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💧EventEmitter's typesafe replacement
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import type { LightMap } from "../minimal-polyfills/LightMap.ts";import type { LightSet } from "../minimal-polyfills/LightSet.ts";import { assert } from "";import { MapLike, SetLike, ArrayLike, DateLike } from "./types.ts";import { overwriteReadonlyProp } from "";
/** Will work with: * Array * Set * Map * Date * Plain object * * Any primary type. * * Best effort for object of custom class. */export const copy = (() => {
const copyRec = <T>(obj: T, freeze: boolean, alreadyCloned: LightMap<any, any>): T => {
if (typeof obj !== "object" || obj === null) { return obj; }
if (alreadyCloned.has(obj)) { return alreadyCloned.get(obj)!; }
assert(typeof obj !== "function", "Functions can't be cloned");
const onCreate = <T>(out: T): T => {
alreadyCloned.set(obj, out);
return out;
const onReturn = <T>(out: T): T => {
if (freeze) { Object.freeze(out); }
return out;
const rec = <T>(obj: T): T => copyRec(obj, freeze, alreadyCloned);
if (MapLike.match(obj)) {
const Map: { new <K, V>(): LightMap<K, V>; } = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;
const out = onCreate(new Map<any, any>());
Array.from(obj.keys()) .forEach(key => out.set(key, rec(obj.get(key)))) ;
return onReturn(out as any as T);
if (SetLike.match(obj)) {
const Set: { new <V>(): LightSet<V>; } = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;
const out = onCreate(new Set<any>());
Array.from(obj.values()) .forEach(value => out.add(rec(value))) ;
return onReturn(out as any as T);
if (ArrayLike.match(obj)) {
const Array: { new <T>(): ArrayLike<T>; } = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;
const out = onCreate(new Array<any>());
for (let i = 0; i < obj.length; i++) {
if (!(`${i}` in obj)) { continue; }
overwriteReadonlyProp(out, i, rec(obj[i]));

return onReturn(out as any as T);
if( DateLike.match(obj) ){
const Date: { new (time: number): DateLike; } = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj).constructor;
const out = onCreate(new Date(obj.getTime()));
return onReturn(out as any as T);
const proto = Object.getPrototypeOf(obj);
const out: T = onCreate(Object.create(proto));
alreadyCloned.set(obj, out);
const names = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(obj);
for (const name of names) {
const prop = { ...Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, name)! };
assert(!prop.get && !prop.set, "can't clone getter and setter");
prop.value = rec(prop.value);
Object.defineProperty(out, name, prop);
return onReturn(out);
return function copy<T>( obj: T, options: { freeze: boolean } = { "freeze": false } ): T { return copyRec(obj, options.freeze, new Map()); }
