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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import "";import { importProxy } from "./importProxy.ts";import { create } from "./Evt.create.ts";import { getCtxFactory } from "./Evt.getCtx.ts";import { factorize } from "./Evt.factorize.ts";import { merge } from "./Evt.merge.ts";import { from } from "./Evt.from.ts";import { useEffect } from "./Evt.useEffect.ts";import { asPostable } from "./Evt.asPostable.ts";import { asNonPostable } from "./Evt.asNonPostable.ts";import { parsePropsFromArgs, matchAll } from "./Evt.parsePropsFromArgs.ts";import { newCtx } from "./Evt.newCtx.ts";import { LazyEvt } from "./LazyEvt.ts";import { defineAccessors } from "../tools/typeSafety/defineAccessors.ts";import { invokeOperator } from "./util/invokeOperator.ts";import { Polyfill as Map, LightMap } from "";import { Polyfill as WeakMap } from "";import * as runExclusive from "";import { EvtError } from "./types/EvtError.ts";import { overwriteReadonlyProp } from "../tools/typeSafety/overwriteReadonlyProp.ts";import { typeGuard } from "../tools/typeSafety/typeGuard.ts";import { encapsulateOpState } from "./util/encapsulateOpState.ts";import { Deferred } from "../tools/Deferred.ts";import { loosenType } from "./Evt.loosenType.ts";import { CtxLike } from "./types/interfaces/CtxLike.ts";
import { Handler } from "./types/Handler.ts";import { Operator } from "./types/Operator.ts";type NonPostableEvt<T> = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").NonPostableEvt<T>;type StatefulEvt<T> = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").StatefulEvt<T>;
//NOTE: Deno can't use NodeJS type def ( obviously )type Timer= { _timerBrand: any; };const safeSetTimeout = (callback: () => void, ms: number): Timer => setTimeout(callback, ms) as any;const safeClearTimeout = (timer: Timer): void => clearTimeout(timer as any);
/** */export type Evt<T> = import("./types/interfaces/index.ts").Evt<T>;
class EvtImpl<T> implements Evt<T> {
static readonly create = create;
static readonly newCtx = newCtx;
static readonly merge = merge;
static readonly from = from;
static readonly useEffect = useEffect;
static readonly getCtx = getCtxFactory();
static readonly loosenType = loosenType;
static readonly factorize = factorize;
static readonly asPostable = asPostable;
static readonly asNonPostable= asNonPostable;
private static __defaultMaxHandlers = 25;
static setDefaultMaxHandlers(n: number): void { this.__defaultMaxHandlers = isFinite(n) ? n : 0; }
toStateful(p1: any,p2?: CtxLike): StatefulEvt<any> {
const isP1Ctx= CtxLike.match(p1);
const initialValue: any = isP1Ctx ? undefined : p1; const ctx= p2 || ( isP1Ctx ? p1 : undefined );
const out = new importProxy.StatefulEvt<any>(initialValue);
const callback = (data: T) =>;
if (!!ctx) { this.attach(ctx, callback); } else { this.attach(callback); }
return out;
declare readonly evtAttach: Evt<Handler<T, any>>; declare readonly evtDetach: Evt<Handler<T, any>>;
private readonly lazyEvtAttach = new LazyEvt<Handler<T, any>>(); private readonly lazyEvtDetach = new LazyEvt<Handler<T, any>>();
private static __1: void = (() => {
if (false) { EvtImpl.__1 }
defineAccessors( EvtImpl.prototype, "evtAttach", { "get": function (this: EvtImpl<any>) { return this.lazyEvtAttach.evt; } } );
defineAccessors( EvtImpl.prototype, "evtDetach", { "get": function (this: EvtImpl<any>) { return this.lazyEvtDetach.evt; } } );
private __maxHandlers: undefined | number = undefined;
setMaxHandlers(n: number): this { this.__maxHandlers = isFinite(n) ? n : 0; return this; }
readonly postCount: number = 0;
private traceId: string | null = null; private traceFormatter!: (data: T) => string; private log!: Exclude<Parameters<NonPostableEvt<any>["enableTrace"]>[0]["log"], false>;
