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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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Dependency Injection Example

├── tsconfig.json
├── main.ts
├── root.controller.ts
├── hello.controller.ts
├── hello.service.ts
├── mobile.gateway.ts
└── web.gateway.ts

File Description

File Used for
tsconfig.json typescript config
main.ts application entry point
root.controller.ts controller, contain root route and handler
hello.controller.ts controller, contain several routes and handler
hello.service.ts very simple bussiness logic
mobile.gateway.ts gateway, contain several controller
web.gateway.ts gateway, contain several controller

Application Entry Point

This is the application entry point. You no longer need import anything. createServer function already load all handlers and services for you.

import { createServer } from "../../mod.ts";
const server = await createServer();
await server.listen();


deno run -c tsconfig.json --allow-net --allow-read main.ts