// bundles all dependencies in `bundle` mode, apart from peer dependencies and `?external` query if task.BundleDeps && !task.Args.external.Has(getPkgName(specifier)) && !implicitExternal.Has(specifier) { if internalNodeModules[specifier] { if task.isServerTarget() { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(specifier, args.Kind), External: true}, nil } data, err := embedFS.ReadFile(("server/embed/polyfills/node_" + specifier)) if err == nil { return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: "embed:polyfills/node_" + specifier, Namespace: "embed", PluginData: data, }, nil } } pkgName := getPkgName(specifier) if !internalNodeModules[pkgName] { _, ok := npm.PeerDependencies[pkgName] if !ok { return api.OnResolveResult{}, nil } } }
// resolve github dependencies if v, ok := npm.Dependencies[specifier]; ok && (strings.HasPrefix(v, "git+ssh://") || strings.HasPrefix(v, "git+https://") || strings.HasPrefix(v, "git://")) { gitUrl, err := url.Parse(v) if err == nil && gitUrl.Hostname() == "" { repo := strings.TrimSuffix(gitUrl.Path[1:], ".git") if gitUrl.Scheme == "git+ssh" { repo = gitUrl.Port() + "/" + repo } path := fmt.Sprintf("/v%d/gh/%s", task.BuildVersion, repo) if gitUrl.Fragment != "" { path += "@" + url.QueryEscape(gitUrl.Fragment) } return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: path, External: true, }, nil } }
// externalize the _parent_ module // e.g. "react/jsx-runtime" imports "react" if task.Pkg.SubModule != "" && task.Pkg.Name == specifier { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(specifier, args.Kind), External: true}, nil }
// bundle the module it self and the entrypoint if specifier == entryPoint || specifier == task.Pkg.ImportPath() || specifier == path.Join(npm.Name, npm.Module) || specifier == path.Join(npm.Name, npm.Main) { return api.OnResolveResult{}, nil }
if isLocalSpecifier(specifier) { // is sub-module of current package and non-dynamic import if strings.HasPrefix(fullFilepath, task.realWd) && args.Kind != api.ResolveJSDynamicImport && !noBundle { relPath := "." + strings.TrimPrefix(fullFilepath, path.Join(task.installDir, "node_modules", npm.Name)) // split modules based on the `exports` defines in package.json, // see if om, ok := npm.PkgExports.(*orderedMap); ok { bareName := stripModuleExt(relPath) for e := om.l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { name, paths := om.Entry(e) if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "./") { continue } if strings.ContainsRune(name, '*') { var match bool var prefix string var suffix string if s, ok := paths.(string); ok { // exports: "./*": "./dist/*.js" prefix, suffix = utils.SplitByLastByte(s, '*') match = strings.HasPrefix(bareName, prefix) && (suffix == "" || strings.HasSuffix(relPath, suffix)) } else if m, ok := paths.(*orderedMap); ok { // exports: "./*": { "import": "./dist/*.js" } for e := m.l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { _, value := m.Entry(e) if s, ok := value.(string); ok { prefix, suffix = utils.SplitByLastByte(s, '*') match = strings.HasPrefix(bareName, prefix) && (suffix == "" || strings.HasSuffix(relPath, suffix)) if match { break } } } } if match { exportPrefix, _ := utils.SplitByLastByte(name, '*') url := path.Join(npm.Name, exportPrefix+strings.TrimPrefix(bareName, prefix)) if i := task.Pkg.ImportPath(); url != i && url != i+"/index" { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(url, args.Kind), External: true}, nil } } } else { match := false if s, ok := paths.(string); ok && stripModuleExt(s) == bareName { // exports: "./foo": "./foo.js" match = true } else if m, ok := paths.(*orderedMap); ok { // exports: "./foo": { "import": "./foo.js" } for e := m.l.Front(); e != nil; e = e.Next() { _, value := m.Entry(e) if s, ok := value.(string); ok { if stripModuleExt(s) == bareName { match = true break } } } } if match { url := path.Join(npm.Name, stripModuleExt(name)) if i := task.Pkg.ImportPath(); url != i && url != i+"/index" { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(url, args.Kind), External: true}, nil } } } } }