enableTrace( params: { id: string, formatter?: (data: T) => string, log?: ((message?: any, ...optionalParams: any[]) => void) | false } //NOTE: Not typeof console.log as we don't want to expose types from node ): void {
const { id, formatter, log } = params;
this.traceId = id;
this.traceFormatter = formatter || ( data => { try { return JSON.stringify(data, null, 2); } catch{ return `${data}`; } } );
this.log = log === undefined ? ((...inputs) => console.log(...inputs)) : log === false ? undefined : log ;
disableTrace(): this { this.traceId = null; return this; }
private readonly handlers: Handler<T, any>[] = [];
private readonly handlerTriggers: LightMap< Handler<T, any>, (opResult: Operator..Result.Matched<any, any>) => void > = new Map();
//NOTE: An async handler ( attached with waitFor ) is only eligible to handle a post if the post //occurred after the handler was set. We don't want to waitFor event from the past. //private readonly asyncHandlerChronologyMark = new WeakMap<ImplicitParams.Async, number>(); declare private readonly asyncHandlerChronologyMark: WeakMap< Handler.PropsFromMethodName.Async, number >; declare private __asyncHandlerChronologyMark: (typeof EvtImpl.prototype.asyncHandlerChronologyMark) | undefined;
//NOTE: There is an exception to the above rule, we want to allow async waitFor loop //do so we have to handle the case where multiple event would be posted synchronously. declare private readonly asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange: WeakMap< Handler.PropsFromMethodName.Async, { lowerMark: number; upperMark: number; } >; declare private __asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange: (typeof EvtImpl.prototype.asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange) | undefined;
declare private readonly statelessByStatefulOp: WeakMap< Operator..Stateful<T, any, any>, Operator..Stateless<T, any, any> >; declare private __statelessByStatefulOp: (typeof EvtImpl.prototype.statelessByStatefulOp) | undefined;
private static __2: void = (() => {
if (false) { EvtImpl.__2; }
Object.defineProperties(EvtImpl.prototype, ([ "__asyncHandlerChronologyMark", "__asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange", "__statelessByStatefulOp" ] as const).map(key => [ key.substr(2), { "get": function (this: EvtImpl<any>) {
if (this[key] === undefined) { this[key] = new WeakMap<any, any>(); }
return this[key];
} } ] as const).reduce<any>((prev, [key, obj]) => ({ ...prev, [key]: obj }), {}) );

/* NOTE: Used as would be used to compare if an event is anterior or posterior to an other. We don't use because two call within less than a ms will return the same value unlike this function. */ private __currentChronologyMark = 0; private getChronologyMark() { return this.__currentChronologyMark++; }

private asyncHandlerCount: number = 0;
private detachHandler( handler: Handler<T, any>, wTimer: [Timer | undefined], rejectPr: (error: EvtError.Detached) => void ) {
const index = this.handlers.indexOf(handler);
if (index < 0) { return false; }
if (typeGuard<Handler<T, any, CtxLike<any>>>(handler, !!handler.ctx)) { handler.ctx.zz__removeHandler(handler); }

this.handlers.splice(index, 1);
if (handler.async) { this.asyncHandlerCount--; }
if (wTimer[0] !== undefined) {
rejectPr(new EvtError.Detached());
return true;

private triggerHandler<U>( handler: Handler<T, U>, wTimer: [Timer | undefined], resolvePr: ((transformedData: any) => void) | undefined, opResult: Operator..Result.Matched<any, any> ): void {
const { callback, once } = handler;
if (wTimer[0] !== undefined) { safeClearTimeout(wTimer[0]); wTimer[0] = undefined; }
