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A fast, smart, & global CDN for modern(es2015+) web development.
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package server
import ( "bytes" "crypto/sha1" "encoding/hex" "encoding/json" "errors" "fmt" "io" "path" "sort" "strings" "time"
"" "" "")
type BuildInput struct { Source string `json:"source"` Code string `json:"code"` Loader string `json:"loader"` Deps map[string]string `json:"dependencies"` Types string `json:"types"` TransformOnly bool `json:"transformOnly"` Target string `json:"target"` ImportMap string `json:"importMap"` Hash string `json:"hash"`}
func apiHandler() rex.Handle { return func(ctx *rex.Context) interface{} { if ctx.R.Method == "POST" { switch ctx.Path.String() { case "/build", "/transform": var input BuildInput err := json.NewDecoder(io.LimitReader(ctx.R.Body, 2*1024*1024)).Decode(&input) ctx.R.Body.Close() if err != nil { return rex.Err(400, "require valid json body") } if input.Source == "" && input.Code != "" { input.Source = input.Code } if input.Source == "" { return rex.Err(400, "source is required") } if len(input.Source) > 1024*1024 { return rex.Err(429, "source is too large") } if !input.TransformOnly { input.TransformOnly = ctx.Path.String() == "/transform" } if input.TransformOnly { if targets[input.Target] == 0 { input.Target = getBuildTargetByUA(ctx.R.UserAgent()) } if input.Hash != "" { if len(input.Hash) != 40 { return rex.Err(400, "invalid hash") } h := sha1.New() h.Write([]byte(input.Loader)) h.Write([]byte(input.Source)) h.Write([]byte(input.ImportMap)) if hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) != input.Hash { return rex.Err(400, "invalid hash") } savePath := fmt.Sprintf("publish/+%s.%s.mjs", input.Hash, input.Target) _, err := fs.Stat(savePath) if err == nil { r, err := fs.OpenFile(savePath) if err != nil { return rex.Err(500, "failed to read code") } code, err := io.ReadAll(r) r.Close() if err != nil { return rex.Err(500, "failed to read code") } return map[string]interface{}{ "code": string(code), } } } } cdnOrigin := getCdnOrign(ctx) id, err := build(input, cdnOrigin) if err != nil { if strings.HasPrefix(err.Error(), "<400> ") { return rex.Err(400, err.Error()[6:]) } return rex.Err(500, "failed to save code") } ctx.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") if input.TransformOnly { if input.Hash != "" { go fs.WriteFile(fmt.Sprintf("publish/+%s.%s.mjs", input.Hash, input.Target), strings.NewReader(id)) } return map[string]interface{}{ "code": id, } } return map[string]interface{}{ "id": id, "url": fmt.Sprintf("%s/~%s", cdnOrigin, id), "bundleUrl": fmt.Sprintf("%s/~%s?bundle", cdnOrigin, id), } default: return rex.Err(404, "not found") } } return nil }}
func build(input BuildInput, cdnOrigin string) (id string, err error) { loader := "tsx" switch input.Loader { case "js", "jsx", "ts", "tsx": loader = input.Loader case "babel": loader = "tsx" default: if input.Loader != "" { return "", errors.New("<400> invalid loader") } } target := api.ESNext if input.Target != "" { if t, ok := targets[input.Target]; ok { target = t } else { return "", errors.New("<400> invalid target") } } if input.Deps == nil { input.Deps = map[string]string{} }
imports := map[string]string{} trailingSlashImports := map[string]string{} jsxImportSource := ""
var im map[string]interface{} if json.Unmarshal([]byte(input.ImportMap), &im) == nil { v, ok := im["imports"] if ok { m, ok := v.(map[string]interface{}) if ok { for key, v := range m { if value, ok := v.(string); ok && value != "" { if strings.HasSuffix(key, "/") { trailingSlashImports[key] = value } else { if key == "@jsxImportSource" { jsxImportSource = value } imports[key] = value } } } } } }
onResolver := func(args api.OnResolveArgs) (api.OnResolveResult, error) { path := args.Path if input.TransformOnly { if value, ok := imports[path]; ok { path = value } else { for key, value := range trailingSlashImports { if strings.HasPrefix(path, key) { path = value + path[len(key):] break } } } } else { if isLocalSpecifier(path) { return api.OnResolveResult{}, errors.New("local specifier is not allowed") } if !isHttpSepcifier(path) { pkgName, version, subPath := splitPkgPath(strings.TrimPrefix(path, "npm:")) path = pkgName if subPath != "" { path += "/" + subPath } if version != "" { input.Deps[pkgName] = version } else if _, ok := input.Deps[pkgName]; !ok { input.Deps[pkgName] = "*" } } } return api.OnResolveResult{ Path: path, External: true, }, nil } stdin := &api.StdinOptions{ Contents: input.Source, ResolveDir: "/", Sourcefile: "index." + loader, Loader: api.LoaderTSX, } jsx := api.JSXTransform if jsxImportSource != "" { jsx = api.JSXAutomatic } opts := api.BuildOptions{ Outdir: "/esbuild", Stdin: stdin, Platform: api.PlatformBrowser, Format: api.FormatESModule, Target: target, JSX: jsx, JSXImportSource: jsxImportSource, Bundle: true, TreeShaking: api.TreeShakingFalse, MinifyWhitespace: true, MinifySyntax: true, Write: false, Plugins: []api.Plugin{ { Name: "resolver", Setup: func(build api.PluginBuild) { build.OnResolve(api.OnResolveOptions{Filter: ".*"}, onResolver) }, }, }, } ret := api.Build(opts) if len(ret.Errors) > 0 { return "", errors.New("<400> failed to validate code: " + ret.Errors[0].Text) } if len(ret.OutputFiles) == 0 { return "", errors.New("<400> failed to validate code: no output files") } code := ret.OutputFiles[0].Contents if input.TransformOnly { return string(code), nil } if len(code) == 0 { return "", errors.New("<400> source is empty") } h := sha1.New() h.Write(code) if len(input.Deps) > 0 { keys := make(sort.StringSlice, len(input.Deps)) i := 0 for key := range input.Deps { keys[i] = key i++ } keys.Sort() for _, key := range keys { h.Write([]byte(key)) h.Write([]byte(input.Deps[key])) } } if input.Types != "" { h.Write([]byte(input.Types)) } id = hex.EncodeToString(h.Sum(nil)) record, err := db.Get("publish-" + id) if err != nil { return } if record == nil { _, err = fs.WriteFile(path.Join("publish", id, "index.mjs"), bytes.NewReader(code)) if err == nil { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) enc := json.NewEncoder(buf) pkgJson := map[string]interface{}{ "name": "~" + id, "version": "0.0.0", "dependencies": input.Deps, "type": "module", "module": "index.mjs", } if input.Types != "" { pkgJson["types"] = "index.d.ts" _, err = fs.WriteFile(path.Join("publish", id, "index.d.ts"), strings.NewReader(input.Types)) } if err == nil { err = enc.Encode(pkgJson) if err == nil { _, err = fs.WriteFile(path.Join("publish", id, "package.json"), buf) } } } if err == nil { err = db.Put("publish-"+id, utils.MustEncodeJSON(map[string]interface{}{ "createdAt": time.Now().Unix(), })) } } return}
func auth(secret string) rex.Handle { return func(ctx *rex.Context) interface{} { if secret != "" && ctx.R.Header.Get("Authorization") != "Bearer "+secret { return rex.Status(401, "Unauthorized") } return nil }}