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The Deno 2 Release Candidate is here
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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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Topic Module Description
Basic hello.controller.ts hello world
Basic hello/v1/hello.controller.ts hello world v1
Basic hello/v2/hello.controller.ts hello world v2
URL Prefix hello/v1/prefix.controller.ts add prefix declaration on controller
URL Params hello/v1/params.controller.ts Add dynamic url parameter
URL Redirect hello/v1/redirect.controller.ts URL redirect
Query Params hello/v1/queryall.controller.ts get all query params
Query Params hello/v1/querybyname.controller.ts get query params by name
Cookie cookie/set.controller.ts set cookie
Cookie cookie/get.controller.ts get cookie
Cookie cookie/cookies.controller.ts get a list of all cookies
Cookie cookie/clear.controller.ts clear cookie
Form form/post.controller.ts post payload handling. JSON, multipart, url encoded
Proxy proxy.controller.ts Get the content of another URL and send it as a response
Middleware middleware.controller.ts Access the request object before the controllers process it
Template Rendering hello/v3/hello.controller.ts Render html content
Data validation options.controller.ts Validate data