EvtImpl.doDetachIfNeeded(handler, opResult, once);
const [transformedData] = opResult;
callback?.call( this, transformedData );
private addHandler<U>( propsFromArgs: Handler.PropsFromArgs<T, U>, propsFromMethodName: Handler.PropsFromMethodName ): Handler<T, U> {
if (Operator..Stateful.match<T, any, any>(propsFromArgs.op)) {
this.statelessByStatefulOp.set( propsFromArgs.op, encapsulateOpState(propsFromArgs.op) );
const d = new Deferred<U>();
const wTimer: [Timer | undefined] = [undefined];
const handler: Handler<T, U> = { ...propsFromArgs, ...propsFromMethodName, "detach": () => this.detachHandler(handler, wTimer, d.reject), "promise": };
if (typeof handler.timeout === "number") {
wTimer[0] = safeSetTimeout(() => {
wTimer[0] = undefined;
d.reject(new EvtError.Timeout(handler.timeout!));
}, handler.timeout);
this.handlerTriggers.set( handler, opResult => this.triggerHandler( handler, wTimer, d.isPending ? d.resolve : undefined, opResult ) );
if (handler.async) {
this.asyncHandlerChronologyMark.set( handler, this.getChronologyMark() );
if (handler.prepend) {
let i: number;
for (i = 0; i < this.handlers.length; i++) {
if (this.handlers[i].extract) { continue; }
this.handlers.splice(i, 0, handler);
} else {
if (handler.async) { this.asyncHandlerCount++; }
if (typeGuard<Handler<T, U, CtxLike<any>>>(handler, !!handler.ctx)) { handler.ctx.zz__addHandler(handler, this); };
return handler;

private checkForPotentialMemoryLeak(): void {
const maxHandlers = this.__maxHandlers !== undefined ? this.__maxHandlers : EvtImpl.__defaultMaxHandlers ;

if ( maxHandlers === 0 || this.handlers.length % (maxHandlers + 1) !== 0) { return; }
let message = [ `MaxHandlersExceededWarning: Possible Evt memory leak detected.`, `${this.handlers.length} handlers attached${this.traceId ? ` to "${this.traceId}"` : ""}.\n`, `Use Evt.prototype.setMaxHandlers(n) to increase limit on a specific Evt.\n`, `Use Evt.setDefaultMaxHandlers(n) to change the default limit currently set to ${EvtImpl.__defaultMaxHandlers}.\n`, ].join("");
const map = new Map<string, number>();
this.getHandlers() .map(({ ctx, async, once, prepend, extract, op, callback }) => ({ "hasCtx": !!ctx, once, prepend, extract, "isWaitFor": async, ...(op === matchAll ? {} : { "op": op.toString() }), ...(!callback ? {} : { "callback": callback.toString() }) })) .map(obj => "{\n" + Object.keys(obj) .map(key => ` ${key}: ${(obj as any)[key]}`) .join(",\n") + "\n}" ) .forEach(str => map.set(str, (map.has(str) ? map.get(str)! : 0) + 1)) ;
message += "\n" + Array.from(map.keys()) .map(str => `${map.get(str)} handler${map.get(str) === 1 ? "" : "s"} like:\n${str}`) .join("\n") + "\n";
if (this.traceId === null) {
message += "\n" + [ `To validate the identify of the Evt instance that is triggering this warning you can call`, `Evt.prototype.enableTrace({ "id": "My evt id", "log": false }) on the Evt that you suspect.\n` ].join(" ");
try { console.warn(message); } catch{ }
getStatelessOp<U, CtxResult>(op: Operator<T, U, CtxResult>): Operator.Stateless<T, U, CtxResult> { return Operator..Stateful.match(op) ? this.statelessByStatefulOp.get(op)! : op }
private trace(data: T) {
if (this.traceId === null) { return; }
let message = `(${this.traceId}) `;
const isExtracted = !!this.handlers.find( ({ extract, op }) => ( extract && !!this.getStatelessOp(op)(data) ) );
if (isExtracted) {
message += "extracted ";
} else {
const handlerCount = this.handlers .filter( ({ extract, op }) => !extract && !!this.getStatelessOp(op)(data) ) .length;
message += `${handlerCount} handler${(handlerCount > 1) ? "s" : ""}, `;
this.log?.(message + this.traceFormatter(data));
/** Return isExtracted */ private postSync(data: T): boolean {
for (const handler of [...this.handlers]) {
