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A fast, smart, & global CDN for modern(es2015+) web development.
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package server
import ( "bytes" "fmt" "io" "net/http" "net/url" "os" "path" "sort" "strconv" "strings" "time"
"" "" "")
func esmHandler() rex.Handle { startTime := time.Now()
return func(ctx *rex.Context) interface{} { pathname := ctx.Path.String() userAgent := ctx.R.UserAgent() header := ctx.W.Header() cdnOrigin := getCdnOrign(ctx)
// ban malicious requests if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, ".") || strings.HasSuffix(pathname, ".php") { return rex.Status(404, "not found") }
// use esm-worker build version if possible BUILD_VERSION := VERSION if v := ctx.R.Header.Get("X-Esm-Worker-Version"); v != "" && strings.HasPrefix(v, "v") { i, e := strconv.Atoi(v[1:]) if e == nil && i > 0 { BUILD_VERSION = i } }
// Build prefix may only be served from "${cfg.CdnBasePath}/..." if cfg.CdnBasePath != "" { if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, cfg.CdnBasePath) { pathname = strings.TrimPrefix(pathname, cfg.CdnBasePath) } else { url := strings.TrimPrefix(ctx.R.URL.String(), cfg.CdnBasePath) url = fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cfg.CdnBasePath, url) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) } }
// serve the CLI script for Deno/Node.js/Bun runtime if userAgent == "undici" || strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Node/") || strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Deno/") || strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Bun/") { if pathname == "/" || regexpCliPath.MatchString(pathname) { if strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Deno/") { cliTs, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server/embed/CLI.deno.ts") if err != nil { return err } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") return bytes.ReplaceAll(cliTs, []byte("v{VERSION}"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", BUILD_VERSION))) } if userAgent == "undici" || strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Node/") || strings.HasPrefix(userAgent, "Bun/") { cliJs, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server/embed/CLI.node.js") if err != nil { return err } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") cliJs = bytes.ReplaceAll(cliJs, []byte("v{VERSION}"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", BUILD_VERSION))) return bytes.ReplaceAll(cliJs, []byte(""), []byte(cdnOrigin+cfg.CdnBasePath)) } } }
// static routes switch pathname { case "/": indexHTML, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server/embed/index.html") if err != nil { return err } readme, err := embedFS.ReadFile("") if err != nil { return err } readme = bytes.ReplaceAll(readme, []byte("./server/embed/"), []byte(cfg.CdnBasePath+"/embed/")) readme = bytes.ReplaceAll(readme, []byte("./"), []byte("")) readme = bytes.ReplaceAll(readme, []byte(""), []byte(cdnOrigin+cfg.CdnBasePath)) readmeStrLit := utils.MustEncodeJSON(string(readme)) html := bytes.ReplaceAll(indexHTML, []byte("'# README'"), readmeStrLit) html = bytes.ReplaceAll(html, []byte("{VERSION}"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("%d", BUILD_VERSION))) html = bytes.ReplaceAll(html, []byte("{basePath}"), []byte(cfg.CdnBasePath)) header.Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", 10*60)) return rex.Content("index.html", startTime, bytes.NewReader(html))
case "/status.json": q := make([]map[string]interface{}, buildQueue.list.Len()) i := 0 buildQueue.lock.RLock() for el := buildQueue.list.Front(); el != nil; el = el.Next() { t, ok := el.Value.(*queueTask) if ok { m := map[string]interface{}{ "bundle": t.BundleDeps, "bv": t.BuildVersion, "consumers": t.consumers, "createdAt": t.createdAt.Format(http.TimeFormat), "dev": t.Dev, "inProcess": t.inProcess, "pkg": t.Pkg.String(), "stage": t.stage, "target": t.Target, } if !t.startedAt.IsZero() { m["startedAt"] = t.startedAt.Format(http.TimeFormat) } if len(t.Args.deps) > 0 { m["deps"] = t.Args.deps.String() } q[i] = m i++ } } buildQueue.lock.RUnlock()
header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") return map[string]interface{}{ "buildQueue": q[:i], "version": BUILD_VERSION, "uptime": time.Since(startTime).String(), }
case "/esma-target": return getBuildTargetByUA(userAgent)
