import { type dom } from "";
const { ParentNode } = dom;
children: HTMLCollectionReturns the child elements.
firstElementChild: Element | nullReturns the first child that is an element, and null otherwise.
lastElementChild: Element | nullReturns the last child that is an element, and null otherwise.
append(...nodes: (Node | string)[]): void
Inserts nodes after the last child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated.
prepend(...nodes: (Node | string)[]): void
Inserts nodes before the first child of node, while replacing strings in nodes with equivalent Text nodes.
Throws a "HierarchyRequestError" DOMException if the constraints of the node tree are violated.
querySelector<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): HTMLElementTagNameMap[K] | null
Returns the first element that is a descendant of node that matches selectors.
querySelector<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): SVGElementTagNameMap[K] | null
querySelectorAll<K extends keyof HTMLElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): NodeListOf<HTMLElementTagNameMap[K]>
Returns all element descendants of node that match selectors.
querySelectorAll<K extends keyof SVGElementTagNameMap>(selectors: K): NodeListOf<SVGElementTagNameMap[K]>
querySelectorAll<E extends Element = Element>(selectors: string): NodeListOf<E>