const { async, op, extract } = handler;
if (async) { continue; }
const opResult = invokeOperator( this.getStatelessOp(op), data, true );
if (Operator..Result.NotMatched.match(opResult)) {
EvtImpl.doDetachIfNeeded(handler, opResult);
const handlerTrigger = this.handlerTriggers.get(handler);
//NOTE: Possible if detached while in the loop. if (!handlerTrigger) { continue; }
if (extract) { return true; }
return false;
private postAsyncFactory() { return runExclusive.buildMethodCb( (data: T, postChronologyMark: number, releaseLock?) => {
if (this.asyncHandlerCount === 0) { releaseLock(); return; }
const promises: Promise<void>[] = [];
let chronologyMarkStartResolveTick: number;
//NOTE: Must be before handlerTrigger call. Promise.resolve().then( () => chronologyMarkStartResolveTick = this.getChronologyMark() );

for (const handler of [...this.handlers]) {
if (!handler.async) { continue; }
const opResult = invokeOperator( this.getStatelessOp(handler.op), data, true );
if (Operator..Result.NotMatched.match(opResult)) {
EvtImpl.doDetachIfNeeded(handler, opResult);
const handlerTrigger = this.handlerTriggers.get(handler);
if (!handlerTrigger) { continue; }
const shouldCallHandlerTrigger = (() => {
const handlerMark = this.asyncHandlerChronologyMark.get(handler)!;
if (postChronologyMark > handlerMark) { return true; }
const exceptionRange = this.asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange.get(handler);
return ( exceptionRange !== undefined && exceptionRange.lowerMark < postChronologyMark && postChronologyMark < exceptionRange.upperMark && handlerMark > exceptionRange.upperMark );
if (!shouldCallHandlerTrigger) { continue; }
promises.push( new Promise<void>( resolve => handler.promise .then(() => resolve()) .catch(() => resolve()) ) );
if (promises.length === 0) { releaseLock(); return; }
const handlersDump = [...this.handlers];
Promise.all(promises).then(() => {
for (const handler of this.handlers) {
if (!handler.async) { continue; }
if (handlersDump.indexOf(handler) >= 0) { continue; }
this.asyncHandlerChronologyExceptionRange.set( handler, { "lowerMark": postChronologyMark, "upperMark": chronologyMarkStartResolveTick } );
} ); }
declare private postAsync: ((data: T, postChronologyMark: number) => void) | undefined;
private static readonly propsFormMethodNames: Record< "waitFor" | "attach" | "attachExtract" | "attachPrepend" | "attachOnce" | "attachOncePrepend" | "attachOnceExtract" , Handler.PropsFromMethodName > = { "waitFor": { "async": true, "extract": false, "once": true, "prepend": false }, "attach": { "async": false, "extract": false, "once": false, "prepend": false }, "attachExtract": { "async": false, "extract": true, "once": false, "prepend": true }, "attachPrepend": { "async": false, "extract": false, "once": false, "prepend": true }, "attachOnce": { "async": false, "extract": false, "once": true, "prepend": false }, "attachOncePrepend": { "async": false, "extract": false, "once": true, "prepend": true }, "attachOnceExtract": { "async": false, "extract": true, "once": true, "prepend": true } };
isHandled(data: T): boolean { return !!this.getHandlers() .find(({ op }) => !!this.getStatelessOp(op)(data)) ; }
getHandlers(): Handler<T, any>[] { return [...this.handlers]; }
detach(ctx?: CtxLike<any>): Handler<T, any, any>[] {
const detachedHandlers: Handler<T, any>[] = [];
for (const handler of this.getHandlers()) {
if (ctx !== undefined && handler.ctx !== ctx) { continue; }
const wasStillAttached = handler.detach();
//NOTE: It should not be possible. if (!wasStillAttached) { continue; }
return detachedHandlers;
pipe(...args: any[]): Evt<any> {
const evtDelegate = new EvtImpl<any>();
