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title: “Server Side Rendering” description: Setup Server Side Rendering (SSR) Page image:To create SSR (Server-Side Rendering), we have four main steps:
- Create the TSX or function component.
- Create a hydration file for the component and build it with esbuild.
- Attach the built component to the HTML layout.
- Render the final HTML layout and component from the server.
We’ve already streamlined these steps. All you need to prepare are the component, layout, and entry point.
Create component modules/web/hello.tsx
export const hello = () => {
return <h1>Hello</h1>;
Create layout modules/web/app.layout.tsx
import { LayoutProps } from "";
export function layout(
{ data, children }: LayoutProps<{ title: string }>,
) {
return (
<body id="root">
Create entry point main.ts
import fastro from "";
import { layout } from "$fastro/modules/web/app.layout.tsx";
import hello from "$fastro/modules/web/";
const f = new fastro();"/", {
component: hello,
handler: (_req, ctx) => ctx.render({ title: "Hello world" }),
folder: "modules/web",
You can find a more complete example in the template repository.