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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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Description: Comparison with the other library that addresses the same concern.


EventEmitter comparison

Let us consider this example, use of EventEmitter:

import { EventEmitter } from "events";

const eventEmitter = new EventEmitter();

eventEmitter.on("text", text => console.log(text));
eventEmitter.once("time", time => console.log(time));

eventEmitter.emit("text", "hi!"); //Prints "hi!"
eventEmitter.emit("time", 123); //Prints "123"
eventEmitter.emit("time", 1234); //Prints nothing ( once )

In EVT the recommended approach is to give every event it’s Evt instance. Translation of the example:

import { Evt } from "evt";
//Or import { Evt } from "" on deno

const evtText = Evt.create<string>();
const evtTime = Evt.create<number>();

evtText.attach(text => console.log(text));
evtTime.attachOnce(time => console.log(time));"hi!");;;

However, the traditional approach that consists of gathering all the events in a single bus is also an option.

import { Evt, to } from "evt";

const evt = Evt.create<
    [ "text",  string ] | 
    [ "time",  number ]

evt.$attach(to("text"), text => console.log(text));
evt.$attachOnce(to("time"), time => console.log(time));["text", "hi!"]);["time", 123]);["time", 1234]);

Run the example

RxJS comparison

“Get started” examples.

Here is a translations of the examples provided as an overview on the RxJS website.

import { fromEvent } from "rxjs";
import { throttleTime, map, scan } from "rxjs/operators";

fromEvent(document, "click")
      map(event => event.clientX), // (TS: clientX does not exsist on type Event)
      scan((count, clientX) => count + clientX, 0)
  .subscribe(count => console.log(count))

/* ------------------------------ */

import { Evt, throttleTime } from "evt";

Evt.from(document, "click")
        event => [ event.clientX ],
        [(clientX, count) => [ count + clientX ], 0]
    .attach(count => console.log(count))

****Run the example

RxJS operators vs EVT operator

Unlike RxJS operators that return Observable EVT operators are function build using native language features, no by composing other pre-existing operators or instantiating any particular class.

Consider that we have an emitter for this data type:

type Data = {
    type: "TEXT";
    text: string;
} | {
    type: "AGE";
    age: number;

We want to get a Promise<string> that resolves with the next text event.

import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { filter, first, map } from "rxjs/operators";

const subject = new Subject<Data>();

const prText = subject
            (data): data is Extract<Data, { type: "TEXT" }> => 
                data.type === "TEXT"
        map(data => data.text) 

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evt = new Evt<Data>();

const prText = evt.waitFor(
    data => data.type !== "TEXT" ? 
        null : [data.text] 

****Run the example****

Let us consider another example involving state encapsulation. Here we want to accumulate all texts events until "STOP"

import { Subject } from "rxjs";
import { map, filter, takeWhile, scan } from "rxjs/operators";

const subject = new Subject<Data>();

            (data): data is Extract<Data, { type: "TEXT" }> => 
                data.type === "TEXT"
        map(data=> data.text),
        takeWhile(text => text !== "STOP"),
        scan((prev, text) => `${prev} ${text}`, "=>")
    .subscribe(str => console.log(str))

/* ---------------------------------------------------------------- */

import { Evt } from "evt";

const evtData = new Evt<Data>();

        (data, prev) =>
            data.type !== "TEXT" ?
                null :
                data.text === "STOP" ?
                    "DETACH" :
                    [`${prev} ${data.text}`]
    ], //<= Stateful fλ operator 
    str => console.log(str)

****Run the example****

Where to start

The API reference documentation is full of runnable examples that should get you started in no time.