case "/error.js": switch ctx.Form.Value("type") { case "resolve": return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `could not resolve "%s" (Imported by "%s")`, ctx.Form.Value("name"), ctx.Form.Value("importer"), ), true) case "unsupported-node-builtin-module": return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `unsupported Node builtin module "%s" (Imported by "%s")`, ctx.Form.Value("name"), ctx.Form.Value("importer"), ), true) case "unsupported-node-native-module": return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `unsupported node native module "%s" (Imported by "%s")`, ctx.Form.Value("name"), ctx.Form.Value("importer"), ), true) case "unsupported-npm-package": return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `unsupported NPM package "%s" (Imported by "%s")`, ctx.Form.Value("name"), ctx.Form.Value("importer"), ), true) case "unsupported-file-dependency": return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `unsupported file dependency "%s" (Imported by "%s")`, ctx.Form.Value("name"), ctx.Form.Value("importer"), ), true) default: return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf("unknown error"), true) }
case "/favicon.ico": return rex.Status(404, "not found") }
// serve embed assets if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, "/embed/") { modTime := startTime if fs, ok := embedFS.(*devFS); ok { if fi, err := fs.Lstat("server" + pathname); err == nil { modTime = fi.ModTime() } } data, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server" + pathname) if err != nil { return rex.Status(404, "not found") } if strings.HasSuffix(pathname, ".js") { data = bytes.ReplaceAll(data, []byte("{origin}"), []byte(cdnOrigin)) data = bytes.ReplaceAll(data, []byte("{basePath}"), []byte(cfg.CdnBasePath)) data = bytes.ReplaceAll(data, []byte("{buildVersion}"), []byte(fmt.Sprintf("v%d", BUILD_VERSION))) } header.Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", 10*60)) return rex.Content(pathname, modTime, bytes.NewReader(data)) }
// strip loc suffix if strings.ContainsRune(pathname, ':') { pathname = regexpLocPath.ReplaceAllString(pathname, "$1") }
// serve modules created by the build API if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, "/+") { hash, ext := utils.SplitByLastByte(pathname[2:], '.') if len(hash) != 40 || ext != "mjs" { return rex.Status(404, "not found") } target := getBuildTargetByUA(userAgent) savaPath := fmt.Sprintf("publish/+%s.%s.%s", hash, target, ext) fi, err := fs.Stat(savaPath) if err != nil { if err == storage.ErrNotFound { return rex.Status(404, "not found") } return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } r, err := fs.OpenFile(savaPath) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") header.Add("Vary", "User-Agent") return rex.Content(savaPath, fi.ModTime(), r) // auto closed }
// check extra query like `/react-dom@18.2.0&external=react&dev/client` var extraQuery string if strings.ContainsRune(pathname, '@') && regexpPathWithVersion.MatchString(pathname) { if _, v := utils.SplitByLastByte(pathname, '@'); v != "" { if _, e := utils.SplitByFirstByte(v, '&'); e != "" { extraQuery, _ = utils.SplitByFirstByte(e, '/') if extraQuery != "" { qs := []string{extraQuery} if ctx.R.URL.RawQuery != "" { qs = append(qs, ctx.R.URL.RawQuery) } ctx.R.URL.RawQuery = strings.Join(qs, "&") } } } }
var hasBuildVerPrefix bool var hasPinedVerParam bool var hasStablePrefix bool var outdatedBuildVersion string
// check build version prefix or `?pin=` query buildVersion := BUILD_VERSION if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, "/stable/") { pathname = strings.TrimPrefix(pathname, "/stable") hasBuildVerPrefix = true hasStablePrefix = true } else if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, fmt.Sprintf("/v%d/", BUILD_VERSION)) || pathname == fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", BUILD_VERSION) { a := strings.Split(pathname, "/") pathname = "/" + strings.Join(a[2:], "/") hasBuildVerPrefix = true } else if regexpBuildVersionPath.MatchString(pathname) { // check possible fixed build version a := strings.Split(pathname, "/") v, _ := strconv.Atoi(a[1][1:]) if v == 0 || v > BUILD_VERSION { return rex.Status(400, "Bad Request") } pathname = "/" + strings.Join(a[2:], "/") hasBuildVerPrefix = true outdatedBuildVersion = a[1] buildVersion = v } else { // Otherwise check "?pin=" query pin := ctx.Form.Value("pin") if pin != "" && strings.HasPrefix(pin, "v") { i, err := strconv.Atoi(pin[1:]) if err == nil && i > 0 && i < BUILD_VERSION { buildVersion = i hasPinedVerParam = true } } }
// serve internal scripts if pathname == "/build" || pathname == "/run" || pathname == "/hot" { if !hasBuildVerPrefix && !hasPinedVerParam { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/v%d%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, BUILD_VERSION, pathname) if ctx.R.URL.RawQuery != "" { url += "?" + ctx.R.URL.RawQuery } // redirect to the url with build version prefix return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusFound) }