this.addHandler( { ...parsePropsFromArgs<T>(args, "pipe"), "callback": (transformedData: any) => }, EvtImpl.propsFormMethodNames.attach );
return evtDelegate;
waitFor(...args: any[]): Promise<any> { return this.addHandler( parsePropsFromArgs<T>(args, "waitFor"), EvtImpl.propsFormMethodNames.waitFor ).promise; }
$attach(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attach as any)(...inputs); }
attach(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attach"); }
$attachOnce(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attachOnce as any)(...inputs); }
attachOnce(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attachOnce"); }
$attachExtract(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attachExtract as any)(...inputs); }
attachExtract(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attachExtract"); }
$attachPrepend(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attachPrepend as any)(...inputs); }
attachPrepend(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attachPrepend"); }
$attachOncePrepend(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attachOncePrepend as any)(...inputs); }
attachOncePrepend(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attachOncePrepend"); }
$attachOnceExtract(...inputs: any[]) { return (this.attachOnceExtract as any)(...inputs); }
attachOnceExtract(...args: any[]) { return this.__attachX(args, "attachOnceExtract"); }
private __attachX( args: any[], methodName: keyof typeof EvtImpl.propsFormMethodNames ): any {
const propsFromArgs = parsePropsFromArgs<T>(args, "attach*");
const handler = this.addHandler( propsFromArgs, EvtImpl.propsFormMethodNames[methodName] );
return propsFromArgs.timeout === undefined ? this : handler.promise ;
postAsyncOnceHandled(data: T): number | Promise<number> {
if (this.isHandled(data)) { return; }
const d = new Deferred<number>();
this.evtAttach.attachOnce( ({ op }) => !!invokeOperator(this.getStatelessOp(op), data), () => Promise.resolve().then(() => d.resolve( );
post(data: T): number {
overwriteReadonlyProp(this, "postCount", this.postCount + 1);
//NOTE: Must be before postSync. const postChronologyMark = this.getChronologyMark();
const isExtracted = this.postSync(data);
if (isExtracted) { return this.postCount; }
if (this.postAsync === undefined) {
if (this.asyncHandlerCount === 0) { return this.postCount; }
this.postAsync = this.postAsyncFactory();
this.postAsync( data, postChronologyMark );
return this.postCount;
namespace EvtImpl {
//NOTE: For some reason can't set it as static method so we put it here export function doDetachIfNeeded<U = any>( handler: Handler<any, U>, opResult: Operator..Result.Matched<U, any>, once: boolean ): void; export function doDetachIfNeeded( handler: Handler<any, any>, opResult: Operator..Result.NotMatched<any>, ): void; export function doDetachIfNeeded<U = any>( handler: Handler<any, U>, opResult: Operator..Result<U, any>, once?: boolean ): void {
const detach = Operator..Result.getDetachArg(opResult);
if (typeof detach !== "boolean") { const [ctx, error, res] = detach;
if (!!error) { ctx.abort(error); } else { ctx.done(res); } } else if (detach || !!once) { handler.detach(); }
export const Evt: { new <T>(): Evt<T>; readonly prototype: Evt<any>;
readonly create: typeof create;
readonly newCtx: typeof newCtx;
readonly merge: typeof merge;
readonly from: typeof from;
readonly useEffect: typeof useEffect;
readonly getCtx: ReturnType<typeof getCtxFactory>;
readonly loosenType: typeof loosenType;
readonly factorize: typeof factorize;
readonly asPostable: typeof asPostable;
readonly asNonPostable: typeof asNonPostable;
/** */ setDefaultMaxHandlers(n: number): void;
} = EvtImpl;
try{ overwriteReadonlyProp(Evt as any, "name", "Evt"); }catch{}
importProxy.Evt = Evt;