// split the sub module that is in the `sideEffects` field(as list) if npm.SideEffects != nil { if npm.SideEffects.Has(relPath) || npm.SideEffects.Has(strings.TrimPrefix(relPath, "./")) { url := path.Join(npm.Name, relPath) return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(url, args.Kind), External: true}, nil } }
// split the module that is an alias of a dependency // means this file just include a single line(js): `export * from "dep"` fi, ioErr := os.Lstat(fullFilepath) if ioErr == nil && fi.Size() < 256 { data, ioErr := os.ReadFile(fullFilepath) if ioErr == nil { out, esbErr := minify(string(data), api.ESNext, api.LoaderJS) if esbErr == nil { p := bytes.Split(out, []byte("\"")) if len(p) == 3 && string(p[0]) == "export*from" && string(p[2]) == ";\n" { url := string(p[1]) if !isLocalSpecifier(url) { return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(url, args.Kind), External: true}, nil } } } } }
return api.OnResolveResult{}, nil }
specifier = strings.TrimPrefix(fullFilepath, filepath.Join(task.installDir, "node_modules")+"/") }
// dynamic external return api.OnResolveResult{Path: task.resolveExternal(specifier, args.Kind), External: true}, nil }, )
// for embed module bundle build.OnLoad( api.OnLoadOptions{Filter: ".*", Namespace: "embed"}, func(args api.OnLoadArgs) (api.OnLoadResult, error) { data := args.PluginData.([]byte) contents := string(data) return api.OnLoadResult{ Contents: &contents, Loader: api.LoaderJS, }, nil }, )
// for wasm module exclude build.OnLoad( api.OnLoadOptions{Filter: ".*", Namespace: "wasm"}, func(args api.OnLoadArgs) (ret api.OnLoadResult, err error) { wasm, err := os.ReadFile(args.Path) if err != nil { return } wasm64 := base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString(wasm) code := fmt.Sprintf("export default new WebAssembly.Module(Uint8Array.from(atob('%s'), c => c.charCodeAt(0)))", wasm64) return api.OnLoadResult{Contents: &code, Loader: api.LoaderJS}, nil }, )
// for browser exclude build.OnLoad( api.OnLoadOptions{Filter: ".*", Namespace: "browser-exclude"}, func(args api.OnLoadArgs) (ret api.OnLoadResult, err error) { contents := "export default {};" if exports, ok := browserExclude[args.Path]; ok { for _, name := range exports.Values() { contents = fmt.Sprintf("%sexport const %s = {};", contents, name) } } return api.OnLoadResult{Contents: &contents, Loader: api.LoaderJS}, nil }, ) }, }}, // for css bundling Loader: map[string]api.Loader{ ".svg": api.LoaderDataURL, ".png": api.LoaderDataURL, ".webp": api.LoaderDataURL, ".gif": api.LoaderDataURL, ".ttf": api.LoaderDataURL, ".eot": api.LoaderDataURL, ".woff": api.LoaderDataURL, ".woff2": api.LoaderDataURL, }, SourceRoot: "/", Sourcemap: api.SourceMapExternal, } if task.Target == "node" { options.Platform = api.PlatformNode } else { options.Define = define } if input != nil { options.Stdin = input } else if entryPoint != "" { options.EntryPoints = []string{entryPoint} } result := api.Build(options) if len(result.Errors) > 0 { // mark the missing module as external to exclude it from the bundle msg := result.Errors[0].Text if strings.HasPrefix(msg, "Could not resolve \"") { // current package/module can not be marked as external if strings.Contains(msg, fmt.Sprintf("Could not resolve \"%s\"", task.Pkg.ImportPath())) { err = fmt.Errorf("could not resolve \"%s\"", task.Pkg.ImportPath()) return } name := strings.Split(msg, "\"")[1] if !implicitExternal.Has(name) { log.Warnf("build(%s): implicit external '%s'", task.ID(), name) implicitExternal.Add(name) goto rebuild } } if strings.HasPrefix(msg, "No matching export in \"") { a := strings.Split(msg, "\"") if len(a) > 4 { path, exportName := a[1], a[3] if strings.HasPrefix(path, "browser-exclude:") && exportName != "default" { path = strings.TrimPrefix(path, "browser-exclude:") exports, ok := browserExclude[path] if !ok { exports = newStringSet() browserExclude[path] = exports } if !exports.Has(exportName) { exports.Add(exportName) goto rebuild } } } } err = errors.New("esbuild: " + msg) return }
for _, w := range result.Warnings { if strings.HasPrefix(w.Text, "Could not resolve \"") { log.Warnf("esbuild(%s): %s", task.ID(), w.Text) } }
for _, file := range result.OutputFiles { if strings.HasSuffix(file.Path, ".js") { jsContent := file.Contents header := bytes.NewBufferString(fmt.Sprintf( "/* - esbuild bundle(%s) %s %s */\n", task.Pkg.String(), strings.ToLower(task.Target), nodeEnv, ))