filename := pathname[1:] data, err := embedFS.ReadFile(fmt.Sprintf("%s.ts", filename)) if err != nil { return rex.Status(404, "Not Found") }
// add 'X-TypeScript-Types' header for the `/hot` script if pathname == "/hot" { header.Set("X-TypeScript-Types", fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/v%d/hot.d.ts", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildVersion)) }
target := getBuildTargetByUA(userAgent) if target == "deno" || target == "denonext" { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") } else { code, err := minify(string(data), targets[target], api.LoaderTS) if err != nil { return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf("transform error: %v", err), false) } data = code header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") } header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") header.Add("Vary", "User-Agent") return data }
// use embed polyfills/types if possible if hasBuildVerPrefix && strings.Count(pathname, "/") == 1 { if strings.HasSuffix(pathname, ".js") { data, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server/embed/polyfills" + pathname) if err == nil { target := getBuildTargetByUA(userAgent) code, err := minify(string(data), targets[target], api.LoaderJS) if err != nil { return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf("transform error: %v", err), false) } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") header.Add("Vary", "User-Agent") return rex.Content(pathname, startTime, bytes.NewReader(code)) } } if strings.HasSuffix(pathname, ".d.ts") { data, err := embedFS.ReadFile("server/embed/types" + pathname) if err == nil { fv := ctx.Form.Value("refs") if fv != "" { var refs = make([]string, strings.Count(fv, ",")+1) for i, ref := range strings.Split(fv, ",") { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/v%d/%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildVersion, ref) refs[i] = fmt.Sprintf("/// <reference path=\"%s\" />", url) } data = concatBytes([]byte(strings.Join(refs, "\n")), data) } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") return rex.Content(pathname, startTime, bytes.NewReader(data)) } } }
// check `/*pathname` or `/gh/*pathname` pattern external := newStringSet() if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, "/*") { external.Add("*") pathname = "/" + pathname[2:] } else if strings.HasPrefix(pathname, "/gh/*") { external.Add("*") pathname = "/gh/" + pathname[5:] }
// get package info reqPkg, extraQuery, err := validatePkgPath(pathname) if err != nil { status := 500 message := err.Error() if message == "invalid path" { status = 400 } else if strings.HasSuffix(message, "not found") { status = 404 } return rex.Status(status, message) }
pkgAllowed := cfg.AllowList.IsPackageAllowed(reqPkg.Name) pkgBanned := cfg.BanList.IsPackageBanned(reqPkg.Name) if !pkgAllowed || pkgBanned { return rex.Status(403, "forbidden") }
// fix url related `import.meta.url` if hasBuildVerPrefix && endsWith(reqPkg.SubPath, ".wasm", ".json") { extname := path.Ext(reqPkg.SubPath) dir := path.Join(cfg.WorkDir, "npm", reqPkg.Name+"@"+reqPkg.Version) if !dirExists(dir) { err := installPackage(dir, reqPkg) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } } pkgRoot := path.Join(dir, "node_modules", reqPkg.Name) files, err := findFiles(pkgRoot, "", func(fp string) bool { return strings.HasSuffix(fp, extname) }) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } var file string if l := len(files); l == 1 { file = files[0] } else if l > 1 { sort.Sort(sort.Reverse(PathSlice(files))) for _, f := range files { if strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubPath, f) { file = f break } } if file == "" { for _, f := range files { if path.Base(reqPkg.SubPath) == path.Base(f) { file = f break } } } } if file == "" { return rex.Status(404, "File not found") } url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s@%s/%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.Version, file) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) }
// redirect `/@types/PKG` to main dts files if strings.HasPrefix(reqPkg.Name, "@types/") && (reqPkg.SubModule == "" || !strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubModule, ".d.ts")) { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/v%d%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, BUILD_VERSION, pathname) if reqPkg.SubModule == "" { info, _, err := getPackageInfo("", reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.Version) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } types := "index.d.ts" if info.Types != "" { types = info.Types } else if info.Typings != "" { types = info.Typings } else if info.Main != "" && strings.HasSuffix(info.Main, ".d.ts") { types = info.Main } url += "/" + types } else { url += "~.d.ts" } return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) }
