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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import { Evt, Handler, Ctx } from "../lib/index.ts";import { assert } from "";import { getPromiseAssertionApi } from "../tools/testing/index.ts";import { sameFactory } from "../tools/inDepth/index.ts";import { getHandlerPr } from "./getHandlerPr.ts";

const { same } = sameFactory({ "takeIntoAccountArraysOrdering": false });
const { mustResolve } = getPromiseAssertionApi();
const evtText = new Evt<string>();
const evtAge = new Evt<number>();
const ctx = Evt.newCtx();
const prText = getHandlerPr(evtText,()=> evtText.attach(ctx, () => assert(false)));const prAge = getHandlerPr(evtAge, ()=> evtAge.attach(ctx, () => assert(false)));
const handlers_ = [ ...(evtText.getHandlers() as Handler<string, any, Ctx<any>>[]).map(handler => ({ handler, "evt": evtText })), ...(evtAge.getHandlers() as Handler<string, any, Ctx<any>>[]).map(handler => ({ handler, "evt": evtAge }))];
mustResolve({ "promise": getHandlerPr( ctx.evtDoneOrAborted, () => ctx.evtDoneOrAborted.attachOnce( ({ handlers }) => assert(same( handlers, handlers_ )) ))});
mustResolve({ "promise": getHandlerPr( evtAge.evtDetach, ()=> evtAge.evtDetach.attachOnce(handler => assert(handler.ctx === ctx)) ), "delay": 0});
const prTest = Promise.all([ mustResolve({ "promise": ctx.evtDetach.waitFor( ({ handler, evt }) => ( evt === evtText && handler.ctx === ctx && handler.timeout === undefined && handler.promise === prText ) ) }), mustResolve({ "promise": ctx.evtDetach.waitFor( ({ handler, evt }) => ( evt === evtAge && handler.ctx === ctx && handler.timeout === undefined && handler.promise === prAge ) ) })]);

assert(evtText.getHandlers().length === 0);assert(evtAge.getHandlers().length === 0);"nothing");;
prTest.then(() => console.log("PASS"));