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Fast and simple web application framework for deno
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title: β€œManual” description: Your essential guide to mastering web frameworks - from fundamentals to advanced techniques. Unlock the full potential of web development. image:

This is documentation on how to use, build, and deploy the app. Let’s start from the very beginning. Don’t worry, it’s very easy.

Table of contents

Your first end point

Make sure you have Deno installed. See the deno manual for details.

Create a folder for your project.

mkdir my-project

And enter to it.

cd my-project

Create a main.ts file for deno-cli entry point.

import fastro from "";

const f = new fastro();

f.get("/", () => "Hello, World!");

await f.serve();

Run the app

deno run -A main.ts

You can change the method with:, f.put, f.delete, f.options, and f.head.

You can also return handlers of several types: JSON, Array, Number, Boolean, Response and JSX (Server Side Rendering).

You can find more cases on the examples page.

Deno standard handler signature

Fastro use Deno standard library, so you can also add Request and ConnInfo params for the handler.

type Handler = (
  request: Request,
  connInfo: ConnInfo,
) => Response | Promise<Response>;

This code is used to get client IP address:

import { ConnInfo } from "";
import fastro from "";

const f = new fastro();

f.get("/", (_req: Request, info: ConnInfo) => {
  const addr = info.remoteAddr as Deno.NetAddr;
  const ip = addr.hostname;
  return new Response(`Your IP address is <b>${ip}</b>`, {
    headers: { "content-type": "text/html" },

await f.serve();

Fastro handler signature

Fastro extends Request and ConnInfo to add functionality.

type RequestHandler = (
  request: HttpRequest,
  ctx: Context,
) => Response | Promise<Response>;

Text response

This code will send response Hello world text with the http status.

import fastro, {
} from "";

const f = new fastro();

  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    return ctx.send("Helo world", 200);

await f.serve();

You can also send several types of document: JSON, Array, Number, Boolean, and JSX (Server Side Rendering).

You can find more cases on the examples page.

URL params and query

This code will get url params and query from url http://localhost:8000/agus?title=lead and then send JSON response with http status.

import fastro, { HttpRequest } from "";

const f = new fastro();

f.get("/:user", (req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
  const data = { user: req.params?.user, name: req.query?.name };
  return ctx.send(data, 200);

await f.serve();


You can access HttpRequest and Context and process them before the handler you define.

type MiddlewareArgument = (
  request: HttpRequest,
  ctx: Context,
  next: Next,
) => Promise<unknown> | unknown;

There are two types middleware:

  • App level middleware
  • Route level middleware

App level middleware

This type of middleware will run on all routes.

The code below will:

  • return You are not authorized text if the url is /admin.
  • go to the next handler (return Hello world)
import fastro from "";

const f = new fastro();

// app middleware
f.use((req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
  if (req.url === "/admin") {
    return ctx.send("You are not authorized");

  console.log(`%c${req.method} %c${req.url}`, "color: blue", "color: green");
  return next();

// handler
  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    return ctx.send("Helo world", 200);

await f.serve();

Route level middleware

This type of middleware only executed for specific route.

import fastro from "";

const f = new fastro();

  // path
  // route middleware
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    console.log(`%c${req.method} %c${req.url}`, "color: blue", "color: green");
    return next();
  // handler
  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    return ctx.send("Helo world", 200);

await f.serve();

You can also add multiple middleware in one route.

  // path
  // route middleware #1
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    // middleware implementation
    return next();
  // route middleware #2
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    // middleware implementation
    return next();
  // route middleware #3
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    // middleware implementation
    return next();
  // handler
  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    return ctx.send("Helo world", 200);

Static file

You can setup static file with static function.

Fastro.static(path: string, options?: {
    maxAge?: number;
    folder?: string;
}): Fastro

It has two arguments:

  • path: string
  • options: { maxAge?: number; folder?: string; }

This code will serve static files from a static folder with maxAge: 90 and a complete url for a png image: https://localhost:8000/static/image.png

import fastro from "";

const f = new fastro();

f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 });

await f.serve();


You can render markdown files using middleware.

The constructor has optional options consisting of:

  • header: FunctionComponent.
  • footer: FunctionComponent.
  • folder: string.
  • options: RenderOptions.