// remove shebang if bytes.HasPrefix(jsContent, []byte("#!/")) { jsContent = jsContent[bytes.IndexByte(jsContent, '\n')+1:] task.headerLines-- }
// add nodejs compatibility if task.Target != "node" { ids := newStringSet() for _, r := range regexpGlobalIdent.FindAll(jsContent, -1) { ids.Add(string(r)) } if ids.Has("__Process$") { if task.Target == "denonext" { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import __Process$ from "node:process";%s`, EOL) } else if task.Target == "deno" { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import __Process$ from "";%s`, task.Args.denoStdVersion, EOL) } else { var browserExclude bool if len(npm.Browser) > 0 { if name, ok := npm.Browser["process"]; ok { browserExclude = name == "" } } if !browserExclude { if task.BundleDeps { var js []byte js, err = bundleNodePolyfill("process", "__Process$", "default", targets[task.Target]) if err != nil { return } fmt.Fprintf(header, "%s", js) } else { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import __Process$ from "%s/v%d/node_process.js";%s`, cfg.CdnBasePath, task.BuildVersion, EOL) } } } } if ids.Has("__Buffer$") { if task.Target == "denonext" { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import { Buffer as __Buffer$ } from "node:buffer";%s`, EOL) } else if task.Target == "deno" { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import { Buffer as __Buffer$ } from "";%s`, task.Args.denoStdVersion, EOL) } else { var browserExclude bool if len(npm.Browser) > 0 { if name, ok := npm.Browser["buffer"]; ok { browserExclude = name == "" } } if !browserExclude { if task.BundleDeps { var js []byte js, err = bundleNodePolyfill("buffer", "__Buffer$", "Buffer", targets[task.Target]) if err != nil { return } fmt.Fprintf(header, "%s", js) } else { fmt.Fprintf(header, `import { Buffer as __Buffer$ } from "%s/v%d/buffer@6.0.3/%s/buffer.bundle.mjs";%s`, cfg.CdnBasePath, task.BuildVersion, task.Target, EOL) } } } } if ids.Has("__global$") { fmt.Fprintf(header, `var __global$ = globalThis || (typeof window !== "undefined" ? window : self);%s`, EOL) } if ids.Has("__setImmediate$") { fmt.Fprintf(header, `var __setImmediate$ = (cb, ...args) => setTimeout(cb, 0, ...args);%s`, EOL) } if ids.Has("__rResolve$") { fmt.Fprintf(header, `var __rResolve$ = p => p;%s`, EOL) } }
if len(task.requires) > 0 { isEsModule := make([]bool, len(task.requires)) for i, d := range task.requires { specifier := d[0] fmt.Fprintf(header, `import * as __%x$ from "%s";%s`, i, d[1], EOL) if bytes.Contains(jsContent, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`("%s").default`, specifier))) { // if `require("module").default` found isEsModule[i] = true continue } if !isLocalSpecifier(specifier) && !internalNodeModules[specifier] { if a := bytes.SplitN(jsContent, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`("%s")`, specifier)), 2); len(a) == 2 { p1 := a[0] ret := regexpVarEqual.FindSubmatch(p1) if len(ret) > 0 { r, e := regexp.Compile(fmt.Sprintf(`[^a-zA-Z0-9_$]%s\(`, string(ret[len(ret)-1]))) if e == nil && r.Match(a[1]) { // if `var a = require("module");a()` found continue } } } pkg, p, formJson, e := task.getPackageInfo(specifier) if e == nil { // if the dep is a esm only package // or the dep(cjs) exports `__esModule` if p.Type == "module" { isEsModule[i] = true } else { t := &BuildTask{ Args: task.Args, Pkg: pkg, Target: task.Target, Dev: task.Dev, wd: task.installDir, } if !formJson { e = installPackage(task.wd, t.Pkg) } if e == nil { m, _, _, e := t.analyze(true) if e == nil && includes(m.NamedExports, "__esModule") { isEsModule[i] = true } } } } } } fmt.Fprint(header, `var require=n=>{const e=m=>typeof m.default<"u"?m.default:m,c=m=>Object.assign({},m);switch(n){`) record := newStringSet() for i, d := range task.requires { specifier := d[0] if record.Has(specifier) { continue } record.Add(specifier) esModule := isEsModule[i] if esModule { fmt.Fprintf(header, `case"%s":return c(__%x$);`, specifier, i) } else { fmt.Fprintf(header, `case"%s":return e(__%x$);`, specifier, i) } } fmt.Fprintf(header, `default:throw new Error("module \""+n+"\" not found");}};%s`, EOL) }
// to fix the source map task.headerLines += strings.Count(header.String(), EOL)