// redirect to main css path for CSS packages if css := cssPackages[reqPkg.Name]; css != "" && reqPkg.SubModule == "" { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s/%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, reqPkg.String(), css) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) }
ghPrefix := "" if reqPkg.FromGithub { ghPrefix = "/gh" }
// redirect to the url with full package version if !hasBuildVerPrefix && !reqPkg.FromEsmsh && !strings.Contains(pathname, "@"+reqPkg.Version) { pkgName := reqPkg.Name bvPrefix := "" eaSign := "" subPath := "" query := "" if strings.HasPrefix(pkgName, "@jsr/") { pkgName = "jsr/@" + strings.ReplaceAll(pkgName[5:], "__", "/") } if endsWith(pathname, ".d.ts", ".d.mts") { if outdatedBuildVersion != "" { bvPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", outdatedBuildVersion) } else { bvPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", BUILD_VERSION) } } if external.Has("*") { eaSign = "*" } if reqPkg.SubPath != "" { subPath = "/" + reqPkg.SubPath } if ctx.R.URL.RawQuery != "" { if extraQuery != "" { query = "&" + ctx.R.URL.RawQuery return rex.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s/%s%s@%s%s%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, bvPrefix, ghPrefix, eaSign, pkgName, reqPkg.Version, query, subPath), http.StatusFound) } query = "?" + ctx.R.URL.RawQuery } return rex.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s%s/%s%s@%s%s%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, bvPrefix, ghPrefix, eaSign, pkgName, reqPkg.Version, subPath, query), http.StatusFound) }
// redirect to the url with full package version with build version prefix if hasBuildVerPrefix && !strings.Contains(pathname, "@"+reqPkg.Version) { bvPrefix := "" subPath := "" query := "" if stableBuild[reqPkg.Name] { bvPrefix = "/stable" } else if outdatedBuildVersion != "" { bvPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("/%s", outdatedBuildVersion) } else { bvPrefix = fmt.Sprintf("/v%d", BUILD_VERSION) } if reqPkg.SubPath != "" { subPath = "/" + reqPkg.SubPath } if ctx.R.URL.RawQuery != "" { query = "?" + ctx.R.URL.RawQuery } return rex.Redirect(fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s/%s%s%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, bvPrefix, reqPkg.VersionName(), subPath, query), http.StatusFound) }
// support `` pattern for jsx transformer for _, jsxRuntime := range []string{"jsx-runtime", "jsx-dev-runtime"} { if strings.HasSuffix(ctx.R.URL.RawQuery, "/"+jsxRuntime) { if reqPkg.SubModule == "" { reqPkg.SubModule = jsxRuntime } else { reqPkg.SubModule = reqPkg.SubModule + "/" + jsxRuntime } pathname = fmt.Sprintf("/%s/%s", reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.SubModule) ctx.R.URL.RawQuery = strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.R.URL.RawQuery, "/"+jsxRuntime) } }
// or use `?path=$PATH` query to override the pathname if v := ctx.Form.Value("path"); v != "" { reqPkg.SubModule = utils.CleanPath(v)[1:] }
// check request file type // - raw: serve raw dist or npm dist files like CSS/map etc.. // - builds: serve js files built by esbuild // - types: serve `.d.ts` files var reqType string if reqPkg.SubPath != "" { ext := path.Ext(reqPkg.SubPath) switch ext { case ".mjs", ".js", ".jsx", ".ts", ".mts", ".tsx": if endsWith(pathname, ".d.ts", ".d.mts") { if !hasBuildVerPrefix { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/v%d%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, BUILD_VERSION, pathname) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) } reqType = "types" } else if ctx.R.URL.Query().Has("raw") { reqType = "raw" } else if hasBuildVerPrefix && hasTargetSegment(reqPkg.SubPath) { reqType = "builds" } case ".wasm": if ctx.Form.Has("module") { buf := &bytes.Buffer{} wasmUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, pathname) fmt.Fprintf(buf, "/* - CompiledWasm */\n") fmt.Fprintf(buf, "const data = await fetch(%s).then(r => r.arrayBuffer());\nexport default new WebAssembly.Module(data);", strings.TrimSpace(string(utils.MustEncodeJSON(wasmUrl)))) header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") return buf } else { reqType = "raw" } case ".css", ".map": if hasBuildVerPrefix && hasTargetSegment(reqPkg.SubPath) { reqType = "builds" } else { reqType = "raw" } default: if ext != "" && assetExts[ext[1:]] { reqType = "raw" } } }