Just put your markdown to your child of your root project, and access them without file extension.

import fastro from "";
import markdown from "";

const f = new fastro();
const m = new markdown({ folder: "docs" });

f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 });

await f.serve();

Server Side Rendering

You can create SSR endpoint by using string, element: Component, ...handler: Array<MiddlewareArgument>): Fastro

It has 3 arguments:

  • path: string
  • Component: JSX.Element or FunctionComponent
  • Handler: MiddlewareArgument

This is the simple SSR entry-point:

import fastro, {
} from "";
import user from "../pages/user.tsx";

const f = new fastro();

f.static("/static", { folder: "static", maxAge: 90 });
  // path
  // preact component
  // handler
  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    const options = {
      props: { data: "Guest" },
      status: 200,
      html: { head: { title: "Preact Component" } },
    return ctx.render(options);

await f.serve();

For app pages, these are the rules:

If you use JSX.Element, server will only render the element into HTML with no JS file.

If you use FunctionComponent, server will create hydration file and render FunctionComponent as HTML together with bundled file from build process.

This is the user.tsx page that return FunctionComponent with props. So you can pass a dynamic value to it.

Look at the simple SSR deno-cli entry point above. There is props field in the ctx.render options.

import { h } from "";

const User = (props: { data: string }) => <h1>Hello {}</h1>;

export default User;

This is the user.tsx page that return JSX.Element with no props. So you can not pass anything.

import { h } from "";

const User = <h1>Hello Guest</h1>;

export default User;

You can also add route middleware to before actual handler.
  // path
  // react component
  // middleware #1
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    // middleware implementation
    return next();
  // middleware #2
  (_req: HttpRequest, _ctx: Context, next: Next) => {
    // middleware implementation
    return next();
  // handler
  (_req: HttpRequest, ctx: Context) => {
    const options = {
      props: { data: "Guest" },
      status: 200,
      html: { head: { title: "React Component" } },
    return ctx.render(options);

Route grouping

To group routes for a specific feature, you can use f.register.

Fastro.register(mf: ModuleFunction): Fastro

ModuleFunction is the only parameter for this function.

type ModuleFunction = (f: Fastro) => Fastro;

This code groups the productModule and userModule routes.

import fastro, { Fastro } from "";

const f = new fastro();

const helloModule = (f: Fastro) => {
  return f.get("/", () => "Hello World");

const userModule = (f: Fastro) => {
  const path = `/api/user`;
  return f.get(path, () => "Get user")
    .post(path, () => "Add user")
    .put(path, () => "Update user")
    .delete(path, () => "Delete user");

const productModule = (f: Fastro) => {
  const path = `/api/product`;
  return f.get(path, () => "Get product")
    .post(path, () => "Add product")
    .put(path, () => "Update product")
    .delete(path, () => "Delete product");


await f.serve();

Default SSR template

To generate default SSR app folders and files, execute this command:

deno run -A -r

Please note, the -A argument allows deno to access all permissions, and -r argument is to reload source code cache (recompile TypeScript).

You will see several scripts:

β”œβ”€β”€ .github
β”‚   └── workflows
β”‚       └── build.yml
β”œβ”€β”€ .gitignore
β”œβ”€β”€ .vscode
β”‚   └── settings.json
β”œβ”€β”€ deno.json
β”œβ”€β”€ main.ts
β”œβ”€β”€ pages
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ app.tsx
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ layout.ts
β”‚   └── mod.ts
β”œβ”€β”€ static
β”‚   └── app.css
└── uuid
    └── mod.ts

6 directories, 11 files
File Use for
main.ts Deno cli entry point. This is the first script executed when you run deno task start
uuid/mod.tsx UUID module function. This is the API for UUID feature. Create a new folder and a module function file if you want to add a new feature
pages/mod.tsx Page module function. This is the module for all SSR pages
pages/app.tsx Application page. This is the initial react SSR for your app
pages/layout.ts App layout. Defines initial data, meta, css, class, and script
app.css CSS file. Describes how HTML elements should be displayed. See: CSS tutorial
deno.json App configuration. See: deno config
settings.json User and Workspace Settings for VSCode. See: vs-code settings
build.yml Automate, customize, and execute your software development workflows right in your repository. See Github action
.gitignore Specifies intentionally untracked files that Git should ignore. See: gitignore Step by step instructions

To run locally, execute this command:

deno task start


The default environment is production. But if you want to run with DEVELOPMENT environment, execute deno command with ENV=DEVELOPMENT.

ENV=DEVELOPMENT deno run -A --watch main.ts

This will refresh your page if the typescript file changes.


You can deploy to production using deno deploy.

And your-project will be deployed to a public subdomain.