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A set of atomic components for use with Preact/Tailwind based sites needing social UX.
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{ "tasks": { "build": "deno task build:fmt && deno task build:lint && deno task build:tailwind && deno task test", "build:fmt": "deno fmt", "build:lint": "deno lint", "build:tailwind": "deno run -A tailwind-components.config.ts", "check": "deno fmt --check && deno lint && deno check **/*.ts && deno check **/*.tsx", "deploy": "deno task build && ftm git", "dev-config": "deno task dev-tailwind", "dev-tailwind": "echo '// deno-lint-ignore no-empty\n{}' > tailwind.config.js", "npm:build": "deno run -A scripts/", "npm:publish": "npm publish ./build --access public", "test": "deno test -A ./tests/tests.ts --coverage=cov" }, "imports": { "$dnt": "", "preact": "", "preact/": "" }, "compilerOptions": { "jsx": "react-jsx", "jsxImportSource": "preact" }, "fmt": { "include": ["./**/*.ts", "./**/*.tsx"], "exclude": [], "options": {} }, "lint": { "include": ["./**/*.ts", "./**/*.tsx"], "exclude": [], "rules": { "include": [], "exclude": [] } }, "unstable": ["kv"]}