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The API and real-time application framework
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// DO NOT MODIFY - generated from packages/feathers/src/application.ts
import version from './version.ts';import { EventEmitter, stripSlashes, createDebug, HOOKS} from './dependencies.ts';import { eventHook, eventMixin } from './events.ts';import { hookMixin } from './hooks/index.ts';import { wrapService, getServiceOptions } from './service.ts';import { FeathersApplication, ServiceMixin, Service, ServiceOptions, ServiceInterface, Application, HookOptions, FeathersService, HookMap, LegacyHookMap} from './declarations.ts';import { enableLegacyHooks } from './hooks/legacy.ts';
const debug = createDebug('@feathersjs/feathers');
export class Feathers<ServiceTypes, AppSettings> extends EventEmitter implements FeathersApplication<ServiceTypes, AppSettings> { services: ServiceTypes = ({} as ServiceTypes); settings: AppSettings = ({} as AppSettings); mixins: ServiceMixin<Application<ServiceTypes, AppSettings>>[] = [ hookMixin, eventMixin ]; version: string = version; _isSetup = false; appHooks: HookMap<Application<ServiceTypes, AppSettings>, any> = { [HOOKS]: [ (eventHook as any) ] };
private legacyHooks: (this: any, allHooks: any) => any;
constructor () { super(); this.legacyHooks = enableLegacyHooks(this); }
get<L extends keyof AppSettings & string> (name: L): AppSettings[L] { return this.settings[name]; }
set<L extends keyof AppSettings & string> (name: L, value: AppSettings[L]) { this.settings[name] = value; return this; }
configure (callback: (this: this, app: this) => void) {, this);
return this; }
defaultService (location: string): ServiceInterface<any> { throw new Error(`Can not find service '${location}'`); }
service<L extends keyof ServiceTypes & string> ( location: L ): FeathersService<this, keyof any extends keyof ServiceTypes ? Service<any> : ServiceTypes[L]> { const path = (stripSlashes(location) || '/') as L; const current =[path];
if (typeof current === 'undefined') { this.use(path, this.defaultService(path) as any); return this.service(path); }
return current as any; }
use<L extends keyof ServiceTypes & string> ( path: L, service: keyof any extends keyof ServiceTypes ? ServiceInterface<any> | Application : ServiceTypes[L], options?: ServiceOptions ): this { if (typeof path !== 'string') { throw new Error(`'${path}' is not a valid service path.`); }
const location = (stripSlashes(path) || '/') as L; const subApp = service as Application; const isSubApp = typeof subApp.service === 'function' &&;
if (isSubApp) { Object.keys( => this.use(`${location}/${subPath}` as any, subApp.service(subPath) as any) );
return this; }
const protoService = wrapService(location, service, options); const serviceOptions = getServiceOptions(service, options);
debug(`Registering new service at \`${location}\``);
// Add all the mixins this.mixins.forEach(fn =>, protoService, location, serviceOptions));
// If we ran setup already, set this service up explicitly, this will not `await` if (this._isSetup && typeof protoService.setup === 'function') { debug(`Setting up service for \`${location}\``); protoService.setup(this, location); }[location] = protoService;
return this; }
hooks (hookMap: HookOptions<this, any>) { const legacyMap = hookMap as LegacyHookMap<this, any>;
if (legacyMap.before || legacyMap.after || legacyMap.error) { return this.legacyHooks(legacyMap); }
if (Array.isArray(hookMap)) { this.appHooks[HOOKS].push(...hookMap as any); } else { const methodHookMap = hookMap as HookMap<Application<ServiceTypes, AppSettings>, any>;
Object.keys(methodHookMap).forEach(key => { const methodHooks = this.appHooks[key] || [];
this.appHooks[key] = methodHooks.concat(methodHookMap[key]); }); }
return this; }
setup () { let promise = Promise.resolve();
// Setup each service (pass the app so that they can look up other services etc.) for (const path of Object.keys( { promise = promise.then(() => { const service: any = this.service(path as any); if (typeof service.setup === 'function') { debug(`Setting up service for \`${path}\``); return service.setup(this, path); } }); }
return promise.then(() => { this._isSetup = true; return this; }); }}