// serve raw dist or npm dist files like CSS/map etc.. if reqType == "raw" { installDir := fmt.Sprintf("npm/%s", reqPkg.VersionName()) savePath := path.Join(cfg.WorkDir, installDir, "node_modules", reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.SubPath) fi, err := os.Lstat(savePath) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } task := &BuildTask{ CdnOrigin: cdnOrigin, Pkg: reqPkg, Args: BuildArgs{ alias: map[string]string{}, deps: PkgSlice{}, external: newStringSet(), exports: newStringSet(), conditions: newStringSet(), }, Target: "raw", } c := buildQueue.Add(task, ctx.RemoteIP()) select { case output := <-c.C: if output.err != nil { return rex.Status(500, "Fail to install package: "+output.err.Error()) } fi, err = os.Lstat(savePath) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } return rex.Status(404, "File Not Found") } case <-time.After(10 * time.Minute): buildQueue.RemoveConsumer(task, c) header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") return rex.Status(http.StatusRequestTimeout, "timeout, we are downloading package hardly, please try again later!") } }
content, err := os.Open(savePath) if err != nil { if os.IsExist(err) { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } return rex.Status(404, "File Not Found") } header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") if endsWith(savePath, ".js", ".mjs", ".jsx") { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") } else if endsWith(savePath, ".ts", ".mts", ".tsx") { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") } return rex.Content(savePath, fi.ModTime(), content) // auto closed }
// serve build files if hasBuildVerPrefix && (reqType == "builds" || reqType == "types") { var savePath string if outdatedBuildVersion != "" { savePath = path.Join(reqType, outdatedBuildVersion, pathname) } else if hasStablePrefix { savePath = path.Join(reqType, fmt.Sprintf("v%d", STABLE_VERSION), pathname) } else { savePath = path.Join(reqType, fmt.Sprintf("v%d", BUILD_VERSION), pathname) } if reqType == "types" { savePath = path.Join("types", getTypesRoot(cdnOrigin), strings.TrimPrefix(savePath, "types/")) } savePath = normalizeSavePath(savePath) fi, err := fs.Stat(savePath) if err != nil { if err == storage.ErrNotFound && strings.HasSuffix(pathname, ".map") { return rex.Status(404, "Not found") } if err != storage.ErrNotFound { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } } if err == nil { r, err := fs.OpenFile(savePath) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } if reqType == "types" { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") } else if endsWith(pathname, ".js", ".mjs", ".jsx", ".ts", ".mts", ".tsx") { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") } else if strings.HasSuffix(savePath, ".map") { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/json; charset=utf-8") } header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") if ctx.Form.Has("worker") && reqType == "builds" { defer r.Close() buf, err := io.ReadAll(r) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } code := bytes.TrimSuffix(buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`//#`, path.Base(savePath)))) header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") return fmt.Sprintf(`export default function workerFactory(inject) { const blob = new Blob([%s, typeof inject === "string" ? "\n// inject\n" + inject : ""], { type: "application/javascript" }); return new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob), { type: "module" })}`, utils.MustEncodeJSON(string(code))) } return rex.Content(savePath, fi.ModTime(), r) // auto closed } }
// determine build target by `?target` query or `User-Agent` header target := strings.ToLower(ctx.Form.Value("target")) targetFromUA := targets[target] == 0 if targetFromUA { target = getBuildTargetByUA(userAgent) } if strings.HasPrefix(target, "es") && includes(nativeNodePackages, reqPkg.Name) { return throwErrorJS(ctx, fmt.Errorf( `unsupported npm package "%s": native node module is not supported in browser`, reqPkg.Name, ), false) }
// check `?alias` query alias := map[string]string{} if ctx.Form.Has("alias") { for _, p := range strings.Split(ctx.Form.Value("alias"), ",") { p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if p != "" { name, to := utils.SplitByFirstByte(p, ':') name = strings.TrimSpace(name) to = strings.TrimSpace(to) if name != "" && to != "" && name != reqPkg.Name { alias[name] = to } } } }