ret, dropSourceMap := task.rewriteJS(jsContent) if ret != nil { jsContent = ret }
finalContent := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) finalContent.Write(header.Bytes()) finalContent.Write(jsContent)
// check if package is deprecated if task.Pkg.Deprecated != "" { fmt.Fprintf(finalContent, `console.warn("[npm] %%cdeprecated%%c %s@%s: %s", "color:red", "");%s`, task.Pkg.Name, task.Pkg.Version, strings.ReplaceAll(task.Pkg.Deprecated, "\"", "\\\""), "\n") }
// add sourcemap Url if !dropSourceMap { finalContent.WriteString("//# sourceMappingURL=") finalContent.WriteString(filepath.Base(task.ID())) finalContent.WriteString(".map") }
_, err = fs.WriteFile(task.getSavepath(), finalContent) if err != nil { return } } }
for _, file := range result.OutputFiles { if strings.HasSuffix(file.Path, ".css") { savePath := task.getSavepath() _, err = fs.WriteFile(strings.TrimSuffix(savePath, path.Ext(savePath))+".css", bytes.NewReader(file.Contents)) if err != nil { return } esm.PackageCSS = true } else if strings.HasSuffix(file.Path, "") { var sourceMap map[string]interface{} if json.Unmarshal(file.Contents, &sourceMap) == nil { if mapping, ok := sourceMap["mappings"].(string); ok { fixedMapping := make([]byte, task.headerLines+len(mapping)) for i := 0; i < task.headerLines; i++ { fixedMapping[i] = ';' } copy(fixedMapping[task.headerLines:], mapping) sourceMap["mappings"] = string(fixedMapping) } buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) if json.NewEncoder(buf).Encode(sourceMap) == nil { _, err = fs.WriteFile(task.getSavepath()+".map", buf) if err != nil { return } } } } }
record := newStringSet() esm.Deps = filter(task.imports, func(dep string) bool { if record.Has(dep) { return false } record.Add(dep) return strings.HasPrefix(dep, "/") || strings.HasPrefix(dep, "http:") || strings.HasPrefix(dep, "https:") })
task.checkDTS() task.storeToDB() return}
func (task *BuildTask) resolveExternal(specifier string, kind api.ResolveKind) (resolvedPath string) { // node builtin module if internalNodeModules[specifier] && !task.Args.external.Has(getPkgName(specifier)) { if task.Target == "node" { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf("node:%s", specifier) } else if task.Target == "denonext" && !denoNextUnspportedNodeModules[specifier] { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf("node:%s", specifier) } else if task.Target == "deno" { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf("", task.Args.denoStdVersion, specifier) } else { polyfill, ok := polyfilledInternalNodeModules[specifier] if ok { p, _, e := validatePkgPath(polyfill) if e == nil { importPath := task.getImportPath(p, "") extname := filepath.Ext(importPath) resolvedPath = strings.TrimSuffix(importPath, extname) + extname } else { resolvedPath = specifier } } else { _, err := embedFS.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("server/embed/polyfills/node_%s.js", specifier)) if err == nil { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%d/node_%s.js", cfg.CdnBasePath, task.BuildVersion, specifier) } else { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf( "%s/error.js?type=unsupported-node-builtin-module&name=%s&importer=%s", cfg.CdnBasePath, specifier, task.Pkg, ) } } } } // check `?external` if resolvedPath == "" && (task.Args.external.Has("*") || task.Args.external.Has(getPkgName(specifier))) { resolvedPath = specifier } // is sub-module of current package if resolvedPath == "" && strings.HasPrefix(specifier, task.Pkg.Name+"/") { subPath := strings.TrimPrefix(specifier, task.Pkg.Name+"/") subPkg := Pkg{ Name: task.Pkg.Name, Version: task.Pkg.Version, SubPath: subPath, SubModule: toModuleBareName(subPath, true), } resolvedPath = task.getImportPath(subPkg, encodeBuildArgsPrefix(task.Args, subPkg, false)) if task.NoBundle { n, e := utils.SplitByLastByte(resolvedPath, '.') resolvedPath = n + ".bundless." + e } } // replace some polyfills with native APIs if resolvedPath == "" { switch specifier { case "array-flatten": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export const flatten=(a,d)=>a.flat(typeof d<"u"?d:Infinity);export default flatten`) case "array-includes": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export