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EventSource in Deno
interface EventSourceInit { withCredentials: boolean;}
type EventHandler<Evt extends Event> = (e: Evt) => void | Promise<void>;
interface Settings { url: string; fetchSettings: { headers: string[][]; credentials: "same-origin" | "include"; mode: "cors"; }; reconnectionTime: number; lastEventID: string;}
export class EventSource extends EventTarget { #withCredentials = false; #readyState: 0 | 1 | 2 = 0; #abortController = new AbortController(); #settings: Settings = { url: "", fetchSettings: { headers: [["Accept", "text/event-stream"]], credentials: "same-origin", mode: "cors", }, reconnectionTime: 2200, lastEventID: "", };
onopen: EventHandler<Event> | null = null; onmessage: EventHandler<MessageEvent<string>> | null = null; onerror: EventHandler<Event> | null = null;
CONNECTING: 0 = 0; OPEN: 1 = 1; CLOSED: 2 = 2;
get readyState(): 0 | 1 | 2 { return this.#readyState; }
get url(): string { return this.#settings.url; }
get withCredentials(): boolean { return this.#withCredentials; }
constructor(url: string, eventSourceInitDict?: EventSourceInit) { super();
try { // Allow empty url // this.#settings.url = url == "" ? window.location.toString() : new URL(url, window.location?.href).toString(); } catch (e) { // Dunno if this is allowd in the spec. But handy for testing purposes if (e instanceof ReferenceError) { this.#settings.url = new URL(url).toString(); } else throw new DOMException(e.message, "SyntaxError"); }
if (eventSourceInitDict?.withCredentials) { this.#settings.fetchSettings.credentials = "include"; this.#withCredentials = true; }
this.#fetch(); return; }
close(): void { this.#readyState = this.CLOSED; this.#abortController.abort(); }
async #fetch(): Promise<void> { let currentRetries = 0; while (this.#readyState < this.CLOSED) { const res = await fetch(this.url, { cache: "no-store", // This seems to cause problems if the abort happens while `res.body` is being used // signal: this.#abortController.signal, keepalive: true, redirect: "follow", ...this.#settings.fetchSettings, }).catch(() => void (0));
if ( res?.body && res?.status === 200 && res.headers.get("content-type")?.startsWith("text/event-stream") ) { // Announce connection if (this.#readyState !== this.CLOSED) { this.#readyState = this.OPEN; const openEvent = new Event("open", { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, }); super.dispatchEvent(openEvent); if (this.onopen) this.onopen(openEvent); }
// Decode body for interpreting const decoder = new TextDecoderStream("utf-8", { ignoreBOM: false, fatal: false, }); const reader = res.body.pipeThrough(decoder);
// Initiate buffers let lastEventIDBuffer = ""; let eventTypeBuffer = ""; let messageBuffer = ""; let readBuffer = "";
for await (const chunk of reader) { if (this.#abortController.signal.aborted) break; const lines = decodeURIComponent(readBuffer + chunk) .replaceAll("\r\n", "\n") .replaceAll("\r", "\n") .split("\n"); readBuffer = lines.pop() ?? "";
// Start loop for interpreting for (const line of lines) { if (!line) { this.#settings.lastEventID = lastEventIDBuffer;
// Check if buffer is not an empty string if (messageBuffer) { // Create event if (!eventTypeBuffer) { eventTypeBuffer = "message"; }
const event = new MessageEvent<string>(eventTypeBuffer, { data: messageBuffer.trim(), origin: res.url, lastEventId: this.#settings.lastEventID, cancelable: false, bubbles: false, });
if (this.readyState !== this.CLOSED) { // Fire event super.dispatchEvent(event); if (this.onmessage) this.onmessage(event); } }
// Clear buffers messageBuffer = ""; eventTypeBuffer = ""; continue; }
// Ignore comments if (line[0] === ":") continue;
let splitIndex = line.indexOf(":"); splitIndex = splitIndex > 0 ? splitIndex : line.length; const field = line.slice(0, splitIndex).trim(); const data = line.slice(splitIndex + 1).trim(); switch (field) { case "event": // Set fieldBuffer to Field Value eventTypeBuffer = data; break; case "data": // append Field Value to dataBuffer messageBuffer += `${data}\n`; break; case "id": // set lastEventID to Field Value if (data && !data.includes("\u0000") && !data.includes("\x00")) { lastEventIDBuffer = data; } break; case "retry": { // set reconnectionTime to Field Value if int const num = Number(data); if (!isNaN(num) && isFinite(num)) { this.#settings.reconnectionTime = num; } break; } } } } if (this.#abortController.signal.aborted) { // Cancel reader to close the EventSource properly await reader.cancel(); this.#readyState = this.CLOSED; break; } } else { // Connection failed for whatever reason this.#readyState = this.CLOSED; this.#abortController.abort(); const errorEvent = new Event("error", { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, }); super.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); if (this.onerror) this.onerror(errorEvent); if (currentRetries >= 3) break; currentRetries++; }
// Set readyState to CONNECTING if (this.#readyState !== this.CLOSED) { this.#readyState = this.CONNECTING;
// Fire onerror const errorEvent = new Event("error", { bubbles: false, cancelable: false, });
super.dispatchEvent(errorEvent); if (this.onerror) this.onerror(errorEvent);
// Timeout for re-establishing the connection await new Promise<void>((res) => { const id = setTimeout(() => res(clearTimeout(id)), this.#settings.reconnectionTime); });
if (this.#readyState !== this.CONNECTING) break;
if (this.#settings.lastEventID) { this.#settings.fetchSettings.headers.push([ "Last-Event-ID", this.#settings.lastEventID, ]); } } } }}