// check `?deps` query deps := PkgSlice{} if ctx.Form.Has("deps") { for _, p := range strings.Split(ctx.Form.Value("deps"), ",") { p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if p != "" { m, _, err := validatePkgPath(p) if err != nil { if strings.HasSuffix(err.Error(), "not found") { continue } return rex.Status(400, fmt.Sprintf("Invalid deps query: %v not found", p)) } if reqPkg.Name == "react-dom" && m.Name == "react" { // the `react` version always matches `react-dom` version continue } if !deps.Has(m.Name) && m.Name != reqPkg.Name { deps = append(deps, m) } } } }
// check `?exports` query exports := newStringSet() if (ctx.Form.Has("exports") || ctx.Form.Has("cjs-exports")) && !stableBuild[reqPkg.Name] { value := ctx.Form.Value("exports") + "," + ctx.Form.Value("cjs-exports") for _, p := range strings.Split(value, ",") { p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if regexpJSIdent.MatchString(p) { exports.Add(p) } } }
// check `?conditions` query conditions := newStringSet() if ctx.Form.Has("conditions") { for _, p := range strings.Split(ctx.Form.Value("conditions"), ",") { p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if p != "" { conditions.Add(p) } } }
// check deno/std version by `?deno-std=VER` query dsv := denoStdVersion fv := ctx.Form.Value("deno-std") if fv != "" && regexpFullVersion.MatchString(fv) && semverLessThan(fv, denoStdVersion) && target == "deno" { dsv = fv }
// check `?external` query for _, p := range strings.Split(ctx.Form.Value("external"), ",") { p = strings.TrimSpace(p) if p == "*" { external.Reset() external.Add("*") break } if p != "" { external.Add(p) } }
isPkgCss := ctx.Form.Has("css") bundleDeps := ctx.Form.Has("bundle") || ctx.Form.Has("standalone") || ctx.Form.Has("bundle-deps") noBundle := !bundleDeps && (ctx.Form.Has("bundless") || ctx.Form.Has("no-bundle")) isDev := ctx.Form.Has("dev") isPined := hasBuildVerPrefix || hasPinedVerParam || stableBuild[reqPkg.Name] isWorker := ctx.Form.Has("worker") noCheck := ctx.Form.Has("no-check") || ctx.Form.Has("no-dts") ignoreRequire := ctx.Form.Has("ignore-require") || reqPkg.Name == "@unocss/preset-icons" keepNames := ctx.Form.Has("keep-names") ignoreAnnotations := ctx.Form.Has("ignore-annotations")
// force react/jsx-dev-runtime and react-refresh into `dev` mode if !isDev && ((reqPkg.Name == "react" && reqPkg.SubModule == "jsx-dev-runtime") || reqPkg.Name == "react-refresh") { isDev = true }
buildArgs := BuildArgs{ alias: alias, conditions: conditions, denoStdVersion: dsv, deps: deps, external: external, ignoreAnnotations: ignoreAnnotations, ignoreRequire: ignoreRequire, keepNames: keepNames, exports: exports, }
// parse and use `X-` prefix if hasBuildVerPrefix { a := strings.Split(reqPkg.SubModule, "/") if len(a) > 1 && strings.HasPrefix(a[0], "X-") { reqPkg.SubModule = strings.Join(a[1:], "/") args, err := decodeBuildArgsPrefix(a[0]) if err != nil { return throwErrorJS(ctx, err, false) } reqPkg.SubPath = strings.Join(strings.Split(reqPkg.SubPath, "/")[1:], "/") if args.denoStdVersion == "" { // ensure deno/std version used args.denoStdVersion = denoStdVersion } buildArgs = args } }
// clear build args for main entry of stable builds if stableBuild[reqPkg.Name] && reqPkg.SubModule == "" { buildArgs = BuildArgs{ external: newStringSet(), exports: newStringSet(), conditions: buildArgs.conditions, } }
// check if it's a build file isBuildFile := false if hasBuildVerPrefix && (endsWith(reqPkg.SubPath, ".mjs", ".js", ".css")) { a := strings.Split(reqPkg.SubModule, "/") if len(a) > 0 { maybeTarget := a[0] if _, ok := targets[maybeTarget]; ok { submodule := strings.Join(a[1:], "/") pkgName := strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(reqPkg.Name), ".js") if strings.HasSuffix(submodule, ".css") && !strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubPath, ".js") { if submodule == pkgName+".css" { reqPkg.SubModule = "" target = maybeTarget isBuildFile = true } else { url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, reqPkg.String()) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusFound) } } else { if strings.HasSuffix(submodule, ".bundle") { submodule = strings.TrimSuffix(submodule, ".bundle") bundleDeps = true } else if strings.HasSuffix(submodule, ".bundless") { submodule = strings.TrimSuffix(submodule, ".bundless") noBundle = true } if strings.HasSuffix(submodule, ".development") { submodule = strings.TrimSuffix(submodule, ".development") isDev = true } isMjs := strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubPath, ".mjs") // fix old build `/stable/react/deno/react.js` to `/stable/react/deno/react.mjs` if !isMjs && submodule == pkgName && stableBuild[reqPkg.Name] { url := fmt.Sprintf( "%s%s/stable/%s@%s/%s/%s.mjs", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.Version, maybeTarget, reqPkg.Name, ) return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) } if strings.HasPrefix(reqPkg.Name, "~") { submodule = "" } else if isMjs && submodule == pkgName { submodule = "" } // workaround for es5-ext weird "/#/" path if submodule != "" && reqPkg.Name == "es5-ext" { submodule = strings.ReplaceAll(submodule, "/$$/", "/#/") } reqPkg.SubModule = submodule target = maybeTarget isBuildFile = true } } } }