default (a,p,i)=>a.includes(p,i)`) case "abort-controller": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export const AbortSignal=globalThis.AbortSignal;export const AbortController=globalThis.AbortController;export default AbortController`) case "object-assign": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export default Object.assign`) case "has-own": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`const hasOwn=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;export default Object.hasOwn ?? (o,p)=>,p)`) case "has-proto": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`const foo={bar:{}};const O=Object;export default ()=>({__proto__:foo})!({__proto__:null} instanceof O)`) case "has-symbols": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export default ()=>true`) case "function-bind": resolvedPath = jsDataUrl(`export default Function.prototype.bind`) case "node-fetch": if task.Target != "node" { resolvedPath = fmt.Sprintf("%s/v%d/node_fetch.js", cfg.CdnBasePath, task.BuildVersion) } } } // common npm dependency if resolvedPath == "" { pkgName, _, subpath := splitPkgPath(specifier) version := "latest" if pkgName == task.Pkg.Name { version = task.Pkg.Version } else if pkg, ok := task.Args.deps.Get(pkgName); ok { version = pkg.Version } else if v, ok := task.npm.Dependencies[pkgName]; ok { version = v } else if v, ok := task.npm.PeerDependencies[pkgName]; ok { version = v } if !regexpFullVersion.MatchString(version) { p, _, err := getPackageInfo(task.installDir, pkgName, version) if err == nil { version = p.Version } } pkg := Pkg{ Name: pkgName, Version: version, SubPath: subpath, SubModule: toModuleBareName(subpath, true), } args := BuildArgs{ alias: cloneMap(task.Args.alias), conditions: newStringSet(task.Args.conditions.Values()...), external: newStringSet(task.Args.external.Values()...), exports: newStringSet(), } // force the dependency version of `react` equals to react-dom if task.Pkg.Name == "react-dom" && specifier == "react" { pkg.Version = task.Pkg.Version } // use version defined in `?deps` query for _, dep := range task.Args.deps { if specifier == dep.Name || strings.HasPrefix(specifier, dep.Name+"/") { pkg.Version = dep.Version break } } resolvedPath = task.getImportPath(pkg, encodeBuildArgsPrefix(args, pkg, false)) }
if kind != api.ResolveJSDynamicImport { task.lock.Lock() task.imports = append(task.imports, resolvedPath) task.lock.Unlock() }
// `require("module")` if kind == api.ResolveJSRequireCall { task.lock.Lock() task.requires = append(task.requires, [2]string{specifier, resolvedPath}) task.lock.Unlock() resolvedPath = specifier }
func (task *BuildTask) storeToDB() { err := db.Put(task.ID(), utils.MustEncodeJSON(task.esm)) if err != nil { log.Errorf("db: %v", err) }}
func (task *BuildTask) checkDTS() { name := task.Pkg.Name submodule := task.Pkg.SubModule var dts string if task.npm.Types != "" { dts = task.toTypesPath(task.wd, task.npm, "", encodeBuildArgsPrefix(task.Args, task.Pkg, true), submodule) } else if !strings.HasPrefix(name, "@types/") { versions := []string{"latest"} versionParts := strings.Split(task.Pkg.Version, ".") if len(versionParts) > 2 { versions = []string{ "~" + strings.Join(versionParts[:2], "."), // minor "~" + versionParts[0], // major "latest", } } typesPkgName := toTypesPackageName(name) pkg, ok := task.Args.deps.Get(typesPkgName) if ok { // use the version of the `?deps` query if it exists versions = append([]string{pkg.Version}, versions...) } for _, version := range versions { p, _, err := getPackageInfo(task.installDir, typesPkgName, version) if err == nil { prefix := encodeBuildArgsPrefix(task.Args, Pkg{Name: p.Name}, true) dts = task.toTypesPath(task.wd, p, version, prefix, submodule) break } } } if dts != "" { bv := task.BuildVersion if stableBuild[task.Pkg.Name] { bv = STABLE_VERSION } task.esm.Dts = fmt.Sprintf("/v%d%s/%s", bv, task.ghPrefix(), dts) }}
func (task *BuildTask) buildDTS(dts string) { start := time.Now() task.stage = "transform-dts" n, err := task.TransformDTS(dts) if err != nil && os.IsExist(err) { log.Errorf("TransformDTS(%s): %v", dts, err) return } log.Debugf("transform dts '%s'(%d related dts files) in %v", dts, n, time.Since(start))}