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Small web framework with near-native performance.
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import { serve, type ServeInit,} from "";
export type Middleware = ( ctx: Context, next: NextFunction,) => Promise<unknown> | unknown;
export type NextFunction = ( ctx?: Context,) => Promise<Response>;
export interface Context { request: Request; params: Record<string, string>; assert: ( expr: unknown, status?: number, message?: string, init?: ResponseInit, ) => asserts expr;}
export interface ContextInit { request: Request; params?: Record<string, string>;}
export const createContext = ({ request, params = {},}: ContextInit): Context => ({ request, params, assert(expr, status = 500, message = "Assertion failed.", init) { if (expr) return; throw new ServerError(status, message, init); },});
export class ServerError extends Error { expose: boolean; init: ResponseInit;
constructor(status: number, message?: string, init: ResponseInit = {}) { super(message ?? "Internal Server Error"); this.init = { status, ...init }; this.expose = status < 500; }}
const isJSON = (val: unknown) => { try { const s = JSON.stringify(val); JSON.parse(s); return true; } catch { return false; }};
const decode = (res: unknown) => { if (res instanceof Response) return res; if (typeof res === "string") return new Response(res); if (isJSON(res)) return Response.json(res); throw new Error("Invalid response");};
const compose = (middlewares: Middleware[]) => { let ctx: Context; let cur = -1; const max = middlewares.length; let next: NextFunction; return next = async (c = ctx) => ++cur >= max ? new Response("Not Found", { status: 404 }) : decode(await middlewares[cur](ctx = c, next));};
// deno-lint-ignore no-explicit-anyconst convert = (error: any) => { let { message, expose = false, init = { status: 500 } } = error; if (!expose) message = "Internal Server Error"; return Response.json({ message }, init);};
interface Match { middlewares: Middleware[]; params?: Record<string, string>;}
export interface Application { get(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; post(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; put(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; patch(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; delete(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; options(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; head(path: string, ...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; use(...middlewares: Middleware[]): Application; handle(request: Request): Promise<Response>; serve(init?: ServeInit): Promise<void>;}
export class Application { #patterns: Set<URLPattern>; #middlewares: Middleware[]; #routes: Record<string, Middleware[]>; #cache: Record<string, Match | null>;
constructor() { this.#patterns = new Set(); this.#middlewares = []; this.#routes = this.#cache = {};
// Define methods // deno-fmt-ignore-line const methods = ['get', 'post', 'put', 'patch', 'delete', 'options', 'head'] as const; for (const method of methods) { this[method] = (path, ...middlewares) => this.#add(path, method.toUpperCase(), middlewares); } }
#add(path: string, method: string, middlewares: Middleware[]) { const id = method + path; const route = this.#routes[id]; if (route) route.push(...middlewares); const pattern = new URLPattern({ pathname: path }); this.#patterns.add(pattern); this.#routes[id] = middlewares; return this; }
#match(url: string, method: string) { const id = method + url; const hit = this.#cache[id]; if (hit) return hit; const pattern = [...this.#patterns].find((p) => p.test(url)); const middlewares = this.#routes[method + pattern?.pathname]; if (!middlewares) return this.#cache[id] = null; if (pattern?.pathname.includes(":")) { const exec = pattern.exec(url); const params = exec?.pathname.groups; return this.#cache[id] = { middlewares, params }; } else return this.#cache[id] = { middlewares }; }
use(...middlewares: Middleware[]) { const at = this.#middlewares.length - 1; this.#middlewares.splice(at, 0, ...middlewares); return this; }
handle = (request: Request) => { const match = this.#match(request.url, request.method); const ctx = createContext({ request, params: match?.params }); const middlewares = match ? this.#middlewares.concat(match.middlewares) : this.#middlewares; return compose(middlewares)(ctx).catch(convert); };
serve = (opts?: ServeInit) => serve(this.handle, opts);}
export default () => new Application();