// build and return dts if hasBuildVerPrefix && reqType == "types" { findDts := func() (savePath string, fi storage.FileStat, err error) { savePath = path.Join(fmt.Sprintf( "types/%s/v%d%s/%s@%s/%s", getTypesRoot(cdnOrigin), buildVersion, ghPrefix, reqPkg.Name, reqPkg.Version, encodeBuildArgsPrefix(buildArgs, reqPkg, true), ), reqPkg.SubPath) if strings.HasSuffix(savePath, "~.d.ts") { savePath = strings.TrimSuffix(savePath, "~.d.ts") _, err := fs.Stat(path.Join(savePath, "index.d.ts")) if err != nil && err != storage.ErrNotFound { return "", nil, err } if err == nil { savePath = path.Join(savePath, "index.d.ts") } else { savePath += ".d.ts" } } fi, err = fs.Stat(savePath) return savePath, fi, err } _, _, err := findDts() if err == storage.ErrNotFound { task := &BuildTask{ Args: buildArgs, CdnOrigin: cdnOrigin, BuildVersion: buildVersion, Pkg: reqPkg, Target: "types", } c := buildQueue.Add(task, ctx.RemoteIP()) select { case output := <-c.C: if output.err != nil { return rex.Status(500, "types: "+output.err.Error()) } case <-time.After(10 * time.Minute): buildQueue.RemoveConsumer(task, c) header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") return rex.Status(http.StatusRequestTimeout, "timeout, we are transforming the types hardly, please try again later!") } } savePath, fi, err := findDts() if err != nil { if err == storage.ErrNotFound { return rex.Status(404, "Types not found") } return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } r, err := fs.OpenFile(savePath) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } header.Set("Content-Type", "application/typescript; charset=utf-8") header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") return rex.Content(savePath, fi.ModTime(), r) // auto closed }
task := &BuildTask{ Args: buildArgs, CdnOrigin: cdnOrigin, BuildVersion: buildVersion, Pkg: reqPkg, Target: target, Dev: isDev, BundleDeps: bundleDeps || isWorker, NoBundle: noBundle, }
buildId := task.ID() esm, hasBuild := queryESMBuild(buildId) fallback := false
if !hasBuild { if !isBuildFile && !isPined { // find previous build version for i := 0; i < BUILD_VERSION; i++ { id := fmt.Sprintf("v%d/%s", BUILD_VERSION-(i+1), strings.Join(strings.Split(buildId, "/")[1:], "/")) esm, hasBuild = queryESMBuild(id) if hasBuild { log.Warn("fallback to previous build:", id) fallback = true buildId = id break } } }
// if the previous build exists and is not pin/bare mode, then build current module in backgound, // or wait the current build task for 60 seconds if esm != nil { buildQueue.Add(task, "") } else { c := buildQueue.Add(task, ctx.RemoteIP()) select { case output := <-c.C: if output.err != nil { msg := output.err.Error() if strings.Contains(msg, "no such file or directory") || strings.Contains(msg, "is not exported from package") { // redirect old build path (.js) to new build path (.mjs) if strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubPath, "/"+reqPkg.Name+".js") { url := strings.TrimSuffix(ctx.R.URL.String(), ".js") + ".mjs" return rex.Redirect(url, http.StatusMovedPermanently) } header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") return rex.Status(404, "Module not found") } if strings.HasSuffix(msg, " not found") { return rex.Status(404, msg) } return throwErrorJS(ctx, output.err, false) } esm = output.meta case <-time.After(10 * time.Minute): buildQueue.RemoveConsumer(task, c) header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") return rex.Status(http.StatusRequestTimeout, "timeout, we are building the package hardly, please try again later!") } } }
// should redirect to `*.d.ts` file if esm.TypesOnly { dtsUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, strings.TrimPrefix(esm.Dts, "/")) header.Set("X-TypeScript-Types", dtsUrl) header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") if fallback { header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") } else { if isPined { header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") } else { header.Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", 7*24*3600)) // cache for 7 days } } if ctx.R.Method == http.MethodHead { return []byte{} } return []byte("export default null;\n") }
// redirect to package css from `?css` if isPkgCss && reqPkg.SubModule == "" { if !esm.PackageCSS { return rex.Status(404, "Package CSS not found") } url := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s/%s.css", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, strings.TrimSuffix(buildId, path.Ext(buildId))) code := 302 if isPined { code = 301 } return rex.Redirect(url, code) }
if isBuildFile { savePath := task.getSavepath() if strings.HasSuffix(reqPkg.SubPath, ".css") { base, _ := utils.SplitByLastByte(savePath, '.') savePath = base + ".css" } fi, err := fs.Stat(savePath) if err != nil { if err == storage.ErrNotFound { return rex.Status(404, "File not found") } return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } f, err := fs.OpenFile(savePath) if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") if isWorker && endsWith(savePath, ".mjs", ".js") { buf, err := io.ReadAll(f) f.Close() if err != nil { return rex.Status(500, err.Error()) } code := bytes.TrimSuffix(buf, []byte(fmt.Sprintf(`//#`, path.Base(savePath)))) header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") return fmt.Sprintf(`export default function workerFactory(inject) { const blob = new Blob([%s, typeof inject === "string" ? "\n// inject\n" + inject : ""], { type: "application/javascript" }); return new Worker(URL.createObjectURL(blob), { type: "module" })}`, utils.MustEncodeJSON(string(code))) } if endsWith(savePath, ".mjs", ".js") { header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") } return rex.Content(savePath, fi.ModTime(), f) // auto closed }
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fmt.Fprintf(buf, `/* - %v */%s`, reqPkg, EOL)
if isWorker { fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export { default } from "%s/%s?worker";`, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildId) } else { if len(esm.Deps) > 0 { // TODO: lookup deps of deps? for _, dep := range esm.Deps { if strings.HasPrefix(dep, "/") && cfg.CdnBasePath != "" { dep = cfg.CdnBasePath + dep } fmt.Fprintf(buf, `import "%s";%s`, dep, EOL) } } header.Set("X-Esm-Id", buildId) fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export * from "%s/%s";%s`, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildId, EOL) if (esm.FromCJS || esm.HasExportDefault) && (exports.Len() == 0 || exports.Has("default")) { fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export { default } from "%s/%s";%s`, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildId, EOL) } if esm.FromCJS && exports.Len() > 0 { fmt.Fprintf(buf, `import __cjs_exports$ from "%s/%s";%s`, cfg.CdnBasePath, buildId, EOL) fmt.Fprintf(buf, `export const { %s } = __cjs_exports$;%s`, strings.Join(exports.Values(), ", "), EOL) } }
if esm.Dts != "" && !noCheck && !isWorker { dtsUrl := fmt.Sprintf("%s%s%s", cdnOrigin, cfg.CdnBasePath, esm.Dts) header.Set("X-TypeScript-Types", dtsUrl) } if fallback { header.Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") } else { if isPined { header.Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") } else { header.Set("Cache-Control", fmt.Sprintf("public, max-age=%d", 7*24*3600)) // cache for 7 days } } if targetFromUA { header.Add("Vary", "User-Agent") } header.Set("Content-Length", strconv.Itoa(buf.Len())) header.Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") if ctx.R.Method == http.MethodHead { return []byte{} } return buf }}
func getCdnOrign(ctx *rex.Context) string { cdnOrigin := ctx.R.Header.Get("X-Real-Origin") if cdnOrigin == "" { cdnOrigin = cfg.CdnOrigin } if cdnOrigin == "" { proto := "http" if ctx.R.TLS != nil { proto = "https" } // use the request host as the origin if not set in config.json cdnOrigin = fmt.Sprintf("%s://%s", proto, ctx.R.Host) } return cdnOrigin}
func hasTargetSegment(path string) bool { parts := strings.Split(path, "/") for _, part := range parts { if targets[part] > 0 { return true } } return false}
func throwErrorJS(ctx *rex.Context, err error, static bool) interface{} { buf := bytes.NewBuffer(nil) fmt.Fprintf(buf, "/* - error */\n") fmt.Fprintf( buf, `throw new Error("[] " + %s);%s`, strings.TrimSpace(string(utils.MustEncodeJSON(err.Error()))), "\n", ) fmt.Fprintf(buf, "export default null;\n") if static { ctx.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "public, max-age=31536000, immutable") } else { ctx.W.Header().Set("Cache-Control", "private, no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate") } ctx.W.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/javascript; charset=utf-8") return rex.Status(500, buf)}
func getTypesRoot(cdnOrigin string) string { url, err := url.Parse(cdnOrigin) if err != nil { return "-" } return strings.ReplaceAll(url.Host, ":", "_